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Souper CosmobotView game page

Grab your chopsticks and dive into the infinite expanse of the Cosmic Soup!
Submitted by Jordan Neff, Skyler Zartman, Metatanium, ferrnmusic (@ferrnmusic), Aaron Zartman, JadonZen — 52 minutes, 38 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1423.4333.433

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The game has the player dive deeper through the "cosmic soup": an abstract spiraling world where they explore historical periods of human civilization.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
Yes, all assets and code were created from scratch during the development period.

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Impressive game, Nice graphics and interesting mechanics , Did you solo dev this or in team?  Enjoyed my time with the game. Would like you to take a look at my project as well ;)


team! of like 9 ppl lol and yes will take a look at ur game


I like the style of this game a lot. And the art direction was also interesting. I thought the food aesthetic was very well done. I think the controls were a little wonky, but nonetheless, this is an impressive entry. Great job!


Thank you so much! glad you enjoyed it!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks so much for the compliments! I am the art director and lead environment artist on the team so it means a lot to hear that. I hope you were still able to have fun despite the wonky controls lol. That's something we're already working on addressing for the next update.


The graphic is really good, but the control is a bit too clunky, for example the pole vaulting, I need to hold right click a bit to do the vertical jump, but not too long because I'll do the horizontal jump, but also not too short because I'd not jump at all. The grapple should boost you up a bit more when you release to prevent player from stucking at the edge.


Thanks for playing! Yeah we've received a bit of feedback about the controls and have already decided to adjust how the pole-vaulting works. In the next build a vertical vault will just be a regular button press and the forward vault will be a press and hold. That's an interesting idea about the grapple boosting you up, maybe we'll experiment with that!


Very good looking game, impressive that you made all the assets from scratch!

The controls are a bit wonky though and I did not know where I needed to go for the most part.


yes, we had a team of talented individuals. ah, in the future we will be doing our best to make the direction more clear. thanks for the feedback!


to be honest the atomosphre of the game reminds me of crash bandicoot games  but i feel like the game is too hard idk maybe the problem from me,the soundtrack oh boyy ,surely one of the best games from this gamejam maybe optimazing the game more cuz my lowendpc had some lag (maybe that the problem of difficulty) i like the textures surely nice game


haha crash bandicoot was def one of the games we took inspiration from! yeah we def could do better in regards to performance, thanks for the feedback!


I like the 3d art and animations, especially the vaulting with chopsticks mechanic :D The theme is pretty good too i think. Kudos for you to make all of this(assets, code, music) in a week. Nicely done!


ty ty we had a team of v talented individuals!


Ah, I immediately recognized Unreal Engine and its little special features, like the fact that Avast crashes the game at launch because the icon has been changed! :D

Now about the game, I congratulate you on the work you've done on the atmosphere and lighting! I found it hard to get the hang of, so I spent a long time on the tutorial to master the commands and game play, but once I'd done that it was a real pleasure to play! 

Well done for a job well done!


haha gotta love ue's trademark features! yeah, a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling is what we were going for and something we hope to achieve in later builds


Very cool game and cool it was made from scratch! Awesome tutorial, awesome visuals, and great layout and sound design. The credits of the game didn't display properly for me, and the controls were difficult - getting over that first big wall was a journey in itself for me haha!! But other than that, I love this take on the theme.


skill issue lowkey... jk haha but yeah we are already brainstorming different ways to keep the controls/movement simple enough to quickly grasp, but complex enough so that the player can develop their own movement style. anyway thanks for the kind words and glad u enjoyed the game!


Lol! I think it's the art of balancing for the game jam environment. With more than 930 games to play, you start to lose the motivation if you can't figure out controls from the get-go, or if there's an obstacle that takes precision and concentration right from the very beginning, if there's no tutorial, etc things like that. That said, it was a fun game:)


Solid movement, good music and visuals, the food textures in specific are really nice. Unsure if it was intended, but I did got  a checkpoint near the purple soup at the bottom and couldnt get back up to collect the remaining spoons. Good job on the game, specially considering that everything was made for the jam.


haha thanks for the kind words, and yes we r tryna fix that lil bug/feature in later revisions


Wow, awesome game. Like Only Up, just downwards :-D 

It's a real cool and unique art style, impressively how  you made the whole world from scratch in that short time.

Has a few interesting game mechanics, that are very  well polished. Also like the animations of them.

I have now ca. 40 minutes of playtime, but unfortunately not collected all the spoons yet. Seems my pole vault skills are just too bad^^ So can not fully rate, what happens when i finally reached the soup succesfully.

But here some feedback, because i could image you want to continue with that game (definitely would encourage you, has lots of potential imho) :

The tutorial section is very helpful and nicely designed to introduce the mechanics step by step.  Here just a little thing: Would be good to respawn maybe a bit early. Think as i accidentally dropped off, i had to fall 10-15 seconds or so, and was not sure, if should restart... later understood than why, as i saw the soup, so  probably just place the collider under the tutorial-section a bit higher.

Did not fully understand the purpose of the compass at the top. And tried to reach it a few times, but seems just to be an image? At least the one at the top, later understood then, that they seem to be a kind of checkpoints. That is actually pretty cool, but unfortunately i accidentally reached one pretty much on the bottom, so that i missed lots of the spoons above. Maybe you could have a little check, that you only enable the checkpoints step-by-step if you already reached the one directly before or so.

It was a bit hard to discover the golden spoons. As soon as you know how they look, it's ok, but maybe mark the first one a bit more obvious. Also would be probably helpful to have an overview how many are left or so...

Hope that helps a bit. Definitely a great job of the whole team!

But have to eat something now, for some reason I'm hungry :-D


damn thanks for the detailed write up! omg 40 minutes! glad our game could keep ur attention for that long! truly means a lot! and yes lots of good feedback here, we hope to solve each and every one of ur points in future revisions. thanks once again for tge thoughtful words!


Hey this was really fun! The movement was very crisp and I thought the pole vaulting mechanic was pretty creative. The graphics were amazing considering that everything was made by the team within the weak. I had an issue with knowing where to go because there is a lot of stuff on the screen and it was pretty difficult to find the golden spoons amongst all the objects. If there was some sort of HUD or maybe making them brighter I think that would have helped me a lot. Apart from that, great work it was a very enjoyable game.


thanks for the feedback, the spoon visiblity thing is something we plan to work on in later revisions of the game!


Great work, game looks amazing considering you made all of the assets yourselves in the allotted time.


yes, our art team rlly went balls to the wall on this one


Very impressive and unique submission. Nice interpretation of the theme too.

Graphics are brilliant; exceptional for a Game Jam. I liked that you chose to make a cluttered style of environment while ensuring that all the assets still shared a similar art style. The character model looked quite cute, and the postprocessing effects are very well done. The music really does add to the aesthetic of the game, and the Pogo sound fits in nicely too.

The actual characters movement controls very well. The Pogo mechanic took a bit of getting used to, but once I got used to it I found I could move it quite simple to move around the map. The grappling mechanic is fun to use (targets changing colour depending on whether you could grapple to them was a nice touch). I can see that a lot of work went into Game Design to build an interesting level.

For improvements (I will be nitpicking as you seem to be quite experienced. It will not affect how I rate your submission), I'd suggest the following QoL changes:

  • I found it very cumbersome to get back to the top to get spoons I missed (this is ultimately what stopped me finishing the game). Maybe add a way to return to the top without Restarting the whole game.
  • On the Tutorial Mouse Icon, I found it hard to work out which button was pressed down on the mouse. Led to some confusion of me trying to grapple instead of Pogo. Maybe up the contrast a bit.
  • Spoons could be quite hard to see from far away. Maybe add a highlight effect to them if they are further away.
  • The Pogo Vaulting can be unintuitive. I'd suggest adding a charge bar to give you a clear visual cue for whether you will jump up or forward.
  • The timer in the bottom right is not zero padded for 0-9 seconds

All round interesting and fun game. Excellent job!


Thank you for the praise! I was in charge of the level design and I'm super glad you liked the environment. Making the spoons easier to find as well as allowing the player to return to previous points on the map without a full reset are really great ideas, especially for an incoming player's experience, and I'll definitely be using them when working on the game further.


Super looking, well polished, one hell of the trip you made! I dont know what to say, exept: amazing. I managed to trew myself out of the borders few times, but really enjoed it, this is an awesome game! Congrats on your work!


ty ty! so happy u enjoyed the game

Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

Incredibly fun game! I love the visuals, they look unbelievably polished! And I the movement system is genius! I love the fact that the player uses chopsticks as a pole vault! And the grappling is really fun to mess around with (though, a bit too strong, as you can grapple to something that is in the opposite direction of your velocity and pretend that you're being fired from a slingshot lol).

My only issues with this game are that i feel like the song doesn't really fit the tone of the gameplay (though that's a subjective one, so i didn't remove any points for that), and that it's really easy to go flying away from the stage, but other than that it's awesome!

Very well done!


Thank you for the kind words, ill be sure to pass them along to our art and programming team! yeah i was in charge of audio and had a rough time finding a sound that fit well w the vibe of the game. When we work on the game more, i plan on changing the sonic environemnt entirely


Glad you enjoyed it so much! The movement system changed and grew a lot while making the game, and I'm happy to hear that its final state was so much fun to travel around with.  The ease of flinging yourself out of bounds (often due to the slingshot grapple)  is definitely something I'm already thinking of improvements to, though fortunately it would appear you had a great time with our game regardless. Thanks for playing!


Good Game!


ty ty!


Amazing visual experience! The controls were good too.


Thanks for the kind words! I just recently finished playing your game, spent a whopping 40 minutes playing haha! I'll be posting feedback shortly.


Very nice game. Cool graphics and visual effects. A little optimization is weak, overall a good job)


Thank you! Yes, we ran out of time to do more optimization, although we tried to balance that by having a large number of graphics settings so hopefully everyone can play it at some level of fidelity. We're currently working on implementing DLSS support too, so hopefully that should help. Thanks for playing!


The game was frustrating lol but it was very fun too! I'm surprised that I actually managed to finish the game (though with only five of the spoons, I think there were seven). The mechanics were fun to use and it was satisfying to land perfectly on where you wanted to go. The grappling mechanic was interesting too, though it kinda shoots you fast sometimes? don't know if that's a feature. As for the graphics, my computer's a potato so I couldn't really set it at high settings but looking at the screenshots, it looks great!


Hey even though you have a potato computer I'm curious how it ran for you? Our goal is to make it look beautiful on high end hardware and playable on low end... do you feel it met that goal? And I'm glad you had fun, thanks a lot for the constructive feedback, it is much appreciated.


Yeah it ran well on the lowest settings. Didn't feel laggy at all. Just kinda unfortunate that I couldn't see it in all its glory lol


Really cool and unique, loved the design of everything. As someone who works in a ramen shop, I can tell ya, this is exactly what it's like, I swear. although It was kind of annoying when I got to the bottom and realized I didn't have all the spoons, getting back up is really hard.

Developer (1 edit)

lmaoo thats so coool! glad we found our target demographic!


I gotta stop by the ramen shop you work at because it sounds like pure chaos! So glad you enjoyed our game though. But yeah, after testing a bit ourselves after submitting we realized that it is possible to get locked into the checkpoint at the bottom with not enough spoons 😬 For now the only option is to restart the level, but I think we're discussing some better options for a checkpoint system that won't let that happen since the goal is to almost always be diving down and not going up.

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