Interesting game, it has good potential! I like the music, backgrounds, the abstract writing. If you continue with it I think it might benefit from more interactivity like the fence. Great work overall!
Awesome, I'm glad it felt spooky enough, it's hard to tell how it'll all come together when you're making it! And for fighting/stopping the monster, no, just running away and getting to the ending by completing the objectives. Thanks for playing!
Thanks for the feedback! I agree about giving the player more reason to toggle it with the level design, but I'm glad you liked it, thanks for playing!
That's awesome! Yeah the docs are great :) FYI if you're only using online docs, I'm constantly using the in-editor docs ("Search Help" at top right of script or ctrl-click things in code)
Great job overall especially with the time constraint, I really like the art style. If you ever want to polish it up I think you have a solid foundation/aesthetic
For sure I feel the same way, just tried to get the game modes done to go with the theme. After the jam is over I'll be polishing the core elements. Thanks for playing!
Really well polished game, good job! One thing is it might be good to clarify if it's entirely random what the next mode is or if it's some pattern based on where you leave the screen. Either one works but letting the player know off the bat could help them strategize. Overall really good!