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A member registered Mar 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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There are definitely a few shortcomings I failed to fix in time, the music and invincibility being the biggest problems. Thank you for giving it a shot though! I had a great time coming up with it in the time span!

I wouldn't have been so cruel as to have you restart on death! The health points are supposed to be save points as well, but when I couldn't get the save system working, god mode got left on on accident for the final export. Those particular visual bugs are unusual, I haven't seen anything like that. I'm wondering if an enemy somehow stuck to you, but it should have moved away relatively quickly so I wonder if maybe they are some sort of incompatibility with the gfx. I'm still glad it was somehow playable though, so I appreciate you giving it a go!

Crypt of the Necrodancer was definitely an inspiration! But I wasn't gonna try to make no rhythm game, lol. But I know that feel when you get the level up right at the end of your health! Thanks for playing!

Haha! It wouldn't have been too hard if I hadn't left the invincibility on, but I'm glad you still got to enjoy the atmosphere and mechanics! Thanks for the play!

The invincibility is unfortunately the biggest sour spot I think. Thanks so much for playing and paying some compliments!

It makes me incredible happy you played it honestly and honorably! It was intended to go the the last heal spot on death, but when I failed to implement a save system at the same time, that's when I left god mode on on accident for export. Everyone has different opinions on the difficulty, so I'm hoping that means I did it just right!

It's unfortunate you spend so little time in the cathedral after everything! Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for giving it a play!

I liked keeping the cathedral in the middle always visible, and I'm glad you noticed enough to mention it! Spending a little time grinding is the best way to actually play rather than live with the infinite health! I'm glad you played it honestly! And good idea with the sfx, it's one of the things I've heard the most. Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for checking it out!

Glad you were able to get through it and seemed to enjoy it! Sorry for the really late reply! The music not looping was from changing the bgm last minute and forgetting to change the loop setting on import, which is a bit of a strange place to set it. You would think it would be in the audio player! Thanks for checking it out!

Interesting you ran into that particular bug! I worked hard to make it not do that, but I think it can still happen after it gets revived maybe? Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for checking it out!

Haha, the ending is over a bit soon, the Hud is still overlaid, but it has story and dialogue, which are great! I like the level design and most of the music. The battles are good and the characters are cute! The map was very helpful and I liked that it filled it out with the space you are looking at ahead as well. It would be nice to add the character icons to the person talking as it's a touch hard to tell between the three, and there are a few times Bastet had different spelling in the dialogue. The only other big thing is that when you go up a set of stairs, the camera is really low to the ground. I remember I had that issue years ago with a different dungeon crawler I was making in UE4, so I don't blame you too hard! Overall a solid entry with a fun theme and characters!

I enjoyed the graphics! The pixels/jagginess were nice and clean, I liked the underwater palace level when the windows were visible to the outside. Had a good ambience with a legit bit of fright for the run sections! I also enjoyed the couple details you could see, like the snake/dragon coiling around the planet, the underwater creature you end up running from showing up in the window, and the deer creature rising from the ground. I got through pretty much the whole game by just trying to escape without using any other defend mechanics and I only used items twice to heal, but I like the idea that you are just trying to escape, and not fighting back! And even though I got through it without it being difficult, sometimes the enemy encounters are too constant. I had the same problem in my game though too! (I just read that you adjusted the rate depending on the darkness, which is actually pretty cool, but maybe still a little less would be better!)

Overall, good atmosphere, good sounds, good scenery, fit the theme well, and just the right length!

It would have been pretty good to have more! Most of the length is really just the second/last puzzle. Only having two is unfortunate! Graphics were nice, which makes it sadder for the length! Ditto on the movement, but not bad for 3 days!

Haha, the amount of children I have telling their parents what to do is crazy! Give me all the ../../../'s.

You can't build for web with GDScript either on the newest 4 versions, you get the ShadedArrayBuffer error, which itch,io has a fix for when you upload, but there's also a "Cross Origin Isolation" error that as far as I can tell can't be fixed for web yet either.

I. Have. Ascended! Pretty complete game! Monochrome graphics are great, though sometimes the billboard effect on doors can be confusing. I liked that items actually did something and helped depending on the area you're in. Overall a good atmosphere and good gameplay! I liked the addition of the demons after defeating the bosses, though they still spawn before fighting a shard bearer if you say no. Nice job!

Thank you for the feedback on the doors! It's a good idea to make them a little more visible. The original plan was to have the doors be locked, so they would have the same padlock you see on the cathedral door, ideally that would make them pop out more, but I'll consider that for post update! I also agree on the enemy respawn rate, 20 moves sounded like a lot, but it seems not to be, it doesn't help that enemy encounters take a turn each bout. I'll definitely consider the healing change too! Thanks for playing, and more for all the feedback!

Thanks! I got lucky combining the colors for a decent look! But yes, the ending is like...hilariously immediate. The last day was dedicated to progression and story, and both got hampered by it! Thanks for checking it out!

(1 edit)

The original intention was to have each door that you were able to open be locked, and you had to retrieve the key by defeating foes, which would ideally help you level up in each area, especially since you get a full heal when you level! That would have gated the hardest area (forest) from being accessed too early. But I definitely agree the respawn rate ended up being too high. 20 turns sounds like a lot, but it's really not!

Thank you for playing and the feedback!

I am admittedly quite fond of this style, most of my projects I've started use it to some degree! This was the lowest resolution I've done yet though. I usually do 64x64/meter, but I stuck with 32x32 for this! And yeah, I waited til the last day to implement what little story there is, UI is one of my weakest areas in terms of experience so I couldn't quite get the dialogue system I wanted off the ground. Thank you for checking it out and giving it a try!

Thanks! I changed the music last minute, so unfortunately it appears I forgot to set it to loop since it has to be done when you import it, not the actual node that plays it weirdly enough. But I'll remember that next time!

That's just great to know. Thanks for pointing it out. Out of curiosity, were you able to bypass it? (If you tried, that is) It seems that it may be because Godot is open source, they don't provide a signature for .exe's. Or it could be the failed save system I tried to implement, but just comment blocked out. Regardless, I'll put a warning up, that's a real bummer.

Great VA! First playthrough the camera slider didn't show up so I was just taking pics at random. The second I won almost immediately. I think the voice lines, while great, are way too long. Cute art and temple design though, and nice to see some traps!

Interesting "combat!" First time I thought you wanted to break into the ball, but turns out you are the ball! Level design is very samey, so the inclusion of a map is nice. Easy to get overwhelmed in battle! Especially with multiple enemies at the top at bottom! It got in my head, but good job!

Great great game! Got my revenge! The spell system is cool, and the graphics look great, especially the battle entry effects. Battle was a little slow, which made healing really slow too since the enemy always got an attack off anyways. Teleport was effectively useless as far as I could tell. The sfx were nice and the bgm was subtle enough. The green level reminded me of laser tag for a bit! Level design left a little to be desired as most of it was just one block dead ends. But I wanted more spells and riddles! Especially the riddles. Very good quality game!

Graphics are nice, along with the level design! I love that you're wearing a suit and it has head-bob movement. The aiming mechanic was neat, and the final boss was pretty cool, even without sound.

Not sure if the buttons do much, but I made it to the end! The music was truly really rough! I digged the graphics though. It was kinda nice to just destroy every enemy I came across. 

Thanks for checking it out! The harder enemies were supposed to be gated as every door you opened was supposed to be locked, that way you couldn't go fight the wolves first! Final version will have that. But I was afraid it was too easy, so I'm glad to hear otherwise!

Loved the names! I'll agree with others on it being solid but slow movement. I'll add that the grid you're standing on is kinda confusing. But the battle system is interesting! I like that you have a whole working system for buying upgrades, along with a relatively rewarding pace for getting money. I was hoping for more levels, so that's a good sign!