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TosTi Games

A member registered Aug 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I didn't think about stacking the boxes lol. I didn't get to show my game to my mom yet, but I'm sure she would like it since she's always working with packages at her job.

I had that as another title idea lol. I wasn't able to really fit my game with the theme here since I wasn't really able to make more levels. I originally wanted this level I had to be a tutorial, and mechanic showcase.


Thanks! I would have made more levels but I didn't have the time.

Cool game! I also took some inspiration from Overcooked.

cool game!

cool game!


The mechanics and level design are really good! I just wished that they would be introduced more clearly though. Otherwise, cool game!

Love the art! The  shaders look very good!

Cool game! Good implementation of the theme, and unique mechanics.

This is sonic on drugs

Yes I'm sure you can. It's after the jam jam ends that won't let you update your page until the jam is over.


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I'm unity game dev here about 4 years of experience, looking for a small team for the jam. I'm good with scripting, designing, and recently got into 3D modeling and animation. I'm also able to compose music with FL Studio and have experience with managing teams from other game jams.  Discord username is  jp_studios1.

I might be a little bit late but if you want you can help me out with sounds. My discord username is jp_studios1

Thank you!

Yeah I figured that's what most people are use to now. I'm used to those controls from the games that Iv'e played before.


Thanks that means a lot! there wasn't really a lot of time for me to get through all of the bugs and I encountered most of right before I was about to upload the game, but I'm happy with what did turn out!

The art is really cool, the gameplay is simple, and I love the little fish bobbing in the corner of the screen.

Appreciate the feeback! Yeah it really sucked that I had a whole tutorial and directions and everthing but a bunch of the buttons and text that were working perfectly fine in the editor just disapeared or just stopped  working in the build version.

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This music is fire...

Thanks I aprreciate the feedback! Yes I know it's not perfect there are alot of things that I could do better like maybe playing around with different colours or improving the movement.


Yes when I was designing the level in my notbook it looked pretty good but then obviously in game it's a little different. Also in case you were wondering and didn't notice I made the player slightly go up when dashing so it didn't get stuck on ledges.

Wait but this game is actually so good though. The art, the music, the gameplay...                                                 I think we found our winner for this jam... 

This does not realy go with the theme but that jumpscare was something else.


The game looks really good from the screenshots, although i can play it because i dont have godot or my drivers out of date or something.

I think that this game is very creative and a cool concept. I have nothing negative to say.

The game and the art is awesome! I love it. Althought I don't think it fit's any of the themes very well. 

I really like the concept of a survival game! It was a little difficult for me to figure out the controls (maybe consider putting them in the description?). The 3D camera gives a cool effect and I can see that the game took a litle bit of inspiration from Don't starve.

I like the concept of the dungeon exploring I think it's really cool,  one thing I dont like is that touching a wall or a chest you dont have the key for resets you to the start

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Thanks I aprreciate the feedback!I did take a little bit of inspiration from big tower tiny square. For the movment I kind tried to make it simalar to other games iv'e played such as hollow knight and super meat boy (which can be a little floaty), And I did notice that the spikes are the same color as the background and it makes them kind of hard to see. 

That is defenitly not a new project

Hey I'm also interested in working with a team I've got a few years of experience and never participated in a game jam before but would like to. my phone number is 5033104671 and my gmail is

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All I can say here is that the music is fire but gameplay could definently be better maybe start with fixing the camera?