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A member registered Mar 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing again and for the useful feedback!
-For the level 1 to level 2 transition, I agree, forgot to fix it in the last patch but it is now more apparent since you can go faster. I should make the transition start earlier and be faster (like for the other level transitions)
-You probably had an issue with an invisible collider.. I couldn't reproduce it but for a bigger game I will definitely be more careful about those situations!

Hi Rapatika, thanks for the nice comment :)
This is encouraging, we're also thinking about furthering upon the idea for a full release! Game now has keyboard controls if you'd like to experiment with that

Hi messica, thanks so much for the feedback! We're now exploring making this into a full release, we see quite some potential in new mechanics!

Hey Geoff! I updated the game, it now has keyboard controls! I thought Q/E worked well for me, but I also added R/F to go up/down as you suggested. Let me know what you think if you give it another try :)

Hi Incidental, I just updated the game with camera fixes and keyboard controls (you can see them in the game's description)! Would love to know if you still experience issues with the camera and if you have any feedback on the keyboard controls.
Thanks :)

Hi vertexdune, I just updated the game with camera fixes and keyboard controls (you can see them in the game's description)! Would love to know if you still experience issues with the camera and if you have any feedback on the keyboard controls.
Thanks :)

Hi CutieMonica, I just updated the game with camera fixes and keyboard controls! Would love to know if you still experience issues with the camera and if you have any feedback on the keyboard controls.
As for the undo, this is definitely on our to-do list, thanks so much for the valuable feedback :)

Hi Filip, I just updated the game with camera fixes and keyboard controls! Would love to know if you still experience issues with the camera and if you have any feedback on the keyboard controls.
Thanks :)

Unique concept coming out of this jam theme, quite a funny game, well done!

Liked the idea when I started playing, but then seeing that you can use the scaling of the boxes made it even better!
Implementing one mechanic (scaling boxes) for different functions is really elegant game design, well done.
I thought the scale to jump mechanic was a bit hard to control timing wise, one way to solve this would be to divide it in 45 degrees angle to help on playability! 

Good use of very basic shapes to convey a lot of information! Great skill game, well done!

Great game! I liked the sense of dread which made me afraid to go out of the submarine at times. The hand drawn art is also really pretty, great job!

Aah got it! I should have payed more attention to the written instructions haha
Managed to beat the game now, thanks :)

(1 edit)

Tankh you so much for playing!

We are aware of the camera problem that comes up with some people. We didn’t have this problem with testing, but it came up after submitting :( We will do our best to fix in the next possible update.

If this wasn’t an issue, do you think this has potential for a full game ?

thanks Geoff!

I agree, I will start looking into a different control scheme, maybe WASD for horizontal movement and Q and E to go up and down. That could work, what do you think?

Game looks great, the vibe is on point, congrats on this!

I think it would be better to add a small tutorial, but once I understood the concept I could move forward a bit. My only issue was with obstacles that went to the side of the screen. Since I avoided all the obstacles before by scaling up, I expected to have my circle do the same with those 'side' obstacles, but my circle wouldn't move far away from the center. With a bit of polish it could be amazing!

Game looks great, the vibe is on point, congrats on this!

I think it would be better to add a small tutorial, but once I understood the concept I could move forward a bit. My only issue was with obstacles that went to the side of the screen. Since I avoided all the obstacles before by scaling up, I expected to have my circle do the same with those 'side' obstacles, but my circle wouldn't move far away from the center. With a bit of polish it could be amazing!

This is an example of excellent tutorialization!

Loved the little robot, and the game is really polished overall.
However, I couldn't get past the green cube, it seems that the movement didn't work how it should: I pushed it, moved away once but it didn't retract, only on my second movement, which made it impossible to solve that puzzle :(. Let me know if this is not clear!
Otherwise congratulations and really cool concept!

Wow, really impressed with this.
The mechanic is original, and even though it takes a bit of time to get used to the movement, it really pays off at the end. You can tell you put a lot of work in it and it pays off. Congratulations!

Got to 512! Great spin on the 2048 game genre, the graphics and the style is really well made. It made me want seeing more hero attacks and maybe an even bigger board!

Well done :)

Great idea and concept! Having the weight come into your decision making is an interesting idea and you should really explore that further. I also recognised the wheel enemies from Dark Souls ? ;)

If I had suggestions, it would be juice, juice, juice!

Add some sound effects for shooting, picking up items, getting hit, etc . Add some particles when an enemy dies, add some screen shake wherever you can! You will see, the difference will be night and day

Congrats on the jam!

Awesome game! Lots of polish and feels very fun to play. I got to 300+ feet before I got stuck by my own building placement, that was tough!

I would suggest two things to improve:

- the horizontal speed of the character could be a bit lower, as its tough to make some precise jumps

- I wish there was a way to snap the building pieces down to be faster!

Really cool, well done!

Really cool idea, and the vibe of the whole game is great (sound, music, colours altogether).
I couldn't get very high (my high score is 11), maybe starting with four cubes at the bottom for more stability would allow to get crazier towers!

Great job overall, keep going on your game dev journey :)

As an Unreal programmer, I could really relate with the pain of spaghetti code! 
Great idea, really polished and satisfying game. The UI, sound, and mechanics were all really consistent, congrats!

Hi CutieMonica, thanks you so much for playing and for the helpful feedback!
Camera: Some people are having issues with it. We didn't have any when play testing so it got in the final build :( I will explore a solution for the next update!
The Undo move is a great idea, this is something we will explore if we make it into a full release.
For the grass and the tutorial, this will be fixed too :)

Hi vertex dune, thanks so much for playing!
I will explore better controls for a next update, maybe using WASD keys to move horizontally and E/Q to go up or down, according to the camera's position.
So sorry about the bugged camera, it seems to only happen to some people and I am not sure why! I will try to fix it as well for the next update.

Seemed like a fun idea, but couldn't understand the controls unfortunately!

Really fun game! Fun mechanic and trying to get the high score is addictive.
Btw did you notice you can get a higher score by jumping at the last second?

Great idea! I thought the style was great and the music as well, fun idea for the theme as well.
The animations were not snappy enough I think, and it would have been nice to explore more options for getting materials, since right now it is only walk to A, click and pick up.
Great job!

Great vibe and atmosphere, the mechanic is interesting and sparks strategies that make you frame the pictures differently! Awesome work!

Thanks a lot! Didn't notice any issue with camera movement until now, I will make sure to post an update for it soon