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Team Au Thé

A member registered Jan 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the delay! As you might have seen, your turtle had two sides, one blue and one pink.  The other turtles were either completely blue or completely pink. The idea was to infiltrate between them by orienting your turtle in such a way that a blue turtle would look at your blue side and similarly for the pink's side. If it is the case you are able to go through them without being spotted (dying). On the ground, you might also find some tiles that would change your shell's orientation depending on how you enter the said tiles, that'll help you go further I hope. If you are still willing to give it another shot, have fun! And thanks though for trying in the first place, always appreciated. 

Thanks a million for the compliments and recommendations! For the theme fitting, the idea was to "joined together"  two different species of turtle creating this new range of possibilities that you saw. But it's okay if you do not consider really part of the theme,  discussion is the whole point!

Very fun game! Although having some controls that one might consider wacky, it is very nice to smash an enemy and one-shot them. The presentation and the fun both met great standards! Well done :)

Interesting game, however, in the second level after killing all the visible enemies I wasn't able to go to the next level. 

Fun little puzzle game with original concept! I think that the character need a better sprite. Big shout out for the sound effect, they are AMAZING!!!

Really liked the game, although it is kind of  a non-consensual sex simulator X). Awsome presentation and the theme is perfectly respected! Well done. 

(2 edits)

a thoroughly ammazing game, simple yet so fun

Thanks for the suggestion! Glad that you liked it. 

You have a very great game! the graphics are stunning and the music is great but i didnt know what to do, but great game !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! Maybe i didn't know where to go in the beginning but i really enjoyed it ! And great story))

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! I loved it! thanks and keep going ! the music is great)

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! The graphics are great and the music too, but the thing is that i didn't know where to go, keep going !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't know quite well what to do, but keep going great game ! and great music !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't understood what to do even in the first "level" (i don't really know if it is one or not), i took the clothes and then.. But keep going ! Great music and graphics !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! Maybe work a little on the graphics, and a little tuto would be

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't quite understood what's happening, keep going !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! Maybe show the bullets when the guy fire, for more immersive content, but keep going !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! I even screamed and i was very scared but the monster killed me every time, i didn't know what to do at a point, but keep going it's a great game !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

Oh really? Where? For more information, the box isn't really easy to use: First you have to be sure that any other player is just next to the box, then gain one frame of momentum with A/D and press shift when you are against the box. We know it isn't very handy :/ Thanks for trying though :) 

Thanks, for your review! The tinker was indeed, supposed to place the box after collecting the fourth one, it is part of the level design :) Glad you liked it! 

Hi everyone! Thanks to all of you that tested our game. Many of you have told us we should include a tutorial because it is a bit hard to understand. We actually did but we had a little problem when we released the game, a debugging variable to test the game without redoing all levels each time have been forgotten to be removed. It basically skipped the tutorial and some levels. So, if there is something you are not sure of or if you wanna play more of the game, here is the link to the game without this variable. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ks2ld2f3n7cwc01/SpacExit.zip/file You can see on the link that is has been uploaded only a few minutes after the deadline. Indeed, when we sent the game to a friend for him to try it we realised it did not start where planned, so we uploaded the game on Mediafire right away. From all four of us, we hope you will have the best experience possible in our game. Also, do not hesitate to ask questions or watch the video on the game's page. If you have any problem we would be glad to help :)

Thanks again for all your lovely messages!

You have a very cool game! I loved playing the game, maybe a little tutorial would be great, and i love the graphics ! Keep going !

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't know what to do, who are the bad fish, etc.. But very interesting ! Keep going

Also, if you could play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't know what to do, also it's seems to have bugs, like when you walk or with the .. ennemies? Keep going !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't very understood in the beginning, keep going !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But i didn't know where to go, and what to do, keep going !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! I didn't quite understand everything, maybe a little tuto would have been great, keep going !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! The game is so fun haha, i got a little angry when my dogs decided to go everywhere but it's a fun little game ! Keep going !! (and loved the graphics)

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But maybe a little too hard haha, i didn't know where to go, and the menu is a little too much on the left, but the game is great, continue !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! It had maybe a few bugs, when i wanted to go to the settings, or go to the next level, but keep going !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! I loved playing at it, continue !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

You have a very cool game! But maybe add a little something, because it's a little repetitive) But keep going !

Also, don't forget to play and rate my game!

Hey, sorry you did not understand. We have done a dummy mistake, we forgot to get rid of a debugging variable before uploading the game, which resulted in the skipping of few levels and the tutorials ones. If you want to, we have a link on our game page to download the game with the firsts levels. However, if you sadly, don't want to, there is some quick text explanation on the said page. Hope you'll enjoy the game!

https://www.mediafire.com/file/ks2ld2f3n7cwc01/SpacExit.zip/file Thanks man, hope you'll like it!

Hey, sorry you did not understand. We have done a dummy mistake, we forgot to get rid of a debugging variable before uploading the game, which resulted in the skipping of few levels and the tutorials ones. If you want to, we have a downloading link on our pages to download the game with the firsts levels. However, if you sadly, don't want to, there is some quick text explanation on the page. Hope you'll enjoy the game!

Hey, sorry you did not understand. We have done a dummy mistake, we forgot to get rid of a debugging variable before uploading the game, which resulted in the skipping of few levels and the tutorials ones. If you want to, we have a downloading link on our pages to download the game with the firsts levels. However, if you sadly, don't want to, there is some quick text explanation on the page. Hope you'll enjoy the game!

Thanks for checking out! There are indeed a few things we could improve, the pieces of advice are appreciated. We had an issue with the upload,  we forgot to get rid of a debugging variable. If you want to try the version of the game without this variable, there is a link in our page description :) This problem skipped the tutorial and few levels :/

Hey, thanks for the feedback! Where did you get stuck?  We had an issue with the upload,  we forgot to get rid of a debugging variable. If you want to try the version of the game without this variable, there is a link in our page description :)

Many thanks! Yeah, a little problem when we release the game so the levels weren't in order which did not allow you to play all of them :/  So the tutorial has been skipped too. As we say, the little details make the great games, thanks for the pieces of advice :)

I tried your game and it is very nice! I liked the movement of the blob very funny! I got a bit of trouble sometimes to know if I weren't able to go to some places because of my abilities or because I did not eat enough members of my species xD. The fact that you precise you did not do the font yourself shows your rigour, well done!