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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Good luck mate, its all good practice!

I'll be using unity. I've done a few jams and they've gone ok. Your first try was a single day one? That's gutsy! I'm hoping to try learning some unreal at some point but I'm a bit out of practice so I'm going with what I know.

Best of luck!

A pretty funny game, a little confused by the ending though, I rounded a corner and the police car just dropped in a stream?

fix2 Does not require fix1, it fixes the major game breaking bugs that were in the game

(1 edit)

There is a new update that I finally got round to making to fix any game breaking bugs (that I've found at least). Please go to the main game page and download version fix2 (fix1 is not required)

Dude, thats awesome. I teared up a little at the end!

Haha, I finished it. Just a bit strange, I was curious what to expect from screenshots you put up on discord but I'm still a little confused!

I'll be honest, I'm so confused!

A really well polished game. Nicely done!

Cameras could be a bit annoying, but overall pretty good!


interesting, thanks for the feedback. I'll look into it!

You've got some cool ideas there, thanks!

Thanks for giving it a go!

A really cool game, my main issue was with the controls. I would have much rather had the option to play with four keys next to each other on the keyboard so that I can play with one hand. Other than that though, really cool game. Well done!

I really liked the art and found the theme quite funny, though I thought it could have used a little more visability (had the camera a little further out so to speak). I also kept finding the enemies would follow me to the point that they'd run off the ledges and be standing on my head. I also didn't really see the rewind theme? Its pretty cool though, well done!

A pretty cool game. Having played a load of people's games though I've come to realise how bad I am at gaming :( They're all so hard!

A nice idea, reminds me of a calm version of fury of furries (if anybody actually remembers that game!)

It has a cool idea, though I struggled somewhat to know where the rockets were, which just meant I had no idea how to avoid them. Perhaps a little tutorial level would be good? Its pretty cool though, well done

I liked the story but if I'm honest, it's just too hard and frustrating for me

I really enjoyed that game, one of my favourites that I've played from the jam so far. Nicely done! Hope to see a few more levels in the future!

A pretty cool idea, I like all the different ways that people have used the theme! Took a little practice to get the hang of the handling but it was pretty fun. Good going!

A cool idea for the game, pretty hard too! Quickly turned into a bullet hell! (Thats not meant as a criticism as a lot of people love them). My only issue is that I would have liked to have some control over when the phantoms appeared

A pretty cool puzzle game, it didn't take long to figure out how it worked and it worked pretty nicely. Maybe it could have used some basic background music. The only other suggestion I have is that the window was tiny!

A really nice (and somewhat emotional) game. I really enjoyed it :)

A really cool game and really well polished, well done!

It was pretty cool, and very good looking, though the rewind itself didn't really seem to be particularly useful except to regain bullets that you missed

I really liked the idea, and the way the character controlled felt great, I did die alot though!

It was cool to see someone come up with something a bit different, I wasn't expecting anything like this in the jam. I did find the character a bit difficult to control though

This game is a really cool idea, and really well done. I don't know whether its really hard or whether I'm just not very good at it though!

A really cool idea for a shooter. I enjoyed this one

You're right there was some definite similarity there! I loved how you had to organize the videos by genre and how you could see what they were when you picked them up so that you could keep throwing them back until you found something you needed! Nicely done :)

Cool, I'm looking forward to giving yours a go! Thanks a lot

The game shouldn't end because of angry customers, though it will slow down the rate at which new customers come in. It shouldn't end after the third day unless you run out of money (at the end of each day it will take off your basic costs, I have to admit it wasn't as clear as I'd have liked). Thanks for giving it a go!


Many thanks!

Thanks alot :)

Very kind of you to say. Thanks!

Very kind of you to say. I have to agree that it does get a bit repetitive, I might try and come up with a few ideas for additions!

Thanks for the honest feedback! I have to admit I stuggled a little with getting the speed of the rewind right, to start with I had it too fast and it seemed a little pointless. As for the music, it wasn't quite what I had intended but I'd put it in as a placeholder and never had time to find anything that fit better!