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Taylor Made

A member registered Dec 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really cool idea and interesting implementation of the limitation. The music kind of filled me with dread haha but other than that it was good! 

I might be missing something, but I couldn't do anything other than move right and left. I was using the browser version. 

Really cool idea, like the main character animation and nice use of the mum joke. More of an aesthetic thing and probably a personal choice but I found the clean text font a little odd in a pixel art game going for more of a retro font might suit the game a little more. Other than that thought this was really good!

Thanks for playing, really glad you enjoyed playing through it! 

Thanks for playing & the feedback! 

Thanks for playing as far as you did and thanks for the feedback, got a few suggestion from the comments on how to improve the game so might do a second version post jam.

Thanks for playing and the feedback, yeah that's a really good idea I'll likely implement that post jam. 

Thanks for playing and the feedback, yeah a good idea something I might do post jam. 

The third game I've played with controlling gravity with planets but the implementation was different on each one which is cool. This is a nice idea, although I felt it could have done with a backing ambience that complements the notes (potentially all in the correct key). 

Interesting idea, I liked the hand drawn art as well! Good job! 

Love the pixel art in this one, nice design. It was pretty tricky at times, would have been cool for the camera to rotate as the gravity changed. Good job! 

Love the title & the pixel art! I like the idea behind the puzzle the only thing I would say is you could solve a lot of them by just being patient and moving stuff out of the way. Might be good to have a limit on the number of switches or moves you can do to make the player have to choose carefully. Great effort though especially over a 3 day game jam. 

Like the art style, reminds me a bit of BlackThornProd. Well implemented with the limitation. Enjoyed this one, well done! 

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the feedback! I actually had my first proper playthrough of it all yesterday I found it challenging too but managed to get through all the levels back to back once I learned how to control my speed. 

thanks for the feedback, really glad you enjoyed it! 

Thanks for playing and the feedback, first jam where I wanted to put more time into the aesthetics and game feel. 

Really like the art style and the implementation of the gravity switch was cool! 

Like the spell idea and the colourful notes they create. Something weird going on with the camera when you move quickly it sort of shifts perspective. But great effort, keep up the good work. 

Like the consistent art style & animation. Nice idea. 

Nice idea, cool mixing jetpack mechanics with gravity flips. It was quiet hard to control but provided a challenge. 

Particle effects can be good for this, also if you have an array of audio clips you can randomise which one plays to make it a little less grating. 

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing and the feedback.

Thanks for playing and the feedback

Nice idea, like the main character art & animation. The sync of movement with the music was a nice touch as well. 

Nice idea, I like the main character art. Would have been nice having some sounds to give feedback on collection or getting hurt. Overall good though, well done. 

Nice idea, like the abstract elements of a story suits the atmosphere of the game. 

Love the little derpy character, good implementation of the concept. Might be worth putting the controls instructions in the bottom corner instead of the middle screen as it makes it a little cluttered. Other than that great work, you could build on the idea by adding gravity slingshot/boost jumps.

I like the idea behind the game, one thing I would say is it's good to have the music not reload on each death just have it persist on restart otherwise it can get a little grating. 

Nice game & implementation. I enjoyed the collect mode a lot more it felt like the gravity behaved differently and you had more control when collecting? 

Nice idea and good implementation of the limitation. I played another game in the jam where you move planets but that was in real time, I like your plan and play mechanic. Cool seeing a similar idea but implemented in a completely different way. 

Interesting use of the limitation, lot's of potential here. I would flesh this idea out a little more after the jam. 

Nice idea, I almost went for something with music notation on myself. I like the art style, hard to find time in a jam to do everything but always worth having your UI match the rest of the game., even by just changing the colours to match your scheme.  

Really creative idea & implementation, I like the abstract story building in this one as well. I think this is definitely worth expanding on outside the jam with a bit more game feel to increase the satisfaction. 

Thanks for playing and the feedback, looks like we played each others game at almost the same time. 

Thanks for the feedback & for playing, just about to play your game! 

Thanks for the feedback & for playing, much appreciated. Originally that was my intention but when I play tested it just wasn't very satisfying and caused a few other issues. 

I like the models & the set up of the room in space. Nicely Done. Unfortunately I couldn't move passed the first playing of the bass, the sound never changed and it didn't prompt me to play another instrument. 
Love the idea though. 

Thanks for playing & the feedback. The theme of the jam was "chaos is everything" so was hard to have the chaos effect the gameplay a little. 

Thanks for playing & the feedback. That's a better score than me haha 

Really like the art style & overall polish. Maybe another attack power would have been good like a blast effect or something. But considering this was done in a short amount of time well done.