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A jam submission

Blobbert Life - DemoView game page

Submitted by Blobii Studios — 2 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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Blobbert Life - Demo's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It is a game about scaling yourself up and down and shapeshifting to traverse various different platforming environments.And for the cheeky speedrunner looking for extra movement options, you can spam space along ledges with the right timing to "scale" the ledges :)

Development Time

48 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
I used all my own assets
A lot of the art is on my pixilart profile:
The music is on my youtube:
See the description for the full credits :)

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Nice job! I liked the idea of the different Blobberts, but found I could get away with just using one or two for most situations, as others have said the wall collision could use a little work. 

I liked the cartoonish art style, and with a little work on making each Blobbert stand out and physics it could be a very cool longer game! Nice work!


Thank you for your kind comments! Glad you like the art! In my patch and further updates (potentially a full release) I will definitely be adding more variety and making it so you have to use each one uniquely. If you are interested, stay tuned for future updates :D

This is a really fantastic concept for a game, a great base. As a prototype it was pretty buggy, getting stuck on the landscape was frustrating, but I don't think that really matters. I did find it frustrating to remember which number switched to what - I'm wondering if you could have a preview of the 'next' blobbert in the queue which you rotate with right click, and then left click changes you so you can swap quickly and with minimal frustration.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for your kind words :D

Yeah all of this and more is coming in the patch that is coming up, and most definitely in the full version, so make sure you stay posted on updates if you're interested :) edit: btw the reason why it’s not in rotation is bcz you could die to spikes while changing or smth, but there’s prolly a way something similar might improve it, yes :D


Some of the powers of the Bolobert made some others obsolete.  And wall jumping makes the tall springy one useless...

Streamed today!!


Thanks for streaming the game! One of my main goals in my patch will be to give each blobbert purpose. I hope you still liked the art and still had fun! Good luck!


Fun idea - the jump mechanics were giving me some trouble - i'd stick to walls at odd places making movement a bit awkward - but I thought the system of quick shape shifting to traverse levels was awfully fun. Thanks! :D


for sure bug fixing is number one in my list. Hope you still had fun despite a couple bugs!


Simple idea but with enough variety to not make it boring.
Although I must say I enjoyed the game much more when I "forced" myself to play by the rules, inestaed of exploiting the bugs, then I could appriciate the level design and ideas more.
As other already pointed out the game is very easy to exploit, especially springy and small shape spamming let me go around the whole level etc.

Aerodynamic is probably my favourite :)


I probably said this to a few other people, but all bugs will be swatted in the patch so that’s good if you wanna ever play again. In 48 hours I tried my best to fix bugs :D I’d rather have a better game with a couple bugs then a worse/smaller game with no bugs/less bugs. But thanks for the feedback and good luck!


I really like the idea. Unfortunately, physics/collision is not great. You don't really need any shapes other than the small blue one and the purple one. You can just stay small and wall jump, or use the purple one when you need to destroy enemies and not jump too high. When you respawn you can air jump, sometimes twice.

Spikes (I assume they were spikes) did not look deadly enough, looked to be part of background/decoration.

Nice job incorporating tutorials into the levels. This game has potential, just need some tweaking to the physics/collision.

Really good job for just 48 hours!


I am tweaking the physics and collision in the patch so you should be able to experience the game fully :D Good luck!

Submitted (1 edit)

I like the game! Here are some of my critiques/suggestions:

  • I had some trouble with the walljump at first but then got the hang of it, I was trying to hold the key towards the wall I was gripped to but that wasn't working.
  • Lerping between shapes if possible would be awesome
  • I love the concept, it kinda reminds me of the different Paper Mario TTYD forms. This could grow(scale pun) into a cool full game
  • Increasing gravity when falling for all forms would be great, it feels too floaty(in my opinion) right now, but I think that fits SOME of the forms(like mini), just not all of them.
  • Aerodynamic is my favourite because movement is cool :)
  • oh yeah and I like the faces they remind me of Suika
  • EDIT: coyote time would also be good.

Overall, it's good. I like it. :)


Lerping, thats what i was thinking when I was polishing today! Thanks for bringing it to mind! Walljumping wasn't really intentional at first, but I wanted to add it in the end, just couldnt figure out how to fix. It will definitely be fully functional in the final release! Coyote time seems like a really good quality of life improvement too! SO much good feedback to be unpacked here, i'm glad you commented :D I like aerodynamic too especially because it kinda gives me bullet bill vibes. Good luck to you, my fellow west aussie!


I like how you made multiple unique abilities for all the different abilities. Great job!


Thank you! I had fun making the abilities so im glad you liked it! Good luck :D


Nice work! The levels were well put together, though I accidentally skipped level 3 by going over the level with the 2 transformation 😅

Since transforming pushes you up, you can mash to sort of get a super jump or push through ceilings. It's most notable with the 2 transformation


Haha 😅 I did not know that than you for bringing that to my attention! I hope this only made the game more fun for you lmao! But seriously I will try to fix bugs such as these when I work on some polish :D


It was kind of funny so it was still enjoyable. Good luck with your post-jam changes!


Thanks! Good luck to you too!


There were some interesting puzzles with switching the different abilities. The controls were a bit janky, but the core idea is good. I like your finale with falling on a whole horde of enemies.


Thanks for the feedback. With every jam game, there is a bit of jank, but yeah the movement def needs a lil improvement:D

Submitted (1 edit)

The gimmicks here are very fun! Enjoyed using all of them to pass each level :D


Thank you for your kind words! I had fun making each little guy and customising them and so far people have enjoyed them! Good luck to you!

Submitted (1 edit)

I never played anything like this so far amazing work i like the silly characters! Awesome work on platforming and art and loved that u got too many forms and each form have different speciality ! My favourite Submission so far! 15/15 stars


Thank you so much for your kind rating! Yes I loved making the little blobbert forms and their abilities and I'm glad that many people, especially you, enjoyed them :D


I'm very impressed that this was a 48 hour submission, especially for how many different forms you got into this game! I enjoyed the moment to moment of this game, and I think with some polish on the controls and jumps it could be really good. Nice work!


Thanks! Yeah I agree, just needs some polish and it's gonna be pretty awesome :)


Great great work! And for 48 hours too?? You should be super proud. I loved the take on the theme and I love those moments where you figure out the exact sequence you need to shapeshift into to bypass a certain piece of a level, execute it perfectly, ahh just so satisfying! Great submission!


Thank you ! Yeah I did this over the weekend in roughly ~20 hours dev time, and that was exactly the feeling I wanted to create with my limited time. I found myself playtesting quite a bit to make interesting solutions. Glad you enjoyed and good luck!


Neat game. Even more impressive you got it done in 48 hours! I'm a sucker for puzzle platformers! Was this is a solo project? 


Yes this was a solo project made by a teenager. I am probably in the 'special' type kid if ykyk so I tend to fixate really well on goals. So I think i pulled it off pretty well for who I am and my resources. Thank you for your review!


Pretty neat concept! The platforming is quite decent, and it's a fun short game - I would have preferred to have some sort of reminder of what each form did, but it's a nitpick really - my main criticisms here would be that the player can very easily bypass the game by just running against a wall and jumping, which seems to keep me stuck to the wall, but lets me climb up it, which doesn't feel intentional :p 

Other than that, it's a pretty nice entry, especially for a game made under 48 hours, and I had fun playing it to the end!


Update: Just read the theme notes! That makes more sense now,  but that movement still feels very much so not intentional :p perhaps giving a bit more feedback (sound effects, slight physics adjustments) to the climbing happening would make this feel less unintentional?


Yes I do definitely have to work on movement. I am revamping this weekend so lets hope it can come out better in a couple months :)


Great game ! Especially that it is done under 48 hours. Movements can be polished more, but i especially liked the music and art ! Keep up the good work :)


Thank you for your rating! Yes I agree movement needs a bit of work, but hopefully it'll all be fixed in the polished version! :)


Very fun! amazing job for getting this much done in 48 hours, the movement is a tiny bit buggy but what game jam game doesn't have a bit of jank :P. The levels were all great and the background music was pretty good!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree some bits were a bit janky and this feedback will definitely help me in my hopefully full release of the game :) 


Cute game! Jumping and wall-jumping is kind of janky but the level design was fun. The big pile of enemies at the end made me giggle. Thank you for your game :)

If you’re using the physics engine to move blocks around it might be better to use Unity’s 2d Character Controller instead.


damn they added a whole component for this type of thing?! Thank you for informing me about this cool feature! Will be sure to take this into consideration when polishing the game!

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