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A member registered Jan 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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I like the player's sprite! Apart from that, which is flawless, the game needs some work. It is very dependent on luck since tiles of the color you need aren't even guaranteed to appear. Your low movement speed makes it difficult to reach the ones that appear and, even if you make it to them, the detection system is a bit finnicky. Also, you seem to be able to break out of the game's borders and touch the tile to the right of the score indicator; doing this keeps giving you score without losing you any lives.

I have to say, I didn't expect to see any Scratch game submissions! There's not much to comment on about the game since it's so basic. You might want to use more than 1 day of the jam's total timeframe in the future. It also isn't obvious how to use the provided sb3 file if you haven't used Scratch. I suggest adding a tutorial for how to load it or link to your Scratch page to play it.

Congrats on your first game on itch!

The game is playable, but there's not much to it in a few ways. The artstyle is simplistic, the playtime is short, and there aren't any interesting mechanics that set it apart from other platformers. I'm not seeing any implementation of the "you are your own enemy" limitation either. I suspect these are side-effects of it being submitted 2 days early.

This game is so pretty! I particularly like the backgrounds. Your use of the limitation is creative and works well with the gameplay even though it's mostly a narrative element. The gameplay is fun; my only criticism is that the platforming doesn't feel precise because it uses physics simulation. I occasionally got caught on ledges or got upwards momentum by colliding with the corner of a platform.

Nice job, this game feels really polished! I like the minimalist artstyle. The sound effects work well with it too.

I wish the game was a little harder! My go-to strategy was to move back and forth in a save spot with each dot to let the others reach their goal. Maybe you could keep dots from doubling back on their own paths, add a score system that decreases with each turn, or design levels in such a way that there aren't many safe spots.

All things considered, I'm impressed! If I was given 3 hours to make a game I doubt I'd even be able to make something playable.

The levels are alright, the player sprites are good, and the game fits the limitation pretty well. For some reason, the lack of a game over or restart button aside from the last screen made me break out laughing the first time I died!

Short and sweet! This game certainly fits the limitation. I ended up killing myself more than I died to the enemies. The difficulty scaling over time gets unreasonable too early, in my opinion. Around wave 11, the enemies move so fast that some are impossible to catch.

I'd love to finish this game, but a combination of input delay and high movement speed coupled with precisely placed obstacles make it difficult to.

I think the highlight of this game is the music. It's a shame that it restarts when you die.

Wow, this game looks amazing! I particularly love the enemy model
In terms of gameplay, it starts out fun, but it's clear there needs to be some balance changes. You can easily make an impassable wall of turrets since the enemies don't ever increase in health. Unfortunately, it's optimal to ignore the color-changing mechanic; a 2x damage increase doesn't mean much when you hit 1/3 of the enemies.
Great work, I think this game has a lot of potential!

Great job on the game! The gameplay is enjoyable, presentation is simple but effective, and you use the limitation in a creative way. I feel like there needs to be some indicator for when your health starts to get low - I found myself mainly dying because I wasn't keeping track of my health, rather than being shot by enemies or letting them reach the pool.

Nice work, especially for a one-person team!

This game's presentation undersells its gameplay, it's really fun! I wasn't able to beat it since I got stuck at the part after the rockets with many single-tile stairs to climb up. The level design is good; most of the time you can save yourself from falling with a well-timed grapple, but the threat of losing a lot of progress is always there.
I found the physics to be occasionally frustrating. Sometimes I would bounce on a 45 degree angle and not be able to grapple, making me lose progress that I feel like I should have kept.

I have to agree with MarisonIO here, the game doesn't fit the theme very well. In my eyes, the term "Foddian" means that you gain progress slowly and lose it in chunks by making a series of mistakes. Here you do lose progress by making mistakes, but you don't ever lose it incrementally.
The gameplay could use some polish. Blocking is inconsistent, I occasionally died to a projectile while holding RMB. Controller support seems like it was left in accidentally, since you can't attack or block but you accelerate much faster than when using keyboard input.

I love the hand-drawn art style! I can tell that a lot of thought was put into level design, too. Falling always felt like it was my fault, which isn't always the case for games of this genre. My only qualm is that the player's movement seems like it needs some polishing, since there were times that I would be able to jump midair or couldn't jump at all when grounded. Overall, great job!

Thank you! You're probably right about the boss fight, I had left it sorta simple to keep it from being too difficult. I'm not gonna make any changes to this game, but I'll take that into consideration for anything else I make :)

Really cool concept! A completed version looks like it would be amazing.

Nice! Probably the most creative game I've seen in this jam

It seems that we had similar interpretations of the theme :p

Very well done, the interface is beautiful.

Thank you! :)