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A jam submission

Stranded-post-jamView game page

Build/dismantle blocks to climb you way outta cave on an alien world
Submitted by Enweave, Kyugetsuki — 9 hours, 43 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 6 people so far
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What did you update?
- fixed canvas size to prevent image being to small on large displays
- made blocks bigger to make it easier to land on them
- reworked all the levels
- added collectibles and collectible summary on endgame screen
- added new type of block
- added moving platforms and non lethal spikes
- wall jump is not higher than normal jump anymore)
- added ability to look around (RMB)
- added parallax backgrounds
- updated soundtrack
- added gamepad support (which only works on desktop build rn)

Name of updated upload (if downloadable)
this submission is an updated version.
for comparison, original can be found here

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Quite fun.  I like how the game makes you utilize the unique properties of different blocks. I overall enjoyed the puzzles. 

Some suggestions:

I recommend making block retrieval a separate button. It's very easy to accidentally delete blocks while trying to place them. Additionally, making it so holding RMB retrieves all blocks would be great. Sometimes the block drops out of range requiring a full restart. Most games bind camera panning to other buttons(MMB or hold some button+ move mouse).

Some levels require you to place blocks after falling for a long time which is quite hard to time. You can try adding slow mo  while aiming. This'd also allow you to preview the whether you can actually place  the block there which would be great. To make the player not abuse the slow mo, you could add a limit to it and restore it when the player reaches ground again. But it is your choice since it might make the game a bit easy(and lower the barrier to infinite static box jumping).

Overall it's great with a lot of room for expanding in the future.


I quite like this. I got to the end with 6/9 collectibles and had a bunch of fun with it. I thought it was a moderately difficult game, but once I got the hang of the controls, it wasn't too bad. I would appreciate some sort of checkpoint system though.

A few other notes:

The hit collision for the enemies feels unfairly large. 

There is an exploit where you can place a sticky block in midair and then jump off of it. Not sure if it's intentional or not, but it's fun to pull off.

And another exploit where you can repeatedly jump off static blocks. Not sure if it's intentional or not, but it trivializes the solution to some of the levels.


This is a nice concept. I did enjoy it, but at the same time I also felt frustrated while playing it. I did not go all the way to the end; I gave up when I had the sticky block and two other blocks and had to get past the 6 red spikey things.

Wall jumps were a bit annoying. That is, the practice of pressing alternating direction keys on my keyboard per jump was a bit much; to the point of actually hurting my hand (maybe I have some early onset carpel tunnel? But I doubt it).

Is it intended that pressing against the wall while falling will slow your rate of descent? This looks like an application of Godot’s move_and_slide behavior. It felt a little strange to me, but I thought it was OK.


I really like the snes art style and i think the game is actually well balanced. The wall jump is pretty tricky but not to frustrating. Good work!


I really enjoyed your game and had a lot of fun playing it! The controls feel smooth overall, but I agree with some of the other comments about the wall jump—it’s pretty tricky to pull off. I’d suggest making it so that when you press space near a wall, you stick to it until you release the jump button, rather than being pushed off immediately. That way, it would also give you more time to place a block if needed.

There are also a few spots where it feels like you need almost pixel-perfect jumps or block placements, which can make things a bit fiddly at times.

That being said, I really like the game concept, art, sound effects, and music and the option to change the controls is also very nice!


Definitely fun, difficulty seems to be at just the right level for me. 

Controls could use a bit of work. Wall jumps are rather difficult to get down, even after figuring it out I had some issues with them here and there.

For some of the longer levels I personally would like to see some kind of checkpoint system. Would also like to see some kind of clarification on the floating orbs. Are these just collectibles or do they serve some purpose in the game?

Definitely a fan of the audio. 

All in all a very solid jam game, best of luck to you.


Looks cool!

It would be nice to make controls more friendly, it's difficult to make wall jumps.

At first try I got stuck after first jump, between to high stones and needed to restart. So answering the question about difficulty - for me it was really hard) (But I'm not hardcore platformer player).

Looks really promising, wish you luck!