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A member registered Apr 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I felt like this was a good way of adding a bit of lore/worldbuilding while being focussed on mechanics

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I think it might be closer to 4 points than passkey, but the main inspiration was still passkey. It just… changed a lot through writing, because I thought I wouldn’t have time to finish it for the jam (before the extension) hope it still counts!

is there a hint guide somewhere ? Not something that spells everything out but like something saying “x interactable elements in savestate Y”, maybe just say how many are “characters” and how many are objects.

The game is great but the character’s speed is kind of demotivating as far as combing every savestates goes

Just a head’s up for anyone using Itch’s launcher, it introduce some bugs, namely a black screen when opening the options menu while in a level and the inability to save progress.

The solution is simply to run the .exe directly from the install folder.

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Je connais la licence (d’ailleurs le liens que vous venez de fournir est pour une autre licence que celle citée dans les règles) ma question concernait la raison derrière ce choix de licence précis ?

C’est juste par curiosité car je crois pas avoir croiser de jams avec une règle du genre avant.

Question peut-être bête mais pourquoi imposer spécifiquement la licence CC BY-NC 4.0 ?

Welp, I sure feel dumb to not have tried it ahah! Perfect game then 10/10.

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It’s proving really helpful to get used to a new keyboard layout all the while reading classics I wanted to read for a long time (currently that means A princess of Mars).

The main thing missing from the desktop version seem to be a fullscreen option, other than that, it’s great!

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Is there a plan to add sub-items/sub-collections ?

I really like the software but I tend to subdivide my tasks on 3 different levels (project -> general task -> specific task for instance) naming conventions to organise myself this way, it works but is a bit unwieldly.

This is great! Really cute game and the idea has tons of potential IMO.

Oh yeah that’s understandable, I think you’re on something though, and adding said interactions could make for a rather good game I think

I didn’t realise on the “boxart” that maya was in a wheelchair, it’s was an interesting and nice surprise!

Super cute, really fun game I love it!

This game reminds me of old flash games in the best of ways! Super charming and super fun!

That was quite a lot of fun, good job!

It was fun, as others said detaching yourself from the lifebar isn’t really useful, there should be some risk/reward put there (maybe giving a better weapon, or changing the player’s speed based on the lifebar size idk)

Also I don’t know if it’s a bug or voluntary but I think that at some point there was a ton of health pickup that stacked on top of one another so when I picked them I ended up with a lifebar that went way out of screen!

The presentation is awesome, but I wonder if I miss something, it feels like there should be a sort of plot going on with the chat and all, but besides the premise it doesn’t go too much forward.

Would love to have it expanded upon though!

It’s a good game! the artstyle is nice and the mechanics reminds me of a mix of Oddworld and Zelda.

Some issues: WASD movements aren’t comfortable on a french keyboard (we use ZQSD) and the spikes’ hitbox seemed a bit off but that maybe because movement was slightly uncomfortable

Really fun!

my only issue is the lack of info for making it “azerty compatible” in the settings file basically having the values for Z and Q to replace W and A, and a reminder that instead of “<” and “>” we should use “,” and “;”

had a lot of fun with this one, that’s deffinitely the kind of game I would waste time on my phone with (or well, maybe an expanded version could be awesome), great work!

the game tend to just crash when you run into a wall, other than that it’s a nice take on sokoban-type games