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A member registered Apr 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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yessss just got an email:


Come join us later as we play, talk about, and announce the winning games of this years Community Game Jam 👾

Where: our Twitch channel 👉

When: Today @ 2pm Pacific Time (which is 5pm Eastern Time or 10pm in the UK and 7am on Saturday for AEST folks).

Will do a stream and play some of the games from the jam when the ratings are out? Just curious, I might watch it if I'm not busy!

Very cool your stream, great idea!!

I followed your tip and I added screenshots and a background. Also did it for my previous game while I was at it. Thanks a bunch!

Don't worry my friend, it simply means you're not a real simp! Nothing to be ashamed of.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!! :)

Thank you for your comment! Sorry the game made you sad!

I agree with you, it is very easy (too easy) to buy everything. Setting the prices was among the last few things I did (something like... 1h before the deadline). It is indeed not calibrated at all. :(

Someone also suggested dialogues once we buy everything of a type of badges, I thought it was a good idea too. There's a lot of room for improvement, no doubt.

I hope you liked the game anyway :) Thanks again for your comment!!

Hello! I wanted to try your game, but I had so much difficulty in naming the pet (how can you leave the naming screen if all the buttons add letters?), and I couldn't reset... when I pressed the "Y" nothing happened.  :(

Very fun game!! I got 22 weeks, but I have no idea whether that's good or bad lol... anyway cool game

Big ups for the story and overall mood. I found the unfinished character and all, pretty cool way of breaking the fourth wall!

I got stuck in so many places though :( It was hard to play because of it :(

Ah yes, I thought about adding dialogues after having bought every car and building, but I didn't have enough time. (I published the game like half an hour before the end of the jam, I was afraid to miss the deadline). I also thought about adding achievements to make it worthwhile between the "main story" milestones, but alas, not enough time either. I really didn't manage my time too well.

About the leveling up: that's a good idea, I wish I thought of it.

Truth be told, I don't think you're supposed to reach 100k subs by clicking on it manually. I personally use an auto-clicker!

Thanks so much for your comments, I'm really glad you tried it!!

ok cool! Do you know what makes it not work for macOS? Do you know what I have to do differently for it to work? I'm so sorry I really have no idea what I'm doing lol

I just added Linux and macOS builds as well... did it through Unity, I couldn't test them as I do not use these platforms. Thanks @heckert for the tip!

I've added builds for macOS and Linux. I didn't test them as I do not own these platforms, but it was all done automatically through Unity, so I'm assuming it works!

If you really want to reach 100k, you probably need to use an auto-clicker... like this one: I don't think people will click 100k times on it lol

I'm proud of you :')

Do we ever really quit though!? ;)

Thanks so much, I'm glad you like it!! The end is in the spirit of the game ;)

Thank you so much, I'm very happy that you liked it! A simple game, but a tad too real! :P

I have uploaded a new version of the game, seeing as some people liked it!

Here's the minor changes I've done:

1) I've fixed the accrual speed (it was ~double what it was supposed to be)

2) I've fixed some dialogue grammar/spelling errors

3) I've fixed a minor UI issue whereby the most expensive car's price would overflow to the next line

Good luck to all, and may you find the energy to never stop simping!

I waited at the last minute, I worked all night last night and all day today on it... I had to get up early and all to work on it lol

I should've done a lot more last week lol

I panicked too, I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do lol

Yes you can!

Short answer: yes you can.

Long answer:

Quick question: since we have to send the source code and assets and whatnot, does it mean that we're releasing rights from whatever we've created? Like are we making a statement on what the license is for whatever we upload?

Good luck!! I thought 31 days was short for my first time, I can't imagine 10 days!