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A member registered Jul 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it

Thanks for the comment <3 

(1 edit)

We were rushing on the last day just to record and add the voice line, so I'm glad someone enjoyed the idea as much as we did

Being a DM trying to create a perfect challenge was one of the story ideas we were toying with. Ultimately we decided that a fantasy setting would be more fun

Such a fun idea!

This is such a cool idea for a puzzle, it was really fun to figure out. I agree with the other commenters - I wish there were more levels

I love the overall vibe, the art the music, the narration - it all matches so well, really makes it immersive

Simple, but fun. Love the different pickles

Thanks <3

Thank you! Yeah, not switching can be annoying, but we figured it adds to the challenge

A very simple and fun platformer, I love the chill vibe

Feels very cozy, loved playing it

Yeah, we ran out of time towards the end of the jam and didn't manage to fit much rebalancing

I looove the graphics, I think I got a little hypnotized while playing. The most rounds I got was 8, I dunno if that's good, but I had fun regardless. One thing that annoyed me a little bit was that when I lost all my dice rolls and didn't have a chance at lasting any longer the game still continued to the enemy round prolonging the inevitable.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Super cute!

Finding the perfect balance between all the all the info we wanted to share in the tutorial and keeping it brief was a real challenge.  I'm happy our friendly neighbourhood goblin Pinoccio managed to help :)

Very cool!

Super fun to play!

Looks cool, but as a person with no musical education whatsoever I was very confused

Simple, but very fun to play!

Cute, but I don't think the screenshots match the game?

Not sure how you're supposed to leave the game? Up until that it was fun :)

Did you manage to find the victory screen after the 10th adventurer? We've strived to add as much depth as we could in the limited time-frame of the gamejam.

Very pretty! Love the animation at the start

It  is, you either love it or you hate it 😅

After some feedback we even made it less slippery, but still it was always supposed to be like that (or rather Skay is in charge of movement and he likes it that way)

Thanks for your feedback! We've now changed the camera a bit, so it should less disorienting

Really fun! I didn't really get what blowing the other clouds was about, though.

I like the concept, but unfortunately it feels a bit unfinished and buggy

Super cute! Wish there something to measure progress though, like score/number of days survived

Glad you enjoyed it! Originally there was only one bar, then we added the other two later (the bottom exp one was one of the last changes) and at that point we didn't really have the time to label them better, unfortunately.

Nice game, only a little confusing

Super cute!

Super cool, I found myself playing over and over again trying to get as far as possible. Clipping into the walls is super annoying tho, maybe because I only noticed the warning sign at like a fifth try, but I wish it showed the score even if you clipped

It looks great and I love the concept. So sad it's unfinished

Really cool concept, made me think. Love the addition of the prototype level

Super pretty, a bit hard though

Sorry, but no

Love the concept, execution could be better, but overall a nice little game