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Simmering Studios

A member registered Mar 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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I saw that! Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks MertleMertle!

That was really cool! Loved the mechanic of it. I agree with some of the other consensus, it would have been nice to have an indicator that showed that you couldn't dash. I also found it challenging when trying to time dashes. But the feeling of getting the sequence of dashes just right was awesome!

That was a lot of fun! I loved the simplicity of it, yet the chaos that ensued. Having the shields was a nice touch. Also, I tried your internship game! You're right, that's totally what they do on the computers in You Know, CEO. It's totally the same universe ;)

Just played, rated and gave some feedback! Cool concept!

I thought the vibe was really cool and the concept was definitely very interesting. I did however, feel like it was difficult to know what the order of things to do was and where my generator power level was. Maybe a few more UI elements could have helped to point that out. I did like though that it seemed there was a reward for not having lights on to do the job. I think that memorization level is a cool mechanic.

Just played, rated and left a comment! Really solid entry dude!

That was really fun! The mechanics and puzzles were really great and addicting. I could definitely keep playing. Reminds me of IOS puzzle games that I used to play for hours. Great job!

That was cool! Like others, it reminded me of playing 2048, but I found that I could never get past the yellow castle. I also wasn't totally sure why certain squares were appearing instead of the traditional red roof houses. I know the nearby elements allowed you to change houses, but couldn't quite figure the other types. Very fun game though overall! And a clean experience. Good job!

this is what was said in the discord: 

(3 edits)

I’m pretty sure they were just saying don’t create new ones. You should be allowed to comment on already existing ones I believe. They just don’t want people creating a ton of new topics all called “rate 4 rate” and spamming. Also, I believe there’s a difference between sending your game in a thread like this when it’s just open and not a rate 4 rate condition. Like, I’ll play when I have the time even if you don’t play mine :) 

Superb! I would definitely play more levels. Good job!

Just played, rated and left some feedback!

Nice! I liked the teleport mechanic! I did feel like the player controls were a little slide-y, the spikes were a bit sensitive. It would have been nice to aim the scythe a little better without jumping also. Overall though, I had fun playing!

Oh no! I couldn't play. It said the UnityPlayer.dll was missing. 

Oh no! I couldn't play. It said the UnityPlayer.dll was missing. 

Just played, rated and left a comment!

Nice game! Very on theme, well executed and fun. 

Just played, rated and left a comment!

Wow! Challenging game! A fun puzzler for sure.

Just played, rated and left some feedback!

That was neat! I really liked the switching between worlds mechanic. The lighting was nice too. The only thing that was a little off-putting was the stiffness of jumping onto pillars, it seemed that the edges were just a bit sharp and the requirement to get a running start made the platforming a bit difficult. All in all though, it was fun! 

Dude! That one was a challenge! Nice work!

Out of the ones I've played so far, Our Galaxy is really cool! Just played that one. Also, Circuit Breaker was pretty decent too.

That was so much fun! I didn't run into any issues. Everything worked well, it was definitely a challenge, but once I was able to get the hang of it, it was very rewarding. One small small icing on the cake thing that could be nice is more interaction and environment sounds and perhaps a final scene where the two of them are together again. But really nicely done!

Thanks so much KeeganWL!

Here’s my game! I’ll add yours to my list as well! Would love any feedback you might have. Thanks! :)

You Know, CEO

Make connections, rise through the ranks, make friends and enemies alike based on your actions. All in the pursuit of becoming the one and only, CEO.

Just played, rated and left some feedback!

I liked the concept and the puzzles were fun. The art was cool too!

It would have been nice to have a checkpoint after falling into a pit. Having to restart from the beginning each time was a little annoying. 

Also, I think I ran into a glitch. On one of the levels I made it to the end with both the robot and Mike and it appeared that I still could control the camera with WASD, which was strange.

One super small nit-pick: I felt like the dialogue text was a little inconsistent. In the starting cutscene it was really fast and hard to read, and then in the elevator it was slow, but the ability to load it all with space was nice!

Overall though, it was a fun game!

Just played, rated and left some thoughts!

That was fun! I liked the magic mechanic and the platforming. I will say though, I could have used some fall forgiveness. There were moments I fell that didn't quite feel justified. Also, I noticed that the crystal collection sound would play even after I had collected them, which might be something to look into. Overall though, I thought it was cool!

Cool experience man! Just played, rated and left some feedback.

I loved this experience! I was bummed that I couldn't figure out how to get past the double doors at the end of the hall, it said I had a key, but wouldn't let me use the key to open the door. The sound design was super cool and immersive and the concept was really interesting. Good stuff!

Just played, rated and left some feedback!

I liked the music, and the concept was good. It did feel a little glitchy when walking on certain planks and the controls felt a little stiff, but it was fun to play overall.


Thanks so much MyPingO!

Thanks Beard or Die!

Yes! I saw that! Thanks so much for playing! It was fun seeing you guys break the game hahaha

Thanks ClawBoomGames!