Nice puzzle game.
Level were a bit too easy. Would have been nice if the player has to slow down maybe instead of allowing to crash into the target planet.
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Nice to see a turned based game. The health and mana regeneration mechanic felt a bit weird. Only way I found to keep my mana and health up was to leave the last enemy alive and just keep healing and regenerating mana (which goes up slighty faster than the damage you take). The combat was nice (although maybe a bit slow). The chests that give hints seemed a bit weird to me, I was expecting some kind of loot.
Overall, well done
I really liked the game. The riddles are clever and clear, while still needing a moment to think.
In the beginning the game shows that you can read the note then restart. Personally I finished the game with reaching both in the same run. I think the game plays a lot better this way.
Graphics are simple but nice, really captured the OG gameboy style well.
Nice work :)
The music fits really well and the sound effects are nice. The voice over in the elevator is also a nice touch.
The rendering style is nice, but the repetition of using 1 texture per level diminished this a bit.
As for the level design, It also felt a bit monotonic due to the square hallways. I think if more of the assets were shared among levels and maybe less levels (but with more elaborate level design), It would add a lot to the immersion and style of the game.
I like the idea of the glow stick to fend of the darkness. I bit more feedback on its effect would have been nice though.
Overall really nice execution.
Glad you liked it.
To activate the portal you have to keep standing on it (rotating red particles show the progress)
Finding weapons is indeed a bit rare (too rare in hindsight). They spawn in at most 1 room (not guaranteed as the level are randomly generated).
In later stages the chance to find the room increases (due to more rooms being generated).