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Tail Clap Games

A member registered Jul 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback, I am working on the performance issues :)

lol yea i guess so :D

Yeah I hade the same issue when it got onto Itch, I know what is wrong and I will be fixing it soon, hopefully :D 

Thanks, I also noticed that the gameplay wasn't quite as smooth as I would have liked when it got onto Itch. I will be working on that for sure :)

Thanks man! Yeah it needs some work for sure :D

Thanks man! Yes I am going to be working on those hit boxes, right now it is a careful balance between hitboxes and spawn rates :D

I only ever got one little guy though

Thats funny! Great look, man I wish I could draw like that.

Sound is alright, and the physics seem good.

I am unsure what the point of dropping the dragon is, as it splashes my coins all over the place. I can just as easily throw the soldiers in the air.. Also the game is way easier the less coins you have :D

Great job anyways! Really an enjoyable game :)

Not quite on theme, also the Icon of the game is incredible while the ingame graphics are alright.

A bit simple but it works. 

About the theme, I see that the name of the game is a pun, but still the game should be on theme somehow :)

I didn't quite get it, at first I though I was supposed to grab onto anything, as that didn't work, I just sped up, which got me far. But I think I missed the point :D

Looks good though, and works really well, even with high speeds :)

Great idea! Good look and feel too! 

But the rolling is really slow, the time to reward is way to long because of the rolling speed.

But I think this a great little game, and you got quite far in less than 3 hours. Good job! :)

Well made little game! Reminds me of those old ass games where you drag your mouse through a maze with the jump scare thing.. Was kinda expecting a jump scare :D

But well made game! Looks a little basic but I think a little could go a long way with this concept :)

Tough for sure, really challenging. Looks good and plays well, thats more than enough for a solid prototype like this. Maybe cosider adding some levels to it (if you have the time) the difficulty ramps up quite fast :D

Odd little game, but your dedicated to the style which I respect! 

Really fun and challenging I love games like this! Well made, seems to work well, good look and feel too. Good job!

It's very visually busy, also I am not quite sure how to go about solving the puzzles, the icons told me too little about their function because of the animations.

Also a more technical issue, its more drag, than drag and drop :D

Perfectly fine golf game, though the ball looks more like a football. But your controls are reversed compared to most commonly seen golf web-game controls where the player pulls down to shoot up. But it looks fine, plays well, sounds a little choppy (might be an Itch issue).

Maybe consider allowing the player to shoot when the ball is rolling slowly, compared to now requiring it to lay perfectly still.

Thats awesome man! great look and feel, the screen shake is good too. It is difficult but in the right way, where I felt the "damn, I can do better" which is just perfect! Good job!

I am not sure I get it.. Looks good, fun and creative art style for sure! Nice sounds that fit the look and feel.

But as many others are point out, it is very difficult.

It's a very difficult game, but looks good, and the sound is also nice!

Maybe improve the controls slightly, and increase the drone speed, and lessen the letter spawn rate, it feels a little busy :)

That's a neat idea! The movement is a little fast and slippery, but the main mechanics are there, and they seem solid! Good job

Really loud! The muppets are way too slow. I see what you were going for, but man that sound is harsh

That's a pretty fun game! Really good artwork, the music is good too! Great for the timeframe!

That is a neat idea for gameplay. the graphics are great too, really techno ispired and with that soundtrack it just works :)

I found objects where the ball can be sat still to be impossible to get out of, without dying.

But a really dope game for the development time!

Uhh, this is a tough game to figure out, the main menu guide was nice, but did not quite tell what I needed to do..

I saw the solution from the screenshots. 

It's functional, and a prototype of a game, maybe work on how to communicate the intended drop-off point a little more clearly to the player ;)

I really liked this game! Great concept, not sure if you got the idea from those "read the color not the word" posters, but they are great visual mind f'ing fun.

Great job, the mix-ups were a nice touch too, makes your game complex and adds a level of mastery which is nice.

I was unsure what to do with the Oranges, so I kept them on the belt for a long time and focused on apples.. Not sure how I was meant to solve it..

Really nice visuals! Sound design was also a joy!

Nice! I think a snap feature for the color blocks would have been nice, but I see what you were going for :)

It's  missing a snap feature for dropping the pieces, also I didn't get it to work :/

Good concept! I think increasing fall speed instead of spawn rate might have given a smoother transition in difficulty. I got overwhelmed quite fast. But had a fun time :)

Hah! Yes thanks, it does have that mobile vibe I agree. I would be extemely happy to see my game on mobile, maybe one day, when it's done :D

I start out coding the base mechanics, then I sketch up a simple level that follows these mechanics. With that level I start testing ideas, all the what if’s, and how can I’s.

Sometimes levels just appear as a full formes idea, and sometimes they are forced into existence. But a puzzle to me is a gameplay mechanic + skill (understanding). 

To make a good puzzle you must understand how the entire set of mechanics play together, to identify and use all the funny quirks to your advandtage. Make something and then make levels bades on how it breaks.

Do keep in mind that not all “breaks” are good, but some will lead you to wonder how a level could be bades on Discovery and mastery of the mechanic and its breaking quirk.

hope that was useful, do let me know if anything is unclear :)

hi, i’m really glad you enjoyed the game! :)

To help you on your way with level design, I will attempt to describe my process without giving too much away ;)

As you will have seen while playing, the first lavel is all about introducing the basic game mechanics in a way that is informative, and (somewhat) mandatory. I always try to show the player exactly what I want them to do, while helping them to do it.

I also try to keep the goal clear for the player, and I try to show them where to go. In A Knight and his Ghost, the player is dropped into each level, indicating that the drop is the goal!

That was the first level, for the second level I try to introduce the advance gameplay mechanics like how death is part of the game, and not a gameover. I try to keep the goal just out of reach and let the player die, highlighting the heart, and showing that the heart is the new temporary goal.

when designing te rest of the levels i always set myself a challenge ie. “How small can i possible make a level”, or “can i make a level in two parts”, or something akin to that, to inspire me and keep me designing something new every time.

When I have a set of levels I always try to rearrange their order, to make the difficulty progression as smooth as possible in my own opionion. A good way to test you levels is to try and break them. Also try to have someone else play your levels, and improve on the points that they struggle with. Dont look for compliments, look for critique.

hope this helps you design fun and creative levels! Good luck and feel free to message me if you need anything ;)

Glad to hear it! :)

Well played! Zero death run, smooth :D

Consider using a 'web export' compatible game engine, that makes it super easy. Godot includes web export for games made in their engine :)

Yes I know, I have posted a new version of the game with easier words and word associations. That particular one, where think was associated with mediate was my fault. It should have been "think" associated with "Meditate".. Soo, hope you will try out the newer version, thanks for playing! :)

This was wonderful! Great art and sound design, really popped, such a unique look and feel.Quite eye catching, I was hooked straight away, thanks for making this!

Really nice game, looks quite cool. I was unsure of my ability to attack as nothing on screen indicated that I was carrying a weapon, also I found that when attacking enemies they give no indication of taking damage (unless they die from one hit), this lead me to believe that the first red guy I met was an NPC, but that killed me....

I really liked the climbing mechanic that was awesome. I think you should look into working with shadows and other rendering effects to add more visual appeal to the game, the graphics are good, but lighting always adds to an experience.

Good game in total, with a bit of work, this could be really great. Think about how you inform the player of gameplay mechanics either through the environment or through visual indicators :)