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Shrike Games

A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice mechanics. I hadn't fully read the description to realize jumping into the abyss at the end was the end so I did that level a few times lol. I liked the character model a lot too.

(1 edit)

I audibly went "that's it? aw man" because I was into it. I like the concept and was jamming. Need more levels!

Took me a minute or two to realize what I actually had to do and associate the tasks in the top left with the boiler's purple bar on the right. Once I got it though it pretty fun. The little soots going turbo mode and working super fast was amusing too.

I love the concept, surprisingly creative. I think it could be expanded on a lot more but it's such a good idea at its core.

since others were including their screenshots too ;P

Great title, and it was quite fun. That panic when everything is filling up but then you get a huge swing and clear most of the screen feels great. I got 212k score on my first attempt.

Oh no, this is the first I've heard of someone with this problem. What platform are you playing on? I've made it available in browser, windows (download), and linux (download). Try in Chrome or Firefox, if you still have issues then the downloaded version should actually be the most stable.

Very nice 3d modeling style. The camera and platforming were a little jank at times but not too bad. Very neat effect overall. Not sure if I liked chapter 3 or 4 the most.

Really cool and well done. It does unfortunately break at some point where the entire screen goes purple and all you see are HP bars. I still played for a few waves after that basically blind and it didn't seem like I would be anywhere close to losing even though I couldn't see what was going on.

Great art for the crab as it gets bigger and more monstrous. It was so easy I am not sure it was even possible to lose, so more of an experience than a game. Short but fun.

By wave 8 I could stand at my arrow restock area and shoot forever, killing the ants from across the entire screen before they even were visible.
When you buy things from the store you still shoot arrows.
If ants climb a tower and then the tower is destroyed they will fly across the screen in the air and won't be able to hurt you even if they get to the right side. (this was more amusing than anything)
It's a *lot* of clicking, and the waves are very long and slow.

What a beautiful art style and animation.
Unfortunately I don't know the constellations and literally couldn't figure out the very first one.

Not sure if it was my computer or what, but for some reason left was Q and up was Z for some reason. But down was still S and right was still D. Maybe it's a qwerty vs azerty keyboard problem?

I loved this game, best of the entries I've played today (of like 20-30). Felt so great to conquer the world, it progressed at a good pace, the art looks fantastic. Nothing but praise from me.

I got $799k, not sure if that's good or bad. I was also surprised space was limited in size with boundaries and that asteroids moved randomly instead of just in the direction they were headed.

NOOOO. I was looking forward to this just based on the screenshots and promo art.

Not a bad concept for a game. With some expanding on it and more UI indicators of what will happen when you end your turn and some gamification it could be something fun.

Creative idea, I don't think anyone else would apply it in this exact way.

The promo art is adorable, and so is the low-poly 3d mouse in-game with the tape measure. The game level itself obviously was merely serviceable. It was enjoyable enough for me to have wanted more levels.

Good idea, but the execution was a little lacking. For some reason I didn't hear any music either.

Bonus points for button remapping, nobody ever does that in game jams.

The unit select was a kind of jank and it could be hard to select just one unit.

A marker on the ground for where you told them to go, or around the object you command them to pick up would've also been useful.

A nice little memory game, but that's ultimately all it is. Urge to cheat with screenshots was high on the harder 6+ levels

I love these kinds of games. Reminds me of a boardgame "Betrayal at House on the Hill"
The levels were extremely random, and I didn't feel like there was progression between them. If you get two oxygen rooms on the same route, then build alternating so that you run between them you get more cards than can even fit on screen. It was also a little counter-intuitive to want to constantly build away from the goal.

The first level I played I didn't even see the goal location and lost confused, on the 2nd try I saw the goal and understood more.

Great art, and music. Love the concept, would like to see a full game of it.

I love these kinds of games. Reminds me of a boardgame "Betrayal at House on the Hill"
The levels were extremely random, and I didn't feel like there was progression between them. If you get two oxygen rooms on the same route, then build alternating so that you run between them you get more cards than can even fit on screen. It was also a little counter-intuitive to want to constantly build away from the goal.

The first level I played I didn't even see the goal location and lost confused, on the 2nd try I saw the goal and understood more.

Great art, and music. Love the concept, would like to see a full game of it.

That was pure fun, I really enjoyed it.

I made a house so large it took up a ton of space, eventually slid off but was still leaning on the scale and weighing it down. Quite amusing.

I love the art style and animation, great job on that.

Enemies need some more hit feedback, impact, flashing, or some kind of reaction.

SFX on the hits also would have been nice.

I died at level 43 or something like that, and levelling had really slowed down significantly. I didn't get the sense of scaling either by that point. And the boss didn't have an HP bar to know at what point I should try to go back in and fight him again, or if I really did have to grind out to level 100. 

I think only the arrows actually hurt me in general, since the others were well telegraphed and slow but arrows would randomly surprise me.

It was fun but too long, and I wish I could've fought the boss for real.

Thanks for trying the game and the feedback, glad you had fun. Believe it or not the physics used to explode and be far more unforgiving. That is the danger of making a game with a heavy reliance on it, hard to get it perfect all the time.
Voting is now open, so if you could leave your feedback there that'd be a huge help!

Thank you for playing, and the kind words.
Voting has opened now, so if you could vote that would be a huge help.

Knocking over the tree is one of (several) ways I came up with to get past that area.
If you need some tips

  • You have a lot of bricks at your disposal at that point, and can build wherever the tree is not, or on top of it
  • If bricks are connected together enough they actually freeze in place, so you can make anchors.
  • When you pick up a brick there is a little version of it above your head. It still has collision. Although it's a mostly cut mechanic (and not required) you can still use that tiny brick with your jumping power to really push physics objects.

Kind of neat but there's no way to lose and it's unclear what the different modules even do. I just did a vertical line across the entire screen of collectors, gathered every asteroid, and couldn't figure out why I'd even want the others.

I've seen basically identical procedural animation in a video by argonaut on youtube. It's really cool, I've even messed with it myself (on github). I liked the narration, it was very atonburg-like. There were a few stages in the middle where there was no narrator though, which made them feel kind of empty.
I also would've liked mouse controls, I don't see any real reason to need to use the keyboard for such simple controls.

Really cool game, I wanted to keep playing. It felt very easy and almost just like there was only the tutorial before it ended. Tool tips were a great feature. I got a good feel for what could go where quite quickly and didn't have to refer to the restrictions as much as I thought I could. It really helped that it gave feedback immediately if you tried to put something somewhere illegal.

Nice little game. Took about 5minutes to beat. I only had one ladder left, so the balance seemed well done at least for me.

Could use some volume controls and a little coyote time.
Level 7 made me go "now that was cool af", has some nice a-ha moments.

I got 3 stars on the first 10 levels (level 9 required getting perfect on the first 8 levels). It felt like level 11 was a big difficulty spike for me personally. Fun puzzle game, I'll bookmark it and try again when I'm rested.

The controls took some getting used to, but it was fun. It wasn't always clear what would be scalable or not, so I'd have to cycle through all of them and figure out what was available and their individual limits.