Good luck mate, its all good practice!
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I really liked the art and found the theme quite funny, though I thought it could have used a little more visability (had the camera a little further out so to speak). I also kept finding the enemies would follow me to the point that they'd run off the ledges and be standing on my head. I also didn't really see the rewind theme? Its pretty cool though, well done!
The game shouldn't end because of angry customers, though it will slow down the rate at which new customers come in. It shouldn't end after the third day unless you run out of money (at the end of each day it will take off your basic costs, I have to admit it wasn't as clear as I'd have liked). Thanks for giving it a go!
Thanks for the honest feedback! I have to admit I stuggled a little with getting the speed of the rewind right, to start with I had it too fast and it seemed a little pointless. As for the music, it wasn't quite what I had intended but I'd put it in as a placeholder and never had time to find anything that fit better!