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A member registered Sep 02, 2018

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No worries! I'd delete a request from me too.

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4 years is perfect! Life got really busy during and after Covid with a baby. Is 94 days too late to reply? :D

I'm kinda still working on it. My VR headset died so I've been porting it over to PC. Somewhat bouncing between that and something else as I needed a creative break from it.

In reality... probably too early. Are you ok if I reach out later?

ps: Sent a Discord friend request.

Hey! Thank you for the comment, it means a lot.(sorry just noticed this!) I hope to eventually get on the Quest! I'll let you know.

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Profile selection screen. I might get rid of the doors....

Thanks! Appreciate these comments! :)

No worries, very well deserved :) Thanks for checking out my game!

This all sounds great, looking forward to it.

My rating review hasn't appeared. Just going to copy/paste it below.


These and all of Shapeforms audio packs are fantastic. They're full of hidden gems that I knew I had to buy after listening to the demo. I just bought two bundles and I'm not disappointed! I'm going to be using a bunch of these sounds in my VR game inspired by Hotline Miami. Let me know if you're like me to put this review on all the other packs. By any chance do you have plans to release packs of the following? :)

- More Vocal exertion distorted + more juicy Quake 1 style giblets

- Non sci fi hit markers

- Non sci fi weapons? Your designed sci fi weapons are insane... Unfortunately I'm not making a sci fi based game.

Great work. Very happy customer 👍

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I enjoyed it :) Reminded me of Micro Machines on the NES. Lots of potential here.

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Fully integrated the execution animations into gameplay. Will have a video of all of them coming up soon.

Then it's cleaning up some bugs, level flow and back to AI for a demo level.

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hmm yes suits are a good idea... added to the list! :)

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Hey Slither! I used paired animations from

When I play the execution animation for the player - I move the camera outside of the first person view and then teleport the AI character to the exact position and rotation needed. At this moment I can play the equivalent paired animation for the AI character. Sounds and effects are added directly on the animation timeline.

Still got a few issues to sort out like doing it too close to a wall. The collision capsule isn't great when the character is laying down like this so there's wall clipping.

Another player character test. I prefer the hoodie design.

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Execution animation test.

The last character was a bit too much like Jacket. This one isn't rough enough. Getting there.

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The feedback from /r/HotlineMiami asked for a Jacket like character that's basically an average Joe. I feel I've leaned way too heavily on the source material to the point it's creatively bankrupt. Any ideas to spice up the concept?

Happy new year!

I didn't quite get as far as I wanted to in 2020. Goes without saying it was a pretty rough year.

Excited to open the door to the new year.

I was implementing game mechanics and it just wasn't clicking. I decided to post on /r/HotlineMiami for some input. Clearly needed to go back to basics. Working through the list I got.

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Still working on this! I upgraded to the latest version of UE4 and it broke a bunch of stuff... busy trudging through that mess now...

Working on bullet time. I don't want any flat 2d UI elements. Thinking of attaching an arcade button on the hand for bullet time activation. Maybe even as a general remote? Still not sure of the hand model but I need to move on, so black glove it is.

This is a fantastic package. It captures the PSX vibe perfectly with lots of room for customization. There's a lot in here that you can learn from. It's also packaged in such a way that you can break it up and integrate into your own project easily. Marcis is also great at answering questions.


Although I didn't make it as an Oculus Quest game I was encouraged to join Oculus Start. Decided to go with it 
as the developer program looks very good. First cut is still going to be a VR game :)

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With the recent announcement that the Rift lineup will be discontinued I thought long and hard about moving this project to PC. I'm not really in the mood for paying 1k for the Index and I don't have Quest Developer status. A few people reached out to me to at least apply. So that's what I've done.

This project is now a leaf in the wind. It either blows over to the Quest or PC.

I really enjoy developing on the VR platform and would return to it in the future.

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Great icons! Thank you. Animated the down arrow in Asesprite.

Really nice and unique art style. Packaged for ease of use. Following for more cool stuff.

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Been working on the gameplay loop around bullet time.

I've wanted some sort of bullet time since the beginning to give the 
player a fighting chance. I've been experimenting with a bunch of them.
For example just slowing down the bullets for a brief period of time and then
accelerating back to normal speed. In practice all these experiments have fallen flat.
Really flat.

I think I'm over thinking it... I'm just going to go all Max Payne with a global bullet time
coupled with a meter and go from there. That always feels awesome in VR. 
 I'll worrying about nerfing it later. Having a fun feel good experience is more important.

failed experiment

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This game looks incredible. I really dig the style you have going on here. 

WhiteBatAudio (?) music is amazing - I plan to use some of his tracks too. I found the transition between fight music and non fight music a little jarring.

I didn't bother reading any of text explaining the game to me. Not sure why... it was kind of washed out by the game.

I didn't quite understand the bullettime/hitstop mechanic when you kill an opponent. It was also jarring and didn't convey a sense of impact or a window of opportunity. I think it's because the player's movement stops suddenly.

Keep going I think you have something special in the making.

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Not much of an update. Wrote up a list of outstanding bugs to get through before putting out a demo test level.

I've been camping lately so not much progress has been done. Back to it.

<unable to post the photo of the list>

On that note, trash or not you actually finished something. That's the hard part. 👍

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The other face is mine. I came up with the idea after a few drinks on Christmas while playing with this

Thank you! I hope I finish it too. After the VR version is done I might bring it over to PC as there are a bunch of ideas I can't do in VR.

Unrelated to this game I see you have some games up on itch. I've been thinking of spending a few hours a week to play random games to find interesting mechanics and post about it.  I'll play yours first :) Keep creating.

Thanks :) The character model is from a low poly modeler known as Rungy. I had to modify it to add the TV screen and PS1 hands (they rock, more games should use this style).  The gun is from Dekogon but with the textures stripped down. All the textures I'll rework later. I really need to work on gameplay. Oh and the face for this guy - - who is providing the music.

It's the killer feature of the game :D

Been pretty quiet lately. Been working on the AI the framework and a new AI type - TechCultist. Next round of work will be tweaking some mechanics. After that... time to start the main gameplay loop...

Thanks! Comments like these keep me going 👍

Took a break from AI coding. Converted some computer terminal models for the game.

LOL :D Is there such a thing as too much jank?

Can't get melee to feel at home in VR. It's too janky for my liking. I need to move on so the player just gets a stabby stabby knife and the AI can be axe murderers

I've essentially redone the first pass of the AI in C++ using this - - as my AI design document.

The core AI API is very good. It takes bit of experimentation to get the hang of it but it's very solid. I wasn't sure if I could use UAITasks to break up the various states in C++... I used Actions Extension from and I highly recommend it.

I do have a new found respect for the Behavior Tree solution in UE4 but I don't see myself using it again. I'm able to iterate much quicker with a straight C++ implementation.

Time to get a game play loop to build upon.

Example of a patrol AI investigating a sound source and then going back to its initial task. (hiding behind a wall as the AI is set to shoot on sight). Very impressed how little code you need to accomplish this. Seriously, the AI API is very good and naturally steers you towards an efficient event driven design.

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Really enjoyed the design talks. Subscribed to your Youtube :) 

I also struggle with the various assets available where you need to fight the authors vision with yours. That point really struck a chord with me.

All new assets in my game that I get from the marketplace go through a "normalization" phase. I rip and tear them apart until they start to look like they belong in my game. Otherwise you end up with conflicting art styles. It's a lot of work but worth it so you don't get that "asset flip" look. Just wish I was a better artist!

That pixel art is gorgeous... When do we get to see that giant fish??? :D

Working on Goldeneye64 animation.