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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great aesthetic! Love the music and the environments.

Gameplay feels a little too fast, and enemy's feel a little too pressuring. Movement does feel very smooth though and the boomstick is pretty fun!

Love the game and i highly suggest working on this some more and finishing it!

Uhm, how does this game work?

Very solid game! Kinda difficult and the last level made me rage about some of the hitboxes but other then that i had fun! Super polished too and felt nice to play.

By the way, there is a bug with the turrets where they just seem to hit themselves, hope that helps ;)

Cool game. BSODed my laptop ;). Very artsy but not a whole lot to it. The visuals have such potential though for something with more meat and gameplay.

Very cool diner, i enjoy the floating jukebox


Very fun little puzzle game! I enjoyed it quite a lot. Judging from the HI level i guess this game isn't complete yet? Very good good game again, just a little tune in the background would add so much but that's just me being nitpicky ;)

Pixel art is great too and i adore the little robot character with the little faces it makes!

Really great! Would be awesome to see a post-jam-update making the game even more perfect!

Very unique concept! The first few rounds the game didn't stick with me very well, but after i discovered the different modes it became a bit more fun. 

Around round 10 in my final plathrough the game became a bit too easy and I didn't really have  any challenge anymore of trying to survive. Keep picking the more flies and spamming exploding froggies was the best strat here. Played until round 25 and died to a frog spawning on me -_-

I really liked the concept though! Would be cool to see more added to flesh things out and to keep the gameplay more fresh, with maybe even a cap to how many rounds you can play like Vampire Survivors.  Definitely a strong base for a full game!

Very cute little platformer, has some potential! Found it quite fun and i digged the little character, though i haven't completed it yet :(

My feedback is add more polish. Some jump particles, death particles and such would be nice. Some sounds would be nice too as i only heard one song and nothing else. text indicating about what has changed when reaching a statue would be nice too.  Gameplay wise it was pretty perfect and everything looked like it did what it needed to do!

Very fun and cute!

Interesting game! It felt much more like a concept then a game to me, so it would be cool to see more things added to this idea. Cute NES-like pixel art style and pretty interesting hook is my main take-away!

Very good game! Def the game that felt the most like a full steam release out of every game from this jam i played so far. Love how much it reminds me of GTTOD. The core gameplay is also very good and it feels super polished!

I do have a gripe about the polish though, and that's with the damage effects on enemies. With all this feedback everywhere the game felt very polished, however hitting enemies only gave me a sound and an effect that wasn't that very well communicated to me, so it felt. Something like blood sprays or dare i say, hitmarkers, would help super well in this scenario i'd think The humanoid enemies did give me the feeling like i was hitting them due to their "oof"s. But with the wolfs it sometimes felt like i wasn't hitting them at all, which is quite annoying as they hunt me down at a rapid speed.

Another thing i want to report on is some bugs i encountered. I softlocked myself a couple times at the second room of the second floor, making me need to kill myself by standing in a corner letting enemies attack me. Another bug which was really annoying was sometimes the jump not working, and this happened a lot to me in the room with the painting that i eventually just quit. I have the feeling this is a collision detection issue with detecting the floor. I do think i know a potential fix for this since you are working in Unity, which has worked a couple times for me aswell; Cast a raycast down to the ground next to a simple trigger to detect the ground, so that you have more precision doing ground detection.

Anyway, FANTASTIC GAME. Super polished and the movement is super good.

I was going for everything that is interactable and being very important to the player having a thick outline and background/ platforms having a less thick outline. Then for effects almost no outline. I may have missed some things though ;)

Thank you oh so much for playing our game on stream! Glad to see you enjoyed our game.

Thank you! Great gevulde koek pfp.

Thank you so much! Glad to hear you liked our game.

Thanks! Really glad to hear the audio was well implemeted. All thanks to Gerblesh at the last moment!

Froggo is indeed very cute..! Thank you for your kind words!

Thanks! Glad to hear.

Two words...

Thank You.

Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes, i really am thinking about making this a more full game together with Gerblesh. Depends if he's thinking the same thing ;)

Thanks for playing! We are aware of the softlock and Gerblesh already added a fix, but we need to wait until the jam is over :0


Thank you so much! The concept took a bit to come up with but I'm glad you liked it! I always try to go for as much JUICE as possible with the VFX, so it's nice to hear you liked it.

Thanks for playing! Glad to hear you liked the levels.

Thank you so much for these kind words! I def had the idea of making it a full release in my mind seeing all these kind words but dunno about Gerblesh if he would be down to do it ;)

I shall try to play your game! My list of games of this jam to play is a bit large but i'll try!

Aw, sorry to hear you didn't like my art as much :( Really glad you liked the concept tho!

Thanks for playing and the kind words! We didn't really keep that in mind but it would certainly be cool ;) Don't think so though because there are a lot of other games that deserve it just as well, maybe even more.

Thank you for your kind words! We had some ideas of things to add that didn't get in due to time constraints, like buttons and more types of doors. Bullet mode was planned to also be used to destroy enemies but unfortunately they didn't make it in :( Also, your suggestion gives me the idea of maybe adding mario blocks you can knock as a froggy..?

Anyway, thank you so much!

THANKS! Glad you liked it! Funnily enough, big spikes have a bit smaller hitbox then their sprite.

Thanks for playing! I gotcha with finding it too easy, we tried to balance it a bit from easy to harder so everyone has a chance of beating the game and seeing the full experience through.  We are thinking about adding more levels including harder ones.

Thank you so much for playing our game! Very happy your feedback, it was exactly what we were going for.

(1 edit)

So this game is really cool, and highly overlooked! Now, I didn't complete it because it is late for me right now but this game has massive potential and is really fun!

Now i have some feedback for you, because i think this game has a lot of potential to be something fantastic. The game is really hard and it took me some time to learn the top-down controls, and just when i did it takes me to a sidescroller area.

For the top down gameplay, it controls a little wonky. It's hard to explain but chaining enemies together while slinging around felt really hard and too stiff to react fast. You could definitely rework this in something feeling much smoother. Also, the collisions didn't always work so i had many moments where i got stuck in walls while slinging around.

As for the sidescroller gameplay, it feels way too hard with instakill walls everywhere, maybe make regular ground you stand on instead? Another fix could be to reduce player gravity. The controls here feel like they need some touchups too, becauseit felt sluggish using the recoil gun to move. Maybe make it faster to charge?

The graphics and concepts of this game are excellent, and the presentation with the music was very good too. This game has a lot of potential and at it's core the gameplay is very fun. It felt really cool to just hook enemies and destroy them! The game felt a lot like games as Sanabi and Katana Zero.

If you want to contact me and ask me for future feedback, my username is the same on discord and i am on the Bigmode server aswell.  Really, well done on your entry!

Very fun little survival game! Enjoyed it very much!

I wouldn't be surprised if this is an average day of the Finnish in the winter.

Fun game! I can tell a lot of effort was put into the game! I did have a little trouble with some parts where input on a keyboard was all over the place and trying to wall jump was really hard for some reason.  But the music was what kept me going mostly.

That said, very cool idea and reminds me alot of The Messenger!

Fun small puzzle platformer. I enjoyed it! There's one small nipick that the snake has no death animation and doesn't die immediatly when it ate an egg, but it's something tiny and did not take away from the overall experience.

Very zen and lovely, had fun completing this!

Gives me those Space Harrier/ Afterburner vibes, very well made! Feels like a bite-sized version of those games. I don't think the game fits the theme well though, but that does not take away from how well made and polished this is!

Very cool!

Pretty ambitious take on the theme and feels a little unfinished. However i gotta give you credit for making pretty complex systems for your first solo game. I recommend you to try and expand the game after the jam. The game also fits the theme and i must say, a very original take!

Good job!

This game has style! I don't have anything to give you feedback on since the game seems to do everything it set out to do. Solid game! Gives me Warioware vibes but more relaxed.

Very fun game! With a big coat of polish and more content, I can definetely see this as a fully fledged release. One gripe of mine is that the game felt very stuttery while moving, even though my fps didn't seem to really drop.

Very cool game! Has lots of potential.