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Skooma cat

A member registered Aug 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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There are 2 secret weapons. Hint, hint.


Art is great, gameplay is great too.

Pretty cool

Really fun.

Really fun.

We managed mostly thanks to lack of sleep and using as many stupid ways to save time as possible.

I wanted to add more magnifying glass related things, but i wanted to do it "after i finish 3rd case", needless to say i finished 3rd case around 5 minutes before the jam ended. That was an unfortunate time management on my part.

I came from your comment, and i am so glad i did. This was one the most enjoyable platformers i have ever played. Kudos to you.

Really fun, teh concept is even better. I really like the changing to pilot part. However sometimes the hitboxes felt unfair. Anyway get in the robot Shinji.

The game was fun, but controls didn't feel intuitive.

Concept's really cool, but why'd alice kept on running into the walls?

That's a super cool concept, but  the resident evil esque camera will be the death of me.

The games fun. I really enjoyed the tank controls.

There is A LOT of things happening at the same time, but appreciate the option to change volume.

Terryfying as in it kinda feels like body horror

Cool idea - terrifying executuion. But it's pretty fun.

It's a really fun platformer, the controls are intuituve and the art is really cool. Also appreciate the level timers and the option to change the volume.

Cool idea for a platformer.

5/5 for style.


Glad to hear that!

You should start by rating a cake and pushing the blocks(and picking up the "drink me" drink  from the table) to make a path for when you'll be tiny.

That's a clever way to make tetris a bit more exciting.

There was a LOT of writing things down involved, we were on the verge of mental collapse during the last 10 hours. (I added about 180 interactions during the last 3 hours).

If you have any ideas how to make it easier to understand what buttons one has to press and where then we'd appreciate you sharing.

Thanks for the kind words, it wasn't easy to write down everything we had in mind.

OH MY GOD. This is amazing. I downloaded it just because it's Alice in Wonderland inspired, but  puzzles and voice acting were top notch. My best and worst run times: 9:13 and 38:54. I will DEFINITELY play this again in the future, when i forget the way to solve the puzzles.

My head's spinning.

Ok, this was really fun and creative. I don't think i've ever seen a similar game. Def will come back. Also the art is really amazing.

It was a nice experince, ithink it would be a Really fun  minigame if it were a bit harder.

The games really fun, surprisingly hard and quite creative. The only problems i have is that i still don't quite get the controls, and that it got too laggy to play on the browser.

We're as surprised as you that we finished it(mostly), in time. During the last hour (before the announcement of extended time to submit) we were scrambling to get all the dialogues in place.

I really like this reimagination of an genre of game, the pixel art looked really nice too.

Love it, but during the week with the longest list i wanted to die because of the digging mechanic.

I did end up beating it. It was really fun. And thanks for playing our game, but warning: it's almost 2 hours long to beat the first time, and there are four endings.

I rated as 3/4/5, i'll change it to 5/5/5 in a minute. It's so good

10/10 sfx
I played it for 5 minutes and already want to rip out my eyes.

Which Ending did you get?

That's really cool, first think i thought as i was playing it was "Chrome Dino on crack"

I can see this being an addictive mobile game. Would watch an add to keep building the limb.