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A member registered May 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool game! It was weird not being able to shoot over gaps. But it was satisfying to go around killing things for ammunition later, especially because the smaller you got the less effective the sword was.

Kinda confused about what to do at first. But after a while I got the hang of it. With no point system or timer or anything, I was a little confused about the objective, and eventually was just kind of drifting through space after killing a few slimes. The idea was neat tho and the movement, although weird at first, was kinda cool to learn and get the hang of.

Nice art and concept! Got to 4 dollars, lost it all on "amazing" luck :(

It was pretty fun to play! It was tough trying to land on another number sometimes because the controls were a little weird. Also, I don't know if it was intended, but you can kinda just jump forever if you spam the button fast enough. Intended or not, it was fun flying over the other numbers, scouting out which to fall on! 

I liked the death count and the section that involves controlling both of the cubes at once. The don't die mode was definitely challenging, I only managed to get 13 seconds. Was pretty fun!

The concept is nice! I was just a lil confused at first because there's not much feedback as to if I actually vacuumed a room or not. And after the first level I wasn't sure who's instructions to follow, until I saw there was a second house that loaded in after completing the first house. Still a pretty good job! Just needs a bit of tweaking

The art is amazing! The first thing that came to mind was celeste, which also has pretty awesome pixel art. Turning death into a mechanic to advance in the level is pretty unique, and fits the theme pretty well with the two lives. Nice job! 

A nice concept! I actually had a similar idea when first starting, but instead of controlling two pieces at the same time it would've been managing two separate game screens. Your game turned out great! Only thing I'd change would be the music, as it's a little "intense sounding" for a casual game of tetris (even if it is set in the holy motherlands)

It was a nice game! The concept is cool too. I dunno if it was just me, but trying to find out what each lever did was kinda confusing, and sometimes they wouldn't switch if both of the cubes were over a similar switch (or they would both switch it, cancelling each other?). I managed to stumble my way through though and it was pretty fun!

Beautiful looking game! Reminds me of arcade machines. Getting the ghosts was so satisfying, and the occasional tease of three was always exciting. Other than getting two ghosts in one shot for more points, it doesn't really fit the theme much I think. But other than that, it was an amazing game!

I liked the concept of switching between two sights to progress. It was fairly challenging, especially the last level, which was pretty fun! Nice work

It was a nice game with cute art and sound effects! The puzzles had me thinking hard for a couple of them too, which is nice! I didn't see a connection to the theme that much other than reuniting the two balls for the story, but the game was still fun. A great job overall! (Also loved the "I'm not like the other balls" inclusion)

Art is nice, and the jumps feel satisfying. However I just couldn't get past the jump after the "31 coin mark." The lava is high enough to use all the jumps just to get to the top, and too long for me to make it across before the third jump ends. 

When I first started playing the enemies spawned pretty frequently and the attacks wouldn't hit them sometimes, making it a little hard. After one restart, the enemies stopped spawning, which I don't think was intended, and I could easily walk to the end of the level. I'm not sure what caused it, but after refreshing the page it worked again. Having the second cube didn't feel like it added much either, as the enemies mostly came for the guy in the front.  Adding a bit more variety to enemies and a way to involve the second cube more into the game  would make it more engaging in my opinion.  It's still a nice concept though! 

A nice simple game! The trap damage sounds were funny to hear

I like the art style and the music! Playing it at first was a bit easy, but when it started to speed up and throw more obstacles it became more fun, which I enjoyed. Being able to move both cars inside each other felt a little cheat-y, but trying to keep them separate was a struggle too. But nice work overall!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah my art skills aren't really up there, but thanks for the feedback!

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked it! I'll definitely try yours too

Thanks for playing! When I first started I only really had the concept of one plays defense and another is offense. My art isn't the best so I just stuck with simple circles for most of the effects and objects

Thanks! Trying to find a balance for the difficulty of the game as the waves went up was tough for me. It could definitely be tweaked a bit

Thanks for the feedback! Trying to scale the difficulty was tough for me, and my art definitely still needs practicing

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed

A pretty nice game! The puzzles were hard enough to keep me thinking (especially the last one) and the art style was nice too. The boss giving instructions was a nice touch too. I also liked the little message he gave when the first robot fell off.  Controlling two people fits the theme well too

It's a nice concept and fairly challenging! It did take me a bit to find out how exactly to play though and the fishing spot was a little buggy, but other than that it's nice and the art is pretty good too. 

The game was pretty fun and unique! I liked the idea of controlling another entity to possess stuff.  My only complaint is when switching back to the human, the camera would get stuck in like a rounded/pushed out effect? Other than than that, I wish there were more levels. Nice job overall!

The jumping sound and animation is so satisfying! Had fun playing it and it's a cool idea to have to think ahead for what's available for Rob to jump on

I like the concept and music! It looks like a fun game, but I don't have anyone to play with :(

The sprites looked good and it was fun to play. It was a little short though and I was kinda confused by the last enemy as well as the cubes. But it was still pretty fun

Cute design! It was kinda hard to control the balls, as they wouldn't roll sometimes. And the geyser jumps were sometimes difficult to use. I also like the music (reminds me of wizard101 for some reason). Nice job!

The sounds were amazing (Especially when missing mail or getting it all lol). The concept wasn't that bad either, I wish it was a longer. Also loved the salt

The art and sfx were nice! The animations looked a little wonky, but other than that it was a nice little game!

Pretty fun game! I liked the unique mechanic of the ghost, and adding another element of difficulty/suspense by turning the lights off. The enemies are a little wonky sometimes, but overall good game

Thanks for the feedback! It was escape before, but that would exit fullscreen too. I just kinda picked f cause it was close to d, so you wouldn't have to move as far to open the menu.

I love the art and story! The little detail of naming the ai was a nice touch too. Some puzzles were really hard, but it felt good to beat the game! The option to skip levels was nice too (I got stuck on the "two chanmbers" one). Nice game!

I like the idea of it, and I feel it could be even more fun with two people playing. However the controls felt a bit off and not responsive. The game play also felt a little slow for an endless runner. With a little tweaking and more variations, the game could definitely be more fun!

I like the simple cube design, and the dash mechanic was really cool. The collisions were a little rough which caused me or the enemy to phase into the floors/walls. Dashing towards an enemy can be a little frustrating too if not timed right because you just go through them instead and it can lead to death (which was the main cause of death for me in the last level). Also sometimes you could double jump, other times you couldn't, which confused me a bit. But other than those things, the idea was cool and I'd happily play part 2!

It was a pretty short and simple game, and kind of clunky. I liked how the enemies were just variations of the number two though lol

"you silly man" lol