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A member registered Aug 04, 2019

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Thank you :D

Hi Aly, not really a bug, but something that could be improved in terms of the writing of a scene, and a potential branch? So, for the peace ending for Revaire (where you side with the rebels and trick Gisette), whilst on Clarmont's route, it says that you were surprised to hear from Sayra due to how busy she was, but from the rest of the epilogue, it sounded as if you and Clarmont were some of the leaders in charge of rebuilding Revaire after the war, so surely you must've heard from Sayra? I'm wondering if it might work here to mention that you're helping Sayra, when you're getting the Clarmont epilogue? 

Sorry if I misunderstood/ missed something, please ignore if that SS makes sense and I'm being a dummy XD

Haha no worries, thanks for double checking!

All noted, thanks a bunch! <3

What's the max manipulation you can get as the Princess from CC?  Also, can the Princess ever redeem Jarrod, or will she never have enough persuasion for the check no matter what she does? I'm trying to plan for a Princess run where she ends up with both Jarrod and Gisette but I can't tell if it's doable! Or if NG+ bonuses are a must for that route.

+ I'd also add not being selfish or immoral at all, cuz even if you pass one of the checks by having high manipulation, he'll dump you later on in week 5 if he gets the sense that you're immoral, and especially if you throw the trial

Ahhhh but I think you can't get the epilogues if you go for the political marriage tho! You have to be on his companionship route, so that's a matchmaker approved marriage. You have to have selected him when the matchmaker asks who you're going for

There's an epilogue for Lisle - not sure what's needed for it tho? Was friendship at max? To get the epilogue, make sure you get the 'unbreakable bond with x' achievement, there's one that should be triggered for Lisle too. Make sure you do all the 'spend time with your intended' actions, and in week 6, keep spending time with him until you get that achievement. That + a good ending for Wellin should be enough, I think? At least it seemed to be enough for me, but I don't know if I accidentally checked some boxes that I wasn't aware of

+ you need to befriend Sayra to be able to side with the rebels

+ for week 5, I think you also need insight, 75+ I think?

There's a guide thread, check there. Someone linked a couple guides at the end of the thread about the Revaire endings

Noted - I'll keep that in mind, thank you!

(potential minor spoilers ahead about the final weeks/ negotiations)

I've heard talk of blackmailing different people, but how can that be done? I've found out a few secrets about people (e.g. Blain's), but I never seem to get the option to blackmail someone? When should that option present itself? I was thinking maybe you'd have a conversation with them during week 7 where you get that option, but this hasn't been the case - what am I missing?

*update - seems like Aly will be giving the option to the Princess to achieve this in v1.10 so look out for that :D (you'll just need to hunt all the manipulation boosts in game)

(1 edit)

I think it's a stat thing - doesn't look like the princess can get that much manipulation (as getting that during CC would lock you out of the princess background, and there are very few opportunities to get manipulation in game)

Thank you so much <3 You're so fast at bug-squashing :O

I was on 1.06 when it happened, recently moved to 1.08 - do you know when that bug was fixed, by any chance? Also, I'm guessing old saves won't trigger the endings after I've downloaded a new version, right? Thank you for your reply btw :D

(1 edit)

What are the requirements for Ana's epilogue? I know I maxed out the romance (because I got the unbreakable bond achievement), I got a good ending for Wellin and Skalt with quite a bit of influence on the Skalt side, but can't think of any other boxes to check that would be relevant to Ana? Any particular skills or something? (my character has sky-high defensive skills so I don't think it could be that). Or does she need some legendary outcomes to trigger?

Of course! No worries if it's more trouble than it's worth, don't wanna give you more of a headache than the bug-squashing is currently causing! I'll remind you later for sure, no worries at all if it's not possible <3 

The game is absolutely spectacular btw, I'm truly not over the complexity of all the choices, the level of replayability, how alive the MC feels because of all the stats!

Hi Aly! This is not a bug, just a suggestion for something that could be changed (wasn't sure where to post it!). I was wondering if there's a way of making the bonuses at the beginning optional, one by one? So not like saying Y or N to all or none boosts, but saying Y or N to each boost? Just because, for roleplaying purposes, some boosts would work better with certain builds but others would not (e.g. rejecting any boosts to defensive skills but taking all likeability ones for a princess build). No worries if not, I know coding can be a pain and wouldn't want the game to break in new, unexpected ways if it's something hard to do! Just a suggestion :D