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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, I just wanted to send through this in case it might help you to figure this out. Looks like you just have to generate bulk keys on Steam and enter them into the "external download keys" page as shown here. Then itch automatically gives them out to users who click the "Get Steam Key" button on the game's page.

At the bottom there it says "If your game has been for sale on for a while before being on Steam those who have purchased it can go back to their download page and still get a key."

Good luck!

Thanks for playing! I finally got around to giving your game a go as well 😅 Good luck with the ratings!

An interesting little game. I love the AMAZING cover art and the moody techno-thriller vibes! I also thought the character customisation was a nice touch! I can see this coming in handy if a co-op or party mode was implemented. I can actually see Space Hitter as a battle royale / last-man-standing type of game if it were to be expanded upon. Generally, the game was enjoyable - but I felt like the execution left me wanting.

I think the red screen with the "Start" and "Quit" options was unnecessary as I'd already clicked "Play" on the character creation screen / "Restart" after dying in order to get there - so I obviously wanted to start the game 😅.

Also, IMO, the "Game Over" info should just be in a pop-up in instead of on a completely new screen - and then the artwork of the character could be used as the background on the main menu. It's a fantastic piece of art - it should be shown off! Also, as it is used as the cover on Itch and as the icon for the exe file, this would make the presentation feel a bit more cohesive.

The music is great for the first menu screen and perfectly builds up some tension, but I felt that something more fast-paced would have suited the level more. Speaking of, I thought the character movement was a little slow. The imminent removal of floor tiles from underneath the character and the enemies constantly closing in made me feel a bit frantic - but the movement speed of the character didn't match this feeling.

Overall, I think Space Hitter is off to a good start - I just wanted to leave some feedback to help you take it even further!

Ah no worries, that makes sense. I'm sure everything you have put into the game took a while aha.

Well done on everything you've managed to include so far, I'm definitely hooked!

Thanks a lot! We're really glad you enjoyed it :D

Hey, no worries :)

Oh yeah, that is definately a great design philosophy - I'll have to bear that in mind in my own work 😅. And I can totally see where you're coming from. 

What you guys have created here is definately an enjoyable and memorable experience, there's no doubt about that! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!

Hi :) No problem at all!

Yes, I can absolutely tell that with more time this game could really be one of the greats of the genre. It's evident from the music and dialogue that we do have that you've put in a lot of thought and emotion into this.

Btw I also checked out some of your work in your showreel on Twitter and on Spotify and was blown away 🤩. I really love the track you did for Postcard Memento in particular!

Thanks again for the great experience and good luck with the ratings!

Wow. Just.. wow. 

I've just spent hours playing this and I'm only stopping because it's getting late and I should really go to bed 😅 Otherwise, I don't think I'd ever stop. From the screenshots I could tell this was going to be a new addiction - and boy was I right! do;MIN(0) seems a simple game at first, but its customisable deck-building and deep buff/debuff system keep it feeling fresh every run.

As others have said, a main piece of feedback would be to have the code injections' descriptions be visible on hover instead of the actual code being shown. Some other things that I can't see in the comments so far are:

  • The code injections' descriptions could be shown on the screen where you choose them so you know what you're picking. When Scalab tells you what it does, it's kinda too late (they're already chosen). As a game dev, I could read the code and sort of make sense of what I was choosing, but gamers who don't code probably won't be able to
  • I love the visuals for the game - but I feel there are a couple of different aesthetics vying for dominance here instead of one art style bringing everything together
  • The audio production is top-quality and the different tracks offer some nice variety but, personally, I feel the level music feels out of place and the vocals especially were a bit grating
  • I don't believe it says how to pause in-game or on the game page. It might be good to add a prompt for this
  • I think a different main menu layout would present as more beginner-friendly and make the game feel a little more polished.  I think it should feature Scalab (he's awesome!) and the options Start, Daily Run, Collection (which would show all the discovered cards and code injections) Stats and Exit could appear in a classic vertical list. There could also be an option for the Leaderboard that opens it in a seperate screen

I offer these suggestions because I know with a little more polish I can see this game being put in the same conversation as the really big roguelike deckbuilders (such as Dicey Dungeons). Overall, this is a brilliant game - with an innovative take on this type of gameplay, a great interpretation of the theme and a lot of heart. I have to say "well done" on what you've able able to achieve during the duration of the jam and I really look forward to seeing how/if you develop this further!

Thanks so much for the feedback! Yes, Matty did a great job on the visuals - I'm so glad to have worked with him.

In a post-jam update, I think I'll add a random chance for a spawned bug to be another colour (gold perhaps?) and eating it gives the worm a quick (temporary) speed boost. Let me know what you think of this idea :) I'm also going to add a quick cutscene showing that the worm needs to eat the bugs - thanks for the tip!

I've just checked out your game and left a comment there. Thanks again!

You've crafted a lovely experience here. While text-heavy games such as this aren't usually cup of tea, the story kept me engaged. The music you've chosen pairs well with the pacing and lovely art of the game, and the different tracks suit each scene nicely. It's got a very nice, relaxing vibe.

Like someone else mentioned, the gameplay was a bit repetitive as there wasn't much to do other than click. Perhaps the fishing portion of the game could switch things up? Also, I managed to catch a few fish, but then they stopped biting so I'm glad there was the skip fishing option 😅. 

I'm keen to see how memoria castaway develops and where you plan to take it. At the moment it's a promising start to something really intriguing. Good luck in your plans to develop this one further!

Thanks for checking out my game! Just left a (lengthy, sorry 😅) review on yours. SUCH a nice experience and I would love to see it do well!

What a gorgeous game! The visual style is gorgeous and instantly drew me to Beyond the Underground - and it was on my list of jam games to play very early on. There is a very high level of polish here - from the start menu with an animated logo all the way to a nice credits page, it feels professional and well-made from start to finish.

The music is also lovely and matches the graphics really well! My only feedback here is that it could be a tiny bit more varied. Maybe a different track per level would mix things up a bit and show that the user is progressing?

For me personally, a couple of quality of life additions could be added. First, it was a bit jarring that the user needs to refresh the web page to reset the game - I think a "Restart" option after the credits would be a better choice. Also, I didn't know that you could continuously press the jump button to go up the bubble streams and lost a lot of time trying to make some jumps because of this. I think a pause menu with a controls screen would be a good idea here, or some dialogue about the bubbles that displays the first time the player approaches some.

Gameplay-wise, I think the addition of some obstacles would add a sense of progression to the game. Maybe in levels 2 and 3 there could be some pathways that are blocked off by doors - and the user could unlock these by exploring alternate pathways to find keys. Also, the character is working through some personal struggles in their mind - and it's great that you've used this jam to explore this type of theme - but (for me, at least) the resolution feels a little sudden. Perhaps a "boss" at the end of level 3 would make this breakthrough feel a little more earned. Defeating them could result in the "Welcome back, it's so good to see you" text being displayed. The boss could be something as simple as a darker version of the player, à la Shadow Link in the Zelda games or Badeline in Celeste - but I couldn't say what the game-play would be to defeat them 🤔

Overall, this is a fantastic little game and I know it's going to do really well. I hope you don't find this review too negative - I've actually played Beyond the Underground 4 times now and I just wanted to leave this feedback because I know this game could be on the same level as other great games that tackle mental health issues - such as the aforementioned Celeste. Well done on this excellent game and good luck!

Hey, no worries - and thanks for leaving a comment on my game as well :)

Yeah, those were just my little nitpicks, I always try to think of something I can give feedback on - but I had to think pretty hard about your game haha. 

I'll have to try the next version of the game and check out the changes!

(I played v7 which seems to be the latest jam version.)

A very cute, coherent and polished game! From the blooming flowers over the hovered option in the main menu to the cruncy leaf sound that plays when you pick up something to move it, you can tell a lot of love and effort has been put into 8U6. Also, it's got 40 levels and a level editor (what?!) - that's HUGE! I also appreciated the auto-save feature that shows which levels have been completed in the menu.

 I found the music to be charming and a good fit for the game, but maybe a little bit repetitive. I think having one track per 10 levels would be a good amount, to keep things varied. The only other feedback I could give would be nitpicks, such as putting the next level button above the close button, instead of below.

Possible bugs:

  • From the main menu, clicking "Custom" and then "cancel" on the file open dialog causes an empty level to be loaded and then shown as completed. 
  • I couldn't beat 3-7 so skipped ahead. After beating the others I was able to access level 4-1. I quit to go back to the menu to try and go for 3-7 again but then I couldn't access 4-1 from the menu. This might be by design (i.e., it appears when all 30 of the previous levels are beaten but I'm not sure).

All-in-all a great experience and one of my favourites from the jam so far!

Considering you mention it being a little underdeveloped on the game page, I actually thought Wandering Eyes was really great! I don't think it needs to be too much more than it is, but I would love to see how you would develop it further. For me, it would just need more - I really wanna see where this is going because the game does a great job at drawing you in and making you feel like you're about to experience something unique. It's very intriguing. 

The audio, lighting effects and shader really come together to cultivate a dark, moody vibe. The aesthetics are great - and the cutscenes do well at moving the game along and make it feel more polished.

My only feedback would be that I wasn't too sure what to do at some points. The scene where you had to move the switch to open the door and the next where you had to knock the doll out of the springy bug's hand had me stumped for a bit - but I'm not too experienced with point and click games tbh. Maybe you could include an option in the main menu to show hints for beginners like me 😅

Really loved this! Fantastic gameplay that feels like nothing I've played before. I had a lot of fun squashing squashy bugs - VERY satisfying! The graphics and aesthetic are great. You can tell a lot of effort has been put into this game from the second you see the yellow splash screen. There's even a leaderboard?? Wow!

Any feedback I can think of would be very minor. Maybe the music could switch up / get faster or "busier" as the difficulty ramps up. The soundtrack is great at the moment but after a while I thought it could do with a bit of variety. Also an indication of how many levels there are might be a good idea. While I was in no way waiting for the game to end, I think it would be good to let people know how far into it they are. Lastly, a retry option after each level might be good so that completionists like me don't have to start from the beginning to try and get all those little nasties that got away XD