the ending was hilarious
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The visuals are super unique, it kind of reminds me of Cult of the Lamb. Seeing a dungeon crawler in such a short period is really impressive! The enemies take maybe a bit too long to kill, and I'm guessing if you had more time you would have added a little more variety to the rooms. Other than that very solid entry, good job guys
Very very kind words! At first the rods positioning played a much bigger part, but I scrapped it last minute because when people played my game they thought it felt unresponsive, it would be interesting to make it play a bigger part if I ever revisit.
You are 100% right about my inspiration from Inscryption, it is one of my favorite games atmospherically. Thanks again for the very nice comment
Very cool and engaging tower defence, the map seems very well designed by not many insanely overpowered positions. The waves seemed extremely balanced too, each wave around the end getting extremely close.
the merging concept adds a lot too, but I wish I could see the "kill count" of towers to see if they are effective in their placements. also the screen-shake is a little much but that's pretty much my only complaints. definitely a 5 for fun
If the game is broken switch to a different browser (like microsoft edge)
It took me a bit to understand how to play but once I did it was fun, the artstyle is charming (especially the real life notebook) and the voice acting too. I really liked the effects in the game, stuff like when you interact with the sink. The only issue is the games a little hard, otherwise very nice submission