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Sally O

A member registered Feb 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry for late reply... It does seem to be working for me still but I will look into it and hopefully sort it out asap :) and thanks for your congrats! x

Thanks! Yes, more variety and better mech models are definitely on the list if I get around to making a full version. :)

I just managed to sneak in a play of this before the voting ended and I'm really glad I did! Complex mechanics but in a novel and fun way... Loads of scope for a full game here if you eased players into the gameplay a bit more... The text is excellent... A little more art would have been great but understandable that you didn't have time given how well-developed everything else is. I really really liked this one! :)

Lots of fun, nice simple controls and good solid gameplay! I could have used a few more instructions to help me figure things out but once I got the "swing" of it, I enjoyed playing! :)

Good suggestion and yes, two-player definitely on the cards for the next version! Thanks for playing!

Depends how you eat. ;)

Great work! Feels so polished and full of content already... Really neat mechanic with lots of room to expand... Especially loved the way story content was triggered... Nice art style and smooth UI... I'd play a longer game like this for sure. :)

This was good, clean fun! Well, maybe not clean... I'm a little bit smitten with Her Majesty and enjoyed our time together... Only suggestion is I would have liked to work a little harder for my rewards... Maybe some gentle puzzling? Art, sound and writing all mesh together really well. Nice work! :)

Really cute style and everything works nicely together... Music, art and gameplay... Took me a little while to figure out what I was doing but then the gameplay loop really became fun... I got quite fast at looping through the checkpoints! Is there an end to the game? If so, I don't think I was good enough to get there. ;( Really enjoyed playing anyway!

Okay I did it this time! I really liked it, my sort of thing... The artwork is gorgeous, my favourite of all the jam games I've played so far... Only complaint would be that I wanted more, I'd play a whole game like this with different people coming to wash their clothes in me... !!!

Thanks! I definitely want music in there and I'll add that to the post-jam version for sure! :)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed... Art feedback is especially valued as that's kind of my weak point... :)

Thanks! Hoping to have a post-jam build up before too long. The other characters are all done but I forgot how short February was so didn't get their levels done in time!

Just tried again and can report my highest score is 24 on the left arrow and 34 on the right. I really don't think I can get any faster! Can you do it yourself? I'm worried I might be doing something wrong - just bash both arrows as fast as possible, yes?

This is great - I really hope you do expand this into a full game... Lovely art style and the puzzles are very cool, much better for having no instructions and trusting the player to figure them... I think it ends after that last, really annoying connection on the voltage panel, right? That took me about 10 tries! :D

I want to bang the game! Why can't I bang the game?! :D This was such a tease but was pretty cute too... The writing is nice, the concept is fun... I enjoyed being frustrated!

This is so cute! Really fun and enjoyable idea... Art and music are perfect... I'd agree with the other comment that what would really have lifted it for me is to have a few more animations in the thought bubble, stripping over time... With your fantastic art style, that would also have made it much more risky that I'd get distracted and make her angry!

Thanks! I'm still hoping to finish it - most of the work is done for the other characters but I just didn't have time to put their levels in... I forgot Feb only had 28 days - duh!

Thanks! Yes, you're quite right about the need for a permament indicator. If I expand this into a full game, that's going in for sure. :

Thanks for the super detailed feedback! Lots of good points here, I'm considering making it into a full game so this will be really helpful. :)

Thanks! If I expand it, I definitely want bigger/faster/more complex wheels. And yes, porn music!

This is gorgeous, I love the look and feel of the planes, the gameplay of chasing and swallowing... At first I thought "how is this even mildly erotic?" but I stand corrected... It really is kind of sexy! I played it for rather a long time, would love to see a full game like this.

Ah, it's too hard! I'm not going to rate it yet because I'm hoping you'll be able to patch it with a difficulty fix (pleeease let me know if you do!)... Is it just me..? Is there something wrong with my  keyboard/fingers..? I just couldn't hit the keys fast enough to get past the first section but I reeeally want to play because I loved the art style in the small part I saw. :)

Oh I love this! It's sexy and freaky and weird and funny... Really good stuff, unique atmosphere, nice art, nice music... The first levels are a little boring in terms of gameplay mechanics (but I didn't mind because what was going on was so fantastic) then the last level is super hard! Great gameplay though, I love the idea of dragging stuff past the imps. Only two suggestions: 1) Do something about the scrolling on the last level - it's hellish trying to click something in between the two screen! 2) Consider making each text line skippable without a delay - I'm a fast reader and it was a little frustrating, especially when I was trying to repeat the cake level.

Otherwise, I can't fault this. Super creative and fun! :)

Oh PS the shooting game mechanic is great too. :)

Okay, that's a big score for kink! I really found this cool, the whole aesthetic of the thing... Art and Music... That nicely-walked tightrope between horror and pleasure... Descriptions were great too... Will stick with me for a while, and I do mean that in a good way! :)

!Success! I proved I wasn't a human and I only slipped once (not even robots can resist hot sexy singles, surely?)... I would have liked to have been bombarded by more frequent temptations but then that's me all the time anyway... Great concept & cool retro aesthetics!

Well, mine don't bounce quite like that but they do make that sound! Boobs are so hypnotic... :)

Loved the puzzles and the look and feel is just so polished... Couldn't see much smut and wasn't willing to pay for it (sorry, I'm a pauper!) but I had a good time with this and love the gameplay mechanics and the lack of hand-holding especially. :)

Love it! Gorgeous aesthetic... Music and art play very nicely together... Cute interactions... Gameplay seems frustrating at first but is actually very enjoyable when you figure it out... Nicely paced and doesn't overstay its welcome... I had a blast, would love to see a longer game in this style! BTW the final scene might have frozen for me? Or maybe it's meant to end that abruptly?

Lots of room to develop this... it's a really neat premise with fun management elements... would be cool if you could access information about your subscribers to find out what turns them on - I'd like my streamer to develop their own niche! Nice artwork and sound... UI could use a few licks of paint but in the jam I know none of us had time for that - mine is awful! If you continue making it, I'd like a bit more narrative, for the camgirl to have a real personality... Altogether a sweet idea worth developing. :)