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Goodbye, CharlieView game page

Can you escape FOUR games at once?
Submitted by Kylomain — 44 minutes, 50 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#423.8463.846

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
In order to complete this puzzle room, you must dive deeper into the game within a game within a... well you've seen Inception.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
I wrote all the code from scratch besides the RPG text popups, which I recycled from a previous script I made. Most of the 3d assets are from the Unity Asset store and a lot of the 2D, RPG objects such as tilemap and some furniture assets were previously drawn.

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WOW! this is a very unique game. i loved the movie inception which made me love this game a lot. Good job


Really cool game! I spent a lot of time on this one. I think it's a really amazing jam entry and even has a lot of potential outside of a jam


Wow, a very innovative take on the theme! Incredibly challenging puzzles but the satisfaction of figuring them out is so rewarding! What an incredible game!


I already left a little review on this game, but I wanted to let you know that, I put you on the top of my list for favorite games in the game jam!


Sorry for the very late reply, I was off on a trip for a while and completely forgot about the comments. I just wanted to say appreciated your forum post very much! It's comments like these that make the long hours worth it. I really liked your game too and I'll always keep it in mind as a shining example of how clever narrative can help drive the story and the gameplay.


Fun little game with quite the idea. It's a great take on the theme good job.


Really liked the idea!
The terminal room really put some shine on it. The only downside for me is that I'm not patient enough to discover what could work on it, I only managed to unlock the room 4 hahah.


Pretty cool experience. Liked it very much


Thanks, I'm happy you liked it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Starting off I gotta say this is the best take of the theme so far in this gamejam a game inside a game and each game influences the other is a great puzzle game idea. The music was great and I especially loved how the rpg world looked. Only thing I found kind of annoying was the movement in that 2d platformer was too slippery but other than that its a solid experience. I would love to see a full game like this. Definitely one of my favorites this jam.


Hey thanks so much for the kind words, I'm glad you liked the theme! The platformer level was rushed in the last day so there's definitely a lot of room for improvement. Thanks for playing!


This was definitely very intriguing and innovative.

The biggest problems I found were on the readability of the things I was able to do on each sub-game, especially on the 2d platformer one. I recognise the same world in the terminal, rpg & 3d but the 2d platformer is way too abstract. I couldn’t figure out how to pick up the key after breaking the vase so I had to look in the guide you made.

The game became more and more engaging the more I figured out how to navigate through the different games to perform all the actions I needed but I never really understood the sidescroller part of the game and every time I had to pick up a key felt like a big chore to me. It would be better if it weren’t so abstract and the layout mapped with the actual layout of the house. Also, it would have been cool to have a narrative explanation on why you can only perform different actions in different games, because it feels weird not being able to pick up a key when you can interact with things. I think that a small explanation would help the player understand a bit better the world they are and how to play.

I also feel that the terminal part can become a block for people that aren’t programmers or haven’t played any text-based games. Maybe adding the available room names or objects that you can interact with text would make it a bit friendlier and easy to use for everyone.

All this said though, great job. It’s very innovative and refreshing to play something like this. It forced me to break all preconceptions I had of how interactions work on a game to be able to advance and that’s a very clever puzzle to make. Thank you so much for the game, I enjoyed it!


Hey thanks so much for the feedback! Having a narrative for why you can only do certain things in games is a very smart idea that I will definitely use. I had to create the platformer level in the last six hours or so haha, so that's why I was rocking the "minimalist" style and why it was a little mechanically tedious. Listing things for the terminal is a very good idea too, I had implemented something similar but it was too buggy to put in for the final version. Thanks again for playing and especially for the good ideas!


This is an incredible game, I enjoyed it so much! the walk thru sheet was a lifesaver.


Glad you enjoyed!


This is mindblowing. If i could, would give 20 stars for innovation. Can not imagine how much work that was to first create these 4 completely different styled worlds with all the game-mechanics and then also place stuff and puzzles exactly parallel in all of them. Awesome job!

I like that you even have provided a walk-through cheat-sheet... was really helpful a few times :-)

Also this kind of "funny" style of the text is cool (the bee one, lol) and together with the soundtrack the whole mood fits perfectly together.

It actually feels wrong to "critizise" anything, because for a one-week/one-person game this is absolutely perfect. But just in case you want to continue with it (what i think you should) a few points:

- At the beginning controls were bit confusing, until i read in the description "E" to grab. Saw later then that it is on the board directly in front of me at the beginning, but somehow at that point i didn't realize it yet. Maybe you could give an additional hint first time when standing in front of the pc or so. 

- Some of the keys (first and bathroom one), were pretty difficult, because you have to jump up, but this red box is unreachable somehow.  To be honest, i still do not know how i reached this red block, somehow i once was on top of it kind of randomly after falling down and respawning... but i think such a critical point shouldn't be just reachable by luck...

- In general the sidescroller "architecture" is a bit confusing. I totally understand that it is hard to also reflect the whole 3D world here, especially in that short time. But maybe if you polish it, would be good to have there some recognizable elements or so  of the world, that you roughly know where you are at the moment.

- The vase was a bit too "stable", for my taste. As i saw it first, immediatelly thought, lets fall it down... and made that (guess even 2-3 times, because thought how cool it is, that you even made some elements interactable). As i stucked then for a while, checked your cheat sheet and read i indeed should crash it... just had to lift it ways higher. So maybe make it a bit easier breakable

But anyways, totally enjoyed playing. I'm not fully through yet but will keep that definitely and complete it after the jam with bit more time :-)


Your comment made my day :) Thank you for the kind words! Also, the critique is valid and very useful! I could have done a lot better with the instructions in the beginning and made it more obvious on the bulletin board, and that vase was indeed too dang sturdy. I completely agree with the platforming level too, if I could polish it up more it would have been a lot more visually clear (between me and you though... I didn't even start on this scene until the last 6 hours of the jam lol). Thanks for playing it I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Haha ok, typical game jam style. Sounds like it were a few quite relaxing last hours^^


Wow this is a really awesome and innovative entry! I love the idea of moving between different game genres and the interaction between them for a puzzle game. I did end up playing for a while but unfortunately got really stuck on something that's probably very simple but just wasn't well communicated (you'll see in the video below). I want to go back and take another stab at it once I know how to get past that part, because it seems like there's a whole lot more to it that I just didn't have time for in my playtest. I agree with some of the other commenters that an in-game hint button would be nice, especially if it goes into a bit more detail if you're really stuck. Overall though, aweseome concept and execution!

You can check out my gameplay video playtest below and watch me be an idiot! 🤣 Also I really apologize that there's ~2 mins where you can't see the gameplay because I left the browser capture up in OBS... whoops!


Watching someone playing it is such amazing feedback, this is actually so useful. Honestly though you didn't do anything wrong, I just made the vase too hard to break. You had to toss it up into the air and let gravity do the job for you. Definitely needed to decrease the fall threshold in which it would break, or at least give some visual/audio feedback to show dropping it is on the right track. Thank you so much for playing it for so long and for recording it, this will definitely help with future games!


What an incredible experience! I'm blown away. Congratulations!


Thank you!


I will try your game when, I got window system, I have voted yet.


You did an awesome job here!  I read on discord that you did this yourself, I can only imagine how much work that was.  I felt that the design for each game type was fun.  It was cool how you re-imagined the same house in the different worlds.  Your sound design was really good, the music and audio clips worked really well for each game type as well.  I managed to get the ingredients for the cake together then ran out of time but I'll for sure play again to finish out the puzzle.  Great job!


Thanks so much for the kind words, I appreciate it!


Really great game! I really enjoyed the concept of moving from the four different 'layers' and having to accomplish different things in each. I played until I baked the cake but couldn't figure out what to do after that, the main thing really would just be to add the option of hints. Otherwise the concept was amazing and I really enjoyed it!


Hey Kaleb! There's a way to get hints by looking at the journal in the RPG world, but it's a little tedious and a hint button would have much better. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


Great job! I really enjoyed traversing through multiple games, definitely one of the coolest games I've played for the jam! The only issue I had was probably my fault, but I went through the 2d block game, and I got the key. After I exited, the key on the shelf was gone, and I tried to go unlock the door, however the door still gave me the message that the key was still in the room somewhere. I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if it was a bug, just thought I should let you know. Other than that, I loved it, nice work!


Sorry about the confusion! I forgot to change the message for when you get the key. You needed to go into the Text Adventure world from entering the pipe in the 2d world and unlock the door from there. Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Really cool concept, definitely very inception like lol. I really liked where the story was going, sadly I got super stumped after baking the cake and couldn't get any further. Amazing work nonetheless!


No worries, you actually got pretty far into the game! The next step was throwing the cake like you did the vase and collecting the second key. Thanks for playing it!


Amazing puzzle game! I usually get bored with puzzle games but I loved this one. It's amazing how you turned the theme into a mechanic. Good job!


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!


Interesting take on the theme. It makes for an incredible puzzle game! Though I did get stuck. I didn't know what to do after the plunger key. Maybe more hints? Nevertheless, this game might be the most interesting puzzle game of all I've seen in the jam. Great work!


Thanks for playing it, I'm happy you found it so interesting! Definitely will have more hints next time haha.

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