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A member registered Jul 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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This is so cool! I love pico8 games, and this one is incredibly well done! The puzzles are fascinating and the concept behind the game is super original. Keep up the great work.

This game totally deserves to be the winner of this jam, congrats!
I found a pretty bad bug tho...
During day 5, if you kill the popup virus while the worm virus is on that page, the worm virus will become un-aimable for the rest of the game.

We made it so that you can get more than 1 rib at a time, and they will all snap to the correct position if you hover their correct spot. It looked more satisfying and felt nicer and faster

Lovely implementation of the "Isaac's Heart". Very nice game, the art is also very pretty. Keep up the good work

it's intended but you may have stretched to the limit XD

This is an insanely good work! Huge fan of the 2.5d graphics. The minigames are feel nice and the game seems very balance overall! Took a couple runs to get a hang of the controls (even if they were very clearly written at the start lol) and finally had a good run, died at 20s left when the generator started spitting flames all over the ship and I got from 100% to 0% in less than 30s xd

Thanks for the feedback! Hope you liked our game. We really wanted to make a tutorial, but time really wasn't on our side unfortunatly, so we just put an help button (?) and hope people could have figured it out themselves :(

The game feels very nice to play, great visual response from kicking things off the screen and nice game concept, but in my opinion the objective is way too slow to reach. I've been playing this for 15m, and I'm not even halfway through the goal, and even if the game feels pretty good to play, it gets repetitive very quickly. Still, pretty solid job to be done by a solo dev in only 7 days.

I guess we focused too much on making everything look good and forgot about clarity...

The condition to win would be curing all the wounds and then click on "Terminate operation" in the Patient File.

I didn't find any bugs at all (except the [/center] thing), very unique game, could see it on steam one day with a full version

I love the randomess of the events that happen, but I wanted to warn you that you messed up the normals on the goblins and sometimes their body don't disappear, leading to a softlock :(

To fix this, go into blender, select the model and do "Shift+N" to recalculate the normals.
Don't know how to fix the body not disappearing, but it was fun until I got softlocked.

Love the warioware aesthetics, but the in-between of the microgames is a bit too slow tho...

Would have loved a sped up after a certain amount of round in endless mode... other than that it's a nice warioware game, well done

We were kinda reluctant on how the glue works, and unfortunately we didn't have time to make a tutorial.

You have to use the bat on the ribs inside the chest (to separate them) and you can glue them back to their original position by using the glue tool on the connection of the bones

Reminds me a lot of "bad piggies"

Lovely art style, so many finals, but even though I tried a lot of things I wasn't able to unlock the wardrobe or use the pistol on anything in particular. Loved the vampire ending tho, great attention to details

(1 edit)

The game looks pretty insteresting, I think I started understanding what the characters were "saying" at a certain point. Only wanted to make you notice that in your end screen you can scroll and reveal [\center] xd

Incredible storytelling, amazing gameplay and best ending (he found the camera <3)
Not ironically this the game with the most personality I've ever seen in a GameJam

Addicting gameplay, very nice concept and very good execution, well done

Always been a fan of hard games, would have loved an easier introduction to the charging mechanic though

Hello! We are currently a team of  3 (2 programmers and 1 audio artist). We have past experience with gameJams and we have a game idea we are already working on (apart from graphics, we are making big progress steadily), if you are interested contact me on discord!
(discord: tiziogrigio0)

We are not aiming at a specific style, you can just show some of your past works, and we'll see if it fits with our idea

Yes we are looking for raster art

We currently have 2 programmers on our team.
We are also looking for someone that can do the audio part, but we might already found one (not sure yet).
We are ok with beginners and intermediate as long as you can do 2D art for games.

DM me if interested
discord: tiziogrigio0

(1 edit)

The game is incredibly high quality, from the music to the graphics, but am I the only one that thinks that the music for the execution was a bit weak? It didn't match the energy during the execution.

Pretty sure it can be "normal", you just gotta try sticking to the theme without going too much off road.

I got softlocked on day 3 after a droplet wasn't able to hit anything because there wasn't anything in its path. Very sad because I was having fun. Congrats on winning the gamejam!

Love how the game plays out, but I found a little innocent bug: when you kill a bird, you can spam click it to kill the already dead bird and get more points. (got 11k points in 2 minutes like that, lol)

The objective is to go for an highscore, the game over screen appear when the car finishes the fuel or gets destroyed.

I understand now thanks to the various feedbacks we got that the game was really hard and very unforgiving towards the player, future games will be easier to understand and more forgiving.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! We'll try making more forgiving mechanics in the future

What version of windows are you on? Also did you do some specific action beforehand that you think may have caused the bug?

I'm guessing you played the web version, when going in the gas station, a menu should have popped up asking you for money to refuel.

Try using the downloaded version if you wanted to try the bugless version

Understandable, have a nice day

That wasn't supposed to happen, the only explanation I can give you is that the web build got too silly with your browser and broke the camera for some reason.

I have no idea why the web version is different for everyone and gives a lot of bugs, but if you are still interested in trying the game out you could use the downloadable version, that one should be bug free and it only weights ~60mb.

Hopefully that bug on the web version doesn't ruin your vision of our game, thanks for the detailed description and your patience.

Thanks for the feedback, can you please expand what you mean with that?

Did you play the web version?

Did you do something particular before trying to move?

Does the camera move at all?

You can upgrade the steering by going to the mechanic to turn faster

Pretty sad indeed, no idea on why that happens since I exported the same version for both (I only removed the video settings in the web version)

How do I regenerate the bar, then? Or avoid losing?