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A member registered Jun 26, 2023

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short but fun. would certainly be worth updating further.

no. just fucking no to the need to manually collect the money while also balancing my limited time with a damage per second hover over shapes.

and thats called shit design.

hell, you have to highlight text on this page just to read it because OP thought red text on a red background was a good idea.

way too much clicking to be even remotely playable,

another trash "game". love how the winner of these things is always "the least shitty" rather than the best.

why the fuck would you have everything EXCEPT work, be a toggle?

why the hell is 70% of the frame unused space?

the CRUNCH effect and screen shake make this a very hard pass for me. its bad enough it starts out as a slow paced cookiecliker, you made it worse with the "effects"

jesus christ man, do not start with blasting music and SFX, give the user an option to turn that shit off.

christ this is just terrible. stop with all the clicking bullshit. example : clicking the gain CPU button thousands of times. instead, have a VERY early permanent upgrade that give 1% of your CPU reset value per second, and make it expensive to upgrade it further. automation serves no fucking point if i have to give myself carpal tunnal to get it.

have you ever heard the expression "dick move"? cause thats what the "bugfix" was. the update before then showed that there was much more of the game already finished, the bugfix just locked that stuff away for no reason. thats a dick move.

wow, did the last "bugfix" update seriously just lock the other 2 areas? areas which, im getting notifications for quests that need to be completed? if there IS NO FULL VERSION dont lock shit and say "locked to the full version". especially when said shit IS already in the game.

the fact that youre messing around with AI text generation, and ARENT familiar with kobold is a massive red flag. you clearly are not at all familiar with AI to any degree. its an even bigger red flag that you have the game constantly doing checks every few seconds for an active patreon subscription, for chatGPT integration as though you own chatGPT.

no, its not. kobold can generate text on any modern CPU or GPU at lightning fast speeds, and TTS can be done through programs like xVASynth and many others, at again, virtually no hardware costs.

wtf are you talking about, its literally free. i run AI tts voice generation with a much larger pool of much higher quality voices than this on my own system WHILE playing skyrim. stop your lies. it takes virtually nothing to run some text and voice gen of this level.

this is where id put a water tab....IF I HAD ONE!

jesus fucking christ, another idiot who uses a default canvas size of....what the fuck is that, 480p? 1080 fucking p minimum you moron, what fucking year do you think this is?

ive unlocked all gear...except the last 2 armwear and legwear, which i assume means the game glitched up and ill never be able to get them now unless i delete my save and start over.

can you spell "hot fucking garbage"?

quickly changes from a fun little distraction into confusing calculations that consist of mostly worthless cards that have 90% of your draws worth nothing

why the fuck are you having this default to some tiny ass frame?

this is fucking shit. just quit now.

that makes you a kid still, shut the fuck up son.

you seriously need to get a life son

fuckin hell what is wrong with you? why does it take hundreds of clicks to START being able to idle in a game with fucking "idle" in the title?

literally the game maker tutorlial from the early 2000's. not worth anyones time.

complete trash. half the game dosent even work. 

looks like it was made by a 4 year old. next time put more than 30 minutes into the UI and it might be playable.

....dont save the game ever second. once per minute is more than frequent enough, but saving every single second is just going to damage peoples hardware from unnecessarily frequent writing. and again, for some reason your game is EXTREMELY hard on HDDs. like my drive isnt even that loud when im rebooting, and doing heavy reading/writing from it. i get that youre not sure why, but its something you really need to look into.

whatever it is that youre doing thats CONSTANTLY searching my hard drive, stop it. i can hear this game literally grinding my HDD with an audible grind every second, i can only imagine what its doing to SSD's. its not doing MUCH reading/writing, but whatever it is doing is pushing the drive HARD.

wrong. they made it for people who enjoy trash tier clicker garbage, not idle games.

clicker game = shit game. make your idle mechanic not fucking trash, or put some effort into making something other than "franticly click the moving buttons"

cant even figure out whats going on. its like the Ui was made by a blind person.

jesus christ man GET YOUR GAME FIXED. the save system STILL dosent seem to actually work, and i just lost all fucking days progress trying to refresh the page in hopes of making the "items" i "unlocked" appear.