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Selkie Harbour

A member registered Jul 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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we’re so sorry you found a hard block in the game :( but thank you so much for sharing your own personal ending, it’s beautiful

We’re so glad you enjoyed the game! there’s only one ending, thx for playing :)

sorry we have no plans to support 32-bit systems :(

Sorry we don’t have any plans to release this game on mac :(

That’s weird. I can only think of two potential solutions:

  1. It could be a corrupted download. You can try to download it again, maybe you get lucky.
  2. You could be trying to run the game in a path that’s quite long? I doublt it’s that, but you can always try to put the game folder somewhere close to the root path (like C:/ISAC or something like that), and see if that works.

I’m out of ideas here, and as this is the first time we hear about this issue it looks like it’s more of a local problem you’re having :(

I hope this helps you though!

thank you! We’re sorry to hear that, right now the only way to simplify the visuals of the holographic screen is lowering the graphics quality in the options menu, hopefully that helps. If it doesn’t I’m sorry but I don’t think we’ll find the time to add the necessary accessibility option but we are noting this down so it doesn’t happen in future games, thank you so much for your feedback 🙇

We’d like to but it requires some extra time as we need to fix some compilation issues for clang to be able to ship it to linux, so sadly I’m not sure if we’ll be able to do it as we’re busy with other projects right now :(

However, we also don’t want to fully deny the possibility as we may end up finding a time window that allows us to do so. If we release a linux version, we’ll make a devlog to notify everybody that would like to play in there.

Thanks for your interest!

glad it worked and thank you for playing! we’re happy you liked it 🥰

hey, hello! I’ve downloaded the file just in case and everything works as intended so it has to be something related to your setup. The things I can think right now are:

  1. Try a file archive software different than WinRAR (for example, 7zip)

  2. Maybe it’s related to your connection: if it’s unstable it can corrupt the files you download. Maybe there was a problem in your network when you were trying to download the game?

I hope this helps! If it doesn’t… I can’t think of anything else that may be causing your issue 🥲

Thank you so much for playing! we’re so happy you enjoyed the game but sadly we must disclose that there’s only one ending 🥲

this is really good! the mood and the mechanics are great

my only criticism is that dying feels annoying (is it really that necessary? repeating falling down sections is not that fun)

thank you so much for the game! I think it has a lot of potential for a bigger development

of course! thank you

The mood is really nice, really liked it.

I started playing without reading how to play and was so lost I had to restart. I’d say the charge needs some kind of feedback so you do see how much charge you have. It would improve the gamefeel a lot just with a small change (a small scaling of the triangle would suffice I think)

I feel the game has a lot of potential to be engaging but sadly it goes a bit against itself. You have a radar to see your surroundings better but… you don’t need it? You see your surroundings, there’s no need for the radar. It’s useful to see the objects yes, but do they even do something? I can see the danger, but every time I was killed was due to a fish crossing the screen way too fast, leaving me no room to escape because the dash charged too slowly.

Despite of all that, I love the dithered background and the feeling of diving deeper is very well acomplished.

Thank you for the game!

We interpreted the theme in the same direction! Was fun to see how different the games are though.

Traversal was a bit sticky and the layout confusing, sadly I didn’t manage to find the sinking ship :(

Voted! Congrats on surviving the jam!

I understand, sorry the game didn’t run smoothly on your machine. We tried to make different graphic qualities so most of the people could play it but still there’s a limit :(

Thank you for playing though!

Here’s our game, pretty close to 20 ratings too

We’ll help as well when we have some free time and rate some!

Loved the first sentence hahaha very nice cross reference.

It’s always very nice to read a small in-depth analysis like yours, thank you so much for playing!

Thank you so much for the compliments & the feedback!

We aren’t thinking on making this one a commercial release but we wouldn’t reject a suitcase full of money to make it happen haha

This was definitely very intriguing and innovative.

The biggest problems I found were on the readability of the things I was able to do on each sub-game, especially on the 2d platformer one. I recognise the same world in the terminal, rpg & 3d but the 2d platformer is way too abstract. I couldn’t figure out how to pick up the key after breaking the vase so I had to look in the guide you made.

The game became more and more engaging the more I figured out how to navigate through the different games to perform all the actions I needed but I never really understood the sidescroller part of the game and every time I had to pick up a key felt like a big chore to me. It would be better if it weren’t so abstract and the layout mapped with the actual layout of the house. Also, it would have been cool to have a narrative explanation on why you can only perform different actions in different games, because it feels weird not being able to pick up a key when you can interact with things. I think that a small explanation would help the player understand a bit better the world they are and how to play.

I also feel that the terminal part can become a block for people that aren’t programmers or haven’t played any text-based games. Maybe adding the available room names or objects that you can interact with text would make it a bit friendlier and easy to use for everyone.

All this said though, great job. It’s very innovative and refreshing to play something like this. It forced me to break all preconceptions I had of how interactions work on a game to be able to advance and that’s a very clever puzzle to make. Thank you so much for the game, I enjoyed it!

it’s a nice iniciative! here’s our game

we’ll try to play and rate all the entries that are posted here as well

thank you so much for the solid feedback! really nice. It was quite hard to get an idea of the balance of the game in just 7 days but this definitely helps to get a better idea for the future

Thank you for playing & for the feedback! and yes, the story goes in that direction

Good job! The grappling is very dynamic and well implemented.

However I feel the overall movement speed you reach and the level design goes a bit against it. I felt more frustrated than in control as whenever I tried to descend fast I always ended up dying in less than a second, so I found myself descending very slowly and carefully, without using none of the tools I had to go fast, because then it was game over. I also went slow because I didn’t want to miss the checkpoints! Maybe to have them as a horizontal line that crosses the full pit would have helped me to take more risks as well.

I think using the double jump as a momentum break would be interesting as then it would give a breather when going very fast and encourage you to take risks. I noticed the double jump is available at the beginning but when you reach some momentum it’s disabled, which is when I wanted it most. I only used the dash at the tutorial, because every time I used it descending it killed me against something or made me lose the platform I was aiming for. I never tried to pull my character with the rope because I didn’t find any reason for it.

Some of the spikes were very hard to notice, specially the yellow ones and the death felt weightless: would have been cool to stop the movement and adding a camera shake so it felt a bit better to die and retry.

Overall, I think the game goes a bit too fast and it’s too unforgiving to encourage you to use all the tools you have. Reminded me a bit of sonic, that you are going too fast and end up being hit because you just can’t see what’s comming next, but in sonic you can gather back your rings and continue whereas in here you just die. It becomes a bit into a memory game, trying to go through the same paths you know.

All that said, I kept trying to go down so it’s an engaging entry. Thanks for the game!

It’s a cool proposal, here’s the game we made

we saw yours some days ago and it’s queued to be played, we’ll review it in depth soon

I got stuck in the elevator: I pressed the number floor 5 and immediately after the B, and I was stuck in the elevator for a minute until I decided to close the game.

The mood is cool but the FOV is so painfully close that at least to me it makes me feel physically sick.

The mood is very nice and it feels very polished.

The biggest issue I had is that I kept being killed by surprise and the intro sequence was too long to go back. I also don’t think it makes much sense to allow re-scan the data you’ve already scanned before dying, as this discourages a bit discovering new areas.

Very well done entry, congrats! thank you for the game

Good entry! The movement feels a bit too floaty, the objective is not clear and I found the wall-lump useless & it’s a shame the grappling mechanic is so restrictive because I felt powerless once I misstep and fell into the soup abyss.

The feeling of jumping forward is really nice and I wish the level design had some more challenges to make it shine more.

I really like the design of the character with the chopsticks on its back, thanks for the game!

Hey! sorry to see an error message, but what does that image mean? Without any further context I can only guess. That dialogue offers you an option to install the components your computer is missing, so it should be as easy as allowing that.

You can also try to update your graphics card drivers if the problem persists.

You’ll probably be having this issue with all unreal games, so fixing it for one will fix them for the other error you may be having.

Oh no, sorry you’re having problems running the game :( so far we haven’t received any feedback like yours.

Thank you for offering to sharing some extra information, let’s see if we can pinpoint the issue and fix it.

Here are some questions that will help us identify the issue:

  1. Could you give us the specs of your machine?

  2. What do you exactly mean by “too many places where a click is required that shouldn’t be”. Does it mean that you need to click multiple times at something until the game acknowledges the action?

  3. Regarding “having trouble resuming saved games”… What does it mean? It doesn’t load at all? The game closes? The game saves after some key events rather than continuously so it’s possible that the game loads a point that’s a bit earlier than when you closed it, but it should never be too far apart.

Thank you so much for your feedback! If for some reason we can’t fix the issues you’re having for this game, it’ll definitely be useful for the next games we make.

Glad you found what was causing your problem!

You can also change the movement keys in the settings as you like to fit them to the AZERTY layout.

It should work fine. Maybe you could have trouble for the interactions that need the left mouse button pressed for a bit, but you could use the physical buttons of your touchpad instead of tapping. If you still have trouble with your touchpad you can always try with a gamepad, as the game has support for it. I hope this helps!

Glad you liked it! Sadly there won’t be any save system for this game :( However you can retrieve the photos you’ve done, just go to the gallery menu and click the “Open Album Location” button, it’ll open a window with all the photos you’ve taken.

Sorry we don’t have plans for linux. The reason is that we only have one programmer and no way to test if the linux version has some bugs, so we decided to exclude it.

Thanks for the tips for ultra wide implementation, we don’t have an ultra wide screen so it’s easy to forget. I don’t think we’ll add support for ultra wide in this project but we’ll have it in mind for the next ones!