Hmmmm, while the poly counts and code could be optimized a little, the lag is probably just due to it being a 3D browser game unfortunately. Sorry for the inconvenience. >.<
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The graphics on this game are INSANE. Looks so professional. It seems intimidating at first, but the game is actually pretty simple once you understand it. Lots of good check list item types that keep you on your feet, and navigating the notebooks can be done really fast. My only critique would be I wish the game had responsive prompts to teach you instead of the walls of text at the start, but I guess that's understandable with only a week to make the game. 😅
This game has a lot of secret stuff if you dig for it, like going super deep and finding unique fish with the light. I really like how it doesn't show its hand all at once. The character is super duper adorable, and this game manages to really create some naturally intense moments with the timer and health. I love it!
Huh... idk what to say. Just tried it now and I can jump just fine... what a weird bug, sorry about that. :0
I wanna say try another browser or something but I have no clue that would even fix. XD
I LOVE THIS. Thank you for taking the time to do this! XD
Can't believe I missed that wall jumping glitch. I'll have to patch that for next time. 🙃
Also I will say!! there is a hidden mechanic where you can chain infinite super jumps together. Just press A right when you hit the ground after a super jump.😏 With it I've done sub 1-minute during testing, so curious to see how crazy a TAS could do with that. Maybe next time ehehehe