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A jam submission

The moon and the sea - OSTView project page

Submitted by GunterMakesNoise (@GunBrenner) — 1 day, 13 hours before the deadline
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The moon and the sea - OST's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2813.5223.522

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

The Genre is Hybrid/Orchestral with LoFi and Synth influences.

The music represents the imagination of the protagonist.

The setting - a port near the city - and the Main Theme invites the main character to wonder different types of adventures and situations.

"The Shell Dealer" is inspired by discovering a black market where fishermen, port workers and animals trade with shells for goods and information on the secrets of the port.

"I'm The Cat Burglar!" Is the music that plays when getting into the Academy for Cat Burglars where our protagonist trains in order to steal the biggest fish possibles.

"Ship me to the moon" Takes the protagonist and friends into a journey below the surface and into the night sky.

"Time to Go Home" is for the end of the day and going back to the routine.

It was composed in Logic using the same instruments and synths across all pieces.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I tried to recreate water and city textures and the sense of wonder with the music. A soundtrack for imaginary adventures for daydreamers.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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The magic OST! Good ideas, their implementation and scale. I like it!

I'm The Cat Burglar! - my favorite. The contrast of its beginning with the subsequent track is gold

Deleted 35 days ago
Deleted 35 days ago

Really cool sound design and instrument choices! The production and mix sounds great to me, the lofi warble is very neat!

My one complaint is that sometimes it felt like the synths and orchestral elements were clashing especially in the first and second track. But I did really like how you treated the orchestral elements almost like synths with the effects, it gave it a cool and unique vibe and really added to the texture.

Cool entry, great work!


Thanks! Yeah I'm def still trying to look for that good blend of synth-y stuff and orchestral writing! Still a long journey.


Really cool, really unique. Love the mix of the two really different sounds, orchestral and synthetic. I find it to work really well, especially in "I'm The Cat Burglar!". Time to go home is a total vibe, really efficient and with some pretty jazzy harmonies I really loved.


Nice Work, sounds crisp, I can se your LoFi influence with the flutter and semi out of tune from time to time gives a nice "nostalgia" feeling. The Main Theme is really interesting, I think it sounds great but personal opinion, I think that when the synth arpegio starts its great but then the orchestra goes doing grandiose build up but I feel like the synths and orchestra are not working well together, I expected some sort of smooth transitions between the two or a texture change. But its the experimental par,t nonetheless good job !


That's some nice noise Gunter makes! Great OST, I wasn't bored one second, the whole thing was varied and still coherent. Probably like NeatNeet said, try to check out the strings offset, but otherwise really good submission!


The main theme progresses in very unexpected ways (eg 0:40) and the mixture between elements of different styles are amazing!!

I really enjoyed listening to the transformations of the leitmotiv. Without a doubt, very creative!!


I love how strong the leitmotif is and the pinches of cool synth sound here and there. Production is solid throughout and the whole experience was enjoyable. My only critique would be to offset the MIDI for the strings to be a bit earlier since its slow attack was dragging when played along with more precise instruments. This was prevalent in the first two songs.


The first track reminded me of bugsnax when the synth cam in which was cool.

I think the mixing on the last track was off because it was clipping a bit for me.


Ouu will check bugsnax! About the mixing on the last track I'm positive it's not clipping unless there was weird transcoding issue with the mp3s, what may be happening is the lofi/distortion plugins are not translating that well to other playback systems.


it might have just been me


Hey Gunter, how are you? Hopefully you're doing well! Your soundtrack really stands out to me because of hoe rich and atmospheric your tracks sound and because of the way you blended String Instruments with really ambient sounding Synths and pads. I've been looking for a Soundtrack that featured this kind of sound and I think you nailed it! 

First, let's talk "Ship Me To The Moon": I love this track so much! I love that this piece immediately opens with all of these really cool, kind of "echoey" (is that a word?) sounds before introducing the Solo Violin! When the Solo Violin does eventually arrive, there's a really overwhelming Pad or Synth (I'm not sure which) that fills out the texture nicely and also feels really otherworldly and ethereal. This piece does a great job of conveying this wonderful feeling that we're entering a brand new, exciting, and unfamiliar environment and that we're being captured by the wonder of everything that we're seeing. I really love this one, great job Gunter! 

Next, let's talk "Time To Go Home": Simple and beautiful, just as it should be! I think this track perfectly encapsulates the feeling you were trying to achieve, and I'm also loving the Harmonies and Melodies you used in the Piano (I think you used a Minor 4th Chord?). Furthermore, I love that instead of just using a typical Piano sound, you found a way to make this track sound really atmospheric and full just like your previous tracks. As a result, I feel like this composition stands out for its tasteful simplicity and emotional content while still feeling connected to the rest of the Soundtrack thanks to its atmospheric quality. I'm very impressed! 

Anyways, I think you've done a great job Gunter! You seem to have a knack for creating simple, beautiful melodies and harmonies and then combining them with AWESOME Sound Design in order to create these really full, almost overwhelming compositions that are super satisfying! I'm glad you chose to share your music and I look forward to hearing more of your work, best of luck for this Jam Gunter! 


Thanks for the comment and giving it a listen! Ship Me To The Moon might be my fave, the idea behind it was using a pitched and slowed down version of the Main Theme and then just adding the solo violins as a lead. I wanted to try something like this since watching Dunkirk where they use a veeeery slooooow arrangement of Elgar's Nimrod. 

Time To Go Home is my "anime ending" piece haha is just the basic theme melody and harmony. When being this minimal I try to at least make the basic sounds more interesting and that more often than not involves making them a bit more lo-fi/eerie/distorted or re-synthesize them. Usually that's the answer when working with libraries or simple sounds.

Thanks again for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed my work!


Really loved the soundtrack, one of the best I've heard so far! the main theme is really epic and fun to listen to, the violin solo at the start sounds really great. Same goes for the cat burglar cat, it's really fun to listen to and I love the use of the synth at the start.

The other songs are a bit calmer compared to this 2, but still they all have great sound and really good composition!

Great work :D


Thanks a lot for listening and the comment! Cat Burglar has a special place in my heart because it's a bit more prog rock oriented haha 


nice work




...did you listen to Scott Buckley when writing that first piece?

in all seriousness, I enjoyed this soundtrack. There was a lot of creativity with the instrumentation and the story, and while I wasn't fully immersed in every second, I still found myself thoroughly engaged by the time silence finally fell upon my ears. Compositionally, I think every piece is solid. Production-wise, I loved the more ambient tracks towards the end and the main theme at the beginning. The aggressively panned synths in The Shell Dealer were a bit unpleasant to listen to, and the energetic drums and bass in I'm The Cat Burglar! make the track feel a bit disconnected from the rest of the soundtrack.

Overall, I really liked your creativity and experimental production on this OST, most of it was executed very well! :D


Thanks for the comment and kind words! No haha I think I've never listened to Scott Buckley (at least not in an active way). And yeah I was trying to be a bit more experimental and free for this Jam since I don't often get the chance when working on commercial projects.