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Yeah when I did the design doc it was supposed to have RPG level mechanics and a timer on the attacks, but since I had never worked with the engine there was a learning curve I slammed pretty hard into.
First the rpg mechanics got axed, then the timer on the player attacks, and it got down to this for simplicity.
It was a learning experience across the board and that's all I really wanted out of it. I'm currently doing the Bored Pixels jam and it's going much better (preview: )
Thanks for the comment and for playing!
The AI for both sides essentially just went in random directions so it became just lay down as many monsters and traps as possible.
If it were me, I would give the hero pathfinding toward the chest and have the monsters wander randomly until the hero came within a square of them.
I really love the game's concept and think it could be great with a little work.