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Shim (GameDev)

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Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. I mistakenly assumed that a player would always be coming from the closest checkpoint when fighting the boss. Like you suggest, an extra checkpoint before the boss would fix this. I'll keep this in mind as I design the open world segments going forward. 

As for your recordings and any additional comments you have, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared, if it's not too much of a hassle for you. No such thing as too much feedback.

Thanks for the feedback. I set the boss's health to 1 while testing out his dialogue and forgot to reset it.

Uploaded a newer version where that's fixed, and also the trampolines and the wall sliding work as expected

Fixed both of those bugs, thanks for catching them.

(2 edits)

Things that are different from before:

  • Switching characters costs less MP
  • Added mechanic that lets you recharge MP
  • The Witch has melee combat
  • The Witch no longer has a floating jump (will probably add it back in later)
  • The Cat has an air dash
  • The Cat no longer dies instantly to damage
  • Levels, powerups, and collectables are spread around a metroidvania style map
  • NPCs, dialogue, and story
  • Boss fight
  • More enemies
  • More levels
  • Save system
  • Controller support and custom keybinds

The  hitboxes and hurtboxes are better than before, but they're not 100% perfect yet. I'm not happy with the camera either.

I use a laptop with an integrated gpu.

(1 edit)

I really want to play, but the game crashes when I release the mouse button on a target or try to enter full screen.

(1 edit)

I like it. Fun retro arcade game. 

My biggest critique is that I think the difficulty could progress faster. The game felt the best when there was an element of difficulty avoiding non-status food, but even at higher speeds, it takes a while to get to that point.

Also a more obvious indicator for how close the player is to failure would be nice.

Thanks for the feedback. It's a relief to hear that the controls feel good, it was my biggest concern.

As for the magic limit and checkpoints refilling it, that really is a balancing act I haven't nailed down yet. I don't want to make the game TOO easy by giving the player unlimited magic, but I'm not keen on forcing the player to always play conservatively either. I'll keep tinkering with it.

The music is done by me. Glad you like it!