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A member registered Nov 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wait, there are steam keys with this? Didn't get one but I got the game in a bundle so maybe that's why? Would have liked the achievements, cloud saves, etc. 

yeah I built the levels as yet stand around what controls I could whip up quickly. Post jam I'm going to come back and adjust.  Fix the game feel, rebalance the existing stages, and start adding more movement mechanics to add variety to later stages

just gotta get to the end ;)

Yeah I just finished rating all the submissions and yours has by far my favorite artwork. Very nice job

For me, this is my personal jam winner. This was quality work. I feel like I'm playing nerf with one of those dolar store nerf guns that you load the end of the barrel and only fires one shot at a time. Good stuff. 

I've got nothing but good things to say, I like it. Would be a nice mobile game or a chill game to play. World of Goo vibes for some reason. 

Gorgeous visuals. I do suggest turning on easing on the camera to make it a little less jumpy. In the inspector for the camera there should be a checkbox that gives you an option to set how strong the easing is. 

The art is on point

Just needs a mouse and an easier way to restart and you're golden

Curious what you used LMMS for, I couldn't hear any music. Love the aesthetic and that was really the only thing the game was missing. 

This would make a neat mobile game

Might want to be careful using copyright music in your work in the future. Goes against the jam rules. 

Hit home for recent events. Nice work

This gives me 00's flash game vibes and I love it. Nostalgia straight to my veins. 

The aesthetic is on point

yeah I didn't really have time to address game feel and still get in the submission. Once the jam is fully complete I think I'm going to come back, tighten up the controls, add the movement mechanics I left out, and add another 15 or so levels. 

I thoroughly enjoyed it. A bit of refinement and some kind of progression system is all it needs to be something fun for down time. 

Love the artwork and music. Concept is amazing. Did feel like I could just stand in one spot and spam the button and never miss though. Think there's a strong base here for a great puzzle game. 

That person is actually wrong about that. Games in splore are put there manually by their creators. You can export your pico 8 game in a binary format that both does not require pico-8 to play and doesn't show the source code. 

Yeah I didn't get the feel quite right. The biggest issue is the lack of feedback both hitting and getting hit. But it was good enough for a new engine lol

I think the best I've done so far is 240

Glad to see you're still working on this, I really think you've got a great concept

Thanks! I had a limited time so I put the majority of it into the feel of the controls so I can carry it into another project.

Well designed. Love the difficulty

This is an absolute gem of a puzzler. You should definitely continue development on this for a full release. 

Yeah when I did the design doc it was supposed to have RPG level mechanics and a timer on the attacks, but since I had never worked with the engine there was a learning curve I slammed pretty hard into.

First the rpg mechanics got axed, then the timer on the player attacks, and it got down to this for simplicity.

It was a learning experience across the board and that's all I really wanted out of it. I'm currently doing the Bored Pixels jam and it's going much better (preview: )

Thanks for the comment and for playing!

Can't want to see what you do with it, if you end up putting it up somewhere besides here let me know. 

The AI for both sides essentially just went in random directions so it became just lay down as many monsters and traps as possible.  

If it were me, I would give the hero pathfinding toward the chest and have the monsters wander randomly until the hero came within a square of them. 

I really love the game's concept and think it could be great with a little work. 

To be entirely honest it has issues. That said I think this has great potential. Adjustments to the AI, balancing some things, maybe some different types of heroes. I could easily see this being a hit mobile title. 

I liked the comedic appeal. The idea was clever. The combat was a bit odd but the movement felt good. Think there's a good system under this. 

Music was great!

It's intentionally vague so as to be open to interpretation. Is it small resolution? Sure, if you want. Does it mean a mobile game? If you think so.  

Think about the words and decide what you want to do with it.