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A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Good layout and setting. I get some Dark Sun vibes, which is neat-o. My honest critique only: too unbalanced for L1 characters. Random encounter sunlight attack that’s DC 18 DEX or 2d6 damage with no clear way to avoid it altogether,  spike pit that is 18 DEX to avoid for some reason. Falling is is 18 CON or “you die.” Stuff like that. There’s so much of it.

I like. Fits a lot into 8 pages and none of it is bad.

This is one of the best I have seen. Feels OSR, and it’s for factions, good writing. Decent map. The real deal.

it’s useable. Not super original but it would run fine. Extra point for hand drawn map.

It’s good. It’s useable. Nicely done!

I like it. Definitely could run it. Nice random encounter table that makes sense for the site.

I love the presentation. And writing. Really well designed. Stands out from a lot of products that really just look the same. Keep making stuff!

creative scenario, nice map and cover image. Good stuff!

it’s good, it’s useable!

this is great. better than the many character class entries I’ve seen. My only quibble is that the class is a desert wanderer that eats mushrooms. Not many mushrooms in a desert.

Nice idea! Would be fun to just give these to players and have them try to figure out why they lost CON. Wonder if they would ever notice the torch hasn’t gone out, haha.

why the derelict king? I feel like if that’s in the title it should be explained somewhere. Clean design, easy to use. I like it.

Great design and tables. it is very 5e, nothing wrong with that. 

very cool. Will actually use this and it will be a very memorable encounter. 

I like weird stuff, this gets a lot of love from me.

it looks awesome, really sweet design and layout. My honest critique: I don’t see a lot of Shadowdark ruleset incorporated. Like, hardly any. So it would be tough for me to use this without a lot of prep of my own.

I like it a lot! Nice and whimsical like old DnD. Great layout and design, but the black motif makes it feel more scary/serious than it is, that’s just my opinion. Overall really nice and I am happy I downloaded this.

I like it a lot, cool ideas, good art. Need more stuff on how to run this with Shadowdark

really well done. Great art, enhances the feeling of the adventure. I would use this!

Nice, simple 2 pager dungeon. Awesome title. 

Very creative. So glad I downloaded this. The title sounds so dry, though. Was that intentional? I was pleasantly surprised!

I admire this for the good writing and layout. Well done!

Fits a lot into 8 pages and doesn’t feel messy! Well done.

Well written and designed! 

I dig this a lot. It’s original in concept and stands out from the crowd.

good layout, good art. Cool concept. Clean presentation and good writing. My opinion only:  Ultimately an overpowered class, though. Being outnumbered in OSR usually means the players should run or get creative, but this class actually rewards getting into those fights. For me, too much like 5e.

good layout and nice to see a group of thematic character classes together. I like the art and layout. As a GM, I would use these as “class as character” NPCs with some tweaking.

Great job! Really well designed, some good foreshadowing. Random encounter table that includes something unique - it’s not lazy. Excellent writing. A GM could run this, definitely. This is really one of the better submissions I’ve seen.

Good solid writing. 

I like this! Reminded me of old Dungeon Magazine adventures. 

thanks for this. I liked your jam too. I am def between Mork Borg and Shadowdark on a lot of what I want in a game. I love both. I do think Shadowdark has the edge bc it has a proper system that can just do more. I will keep doing stuff for Shadowdark.

Respect for getting so much good stuff on 2 pages!

Really, really well put together, outstanding isometric map too. Hats off to you! 

great take on traditional fantasy dwarven items and weapons! Keep making stuff!