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A member registered 24 days ago · View creator page →

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I've just played your game :) Kind of old timey (which I mean as a compliment) and classical. It was a lot of fun :)

Here's mine btw:

(1 edit)

Not exactly a stellar debut, but here's my game, hope you find it fun:

I agree with another comment, this is a good concept to expand and make a bigger game. It was very fun to play

Could be, but then again, with some optimization it could've run better. I take that as solely my responsibility.

Wonderfully designed! Took me a couple tries, but I got really invested after all. Had to force myself to stop playing. Not sure I won't go back right away :)

Oh thank you! I'm glad you found it enjoyable. I get the FPS thing, I had no time for any kind of proper optimization whatsoever. If it's not a secret, what are your specs?

Wow. This was super challenging and fun. A thoroughly awesome experience! My only complaint is that there was no Esc button action to go back to the main menu or quit the game.


This was quite fun and engaging. Wonderful visuals for the gazelle btw. Congrats on completing in time for game jam :)