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A member registered May 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I like the take on the word "score", and liked how the higher the "warmth" the more instruments came in. It was a nice touch. The art is pretty good too.

My only issue probably is with the easy difficulty. The notes were kinda hard to track as they didn't stand out enough, and the timings were just a tad bit un forgiving (especially if I timed switching color and note pressed at the same time), but that would be nitpicking a bit given the time limit we had. Still great execution given the constraints.

Overall, had a lot of fun with this.

Holy the music and art style is so cute! Overall, great execution! That last level was really difficult tho lol.

The switching between stirring and adjusting the temperature was a tad bit stressful there, maybe a tad bit uncomfortable specifically because of the last level (rip arm), but maybe that was the intention, cause cooking can be stressful sometimes haha.

Otherwise, the issue didn't bother me on previous levels nearly as much.

lol I hope you didn't stick your arm in the toaster by accident

hahahaha glad you enjoyed the concept. I legit thought of this on a whim day 2 of the jam.

maybe I'll consider working on it more, developing it further lol

(1 edit)

A note that I wasn't able to fully implement the game over when the RP, or Reputation, hits 0, and also balancing issues as a whole 

missed deadline by a minute

I like the usage of the theme. I didn't think of anything besides spiderwebs lol. It took me a second to realize the enemies parody Microsoft programs hahaha.

GradientOGames already brought up the pixel art mismatch so I won't rehash.

It did start a tad bit difficult early, but I got the hang of it after a few tries, so all good.

Regarding the inputs, hitting the keys for the numbers was a bit difficult, but not impossible so that was ok. Apart from that, I did have a slight issue with having to click LMB constantly. Maybe allowing the player to hold down and auto fire in time with the cooldowns might feel a bit more comfortable, while also having the existing option.

Otherwise, it was fun to play :)

Dang, the pixel art was really really well done, it's really cute, and this is coming from someone who doesn't particularly like bugs lol. So kudos on that.

I'll admit I was struggling with the controls a little, but I'll assume that was intentional, so that you had to plan your timing to avoid the enemies.

It also kept me on my toes as I was panicking when I was about to or close to hitting an enemy.

Overall, pretty fun. Good job!

Wow, wait, you used Scratch to make this? I'm impressed.

Visuals were great, very cute & vibrant. Sound effects too.

I definitely should've read the instructions, but I managed to figure out what to do lol.

At first, I wasn't sure if it would get harder, but then I'd be surprised by the orange bugs lol and game over'd haha. Kept me on my toes.

Overall, pretty fun. Good job!

Eyyyy fellow Godot user. Also, I legit died immediately the first try hahaha. The death sound made me laugh.

You did a great job with the use of colors in the pixel art. I like the ambient, moody vibe it had even with the more vibrant foreground elements.

Those jumpy enemies were quite funny, my favorite out of all the obstacles.

I didn't mind this as much, but the rotation did feel a bit fast, but it was a fun challenge trying to time it right with the impending void trying to eat everything lol.

I really like the use of colors here, the complementary colors of purple and green. You had me thinking hard about how I should be moving on the web lol, getting to 3 spiders made it challenging haha.

lol yeah I was wondering

hahaha thanks I’m a connoisseur of puns lol, so it doesn’t BUG me lol. Also LMAO to that entire second paragraph haha

Dang I’d say out of the handful I’ve played, this one is up there for me. I’m really impressed that you were able to make a 3D game in such a short span of time, and I really like the concept. My only small issue was not knowing the exact angle I was aiming at, but it was a small issue nonetheless.

Oof then yeah that's totally understandable, that must've really sucked. Glad you managed to upload the game anyways, and hope you're able to sort it out soon.

I really like the visuals, it was very well executed and you nailed the Kurzgesagt art style. That sudden ground disappearing was funny, was wondering where that would come into play lol. Only confusion may be where I couldn't figure out how to restart a level and might've softlocked myself hahaha.

I really like the sound effects and visuals. Sticking an enemy with webs was funny, and overall is pretty fun. My only major critique is probably the scaling of the pixel art not being consistent. The background pixels are much smaller than the bricks, and the bees to the donut and fly, and it doesn't look too bad here, but it did strike me as a bit odd.

Whoops! Completely forgot to add the HTML version, just added it, thanks. I’ll take a look at your game later today.

Fair enough. Was definitely having difficulty thinking of an idea tbh lol.


yeah i thought it would've made an ok answer to the limitation, but was worried it wouldn't be fun enough so i added the timer as a sort of goal or pressure. if i could i would've at least made it a bit more puzzle-y so that failure was more of a learning experience besides "oh wrong combination trial and error" kinda stuff, but oh well. thanks for playing and for the feedback!

yeah i realized the symbol orders already attempted can be difficult to remember if you're not writing them down...i probably could have changed their colors a bit to make them more distinct perhaps. 

Yeah, unfortunately i didn't have time..would've loved to add sfx at least haha. thanks for playing!

I love the way you used the limitation! I didn't think to use it in conjunction with the theme as part of a story. And the graphics are so cute! Simple, yet enjoyable.

updated the changes for v1.02

thanks! yeah I'm realizing now how buggy the wall jump is and probably should've tweaked it a tad bit. I think if I checked if the player was moving down to then only stick would fix the wall sticking bug, and having a slight delay after wall jumping before input is taken probably would have made the wall jump a bit more comfortable. I'll probably try that and put up updated versions if it works.

yeah i probably should've tweaked that particular feature a bit. the logic went that if you are moving, you will stick to the wall, so when you let go, you won't stick. I'll probably need the game to check for the character moving in a negative velocity for that to not be so frustrating.

I made some quick tweaks and added some arrows. Also made it playable on browser too!

my bad, one or two of the rooms were rushed last minute and I didn’t get a chance to make the exit 100% clear, as well as how to reach it. I also didn’t get a chance to make wall jumping explained in the game, and had to leave those instructions on the game page. I’m curious which room you were stuck on tho.

the art and music are stunning! :O


I really like the black and white aesthetic! Interesting use of the limitation.

I have played baba is you! didn't realize i might've had some influence lol. And yeah, I think if I expand the complexity, the limitation probably would've been a bit more justified. Thanks for playing! :)

Yeah I was slightly panicking because I thought I wouldn't be able to finish. I wanted to be able to combine concepts, but had to cut it for the deadline. If I come back to this idea, I'd wanna make sure I combine them because it would make it more interesting. Thanks for playing and rating! :)

Thaaanks. If I do revisit this, I will likely make the grid bigger. 9x9 felt a bit limiting.

Thanks! :)