Thank you for the music compliments! I’m so glad it turned out the way it did!
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I absolutely love the atmosphere and presentation of this game, its such a high quality for such a short amount of development time! The concept as well is really interesting, though unfortunately I ran into a gamebreaking bug where whenever I got spooked or exorcised an object the character would get permanently stuck in position, unable to do anything (can't even take the meds). I don't want to let that undermine the quality of this game though, well done!
I really love how cozy this game actually is, like I genuinely feel quite calm playing this! The game is quite pretty, and the music is just absolutely beautiful (genuinely I want to be able to listen to this so much). The raccoon controls perfectly, and I really appreciate the sheer number of settings available!
I think my issues with this game come down to the dialogue and level design, as I find they aren't interesting enough. The characters are perfectly fine, but they aren't memorable in a way so there's no real fun in chatting to them (Bar the crow Noir, love them so much), which is a problem when the story is quite simple like here.
The level design as it is is fine and does its job, but it lacks a lot of landmarks to make the place more memorable, so I often found myself getting a bit lost or struggling to find an object (especially with trying to find the fox). The start of the game is especially notable for this, as I really had no clue what to do until I stumbled into the cave.
I really liked hunting for the bonus objects though, that was a nice optional challenge that I really appreciate. And again, that piano is beautiful and I want more of it! <3
Overall, honestly really like this game. It has its problems, but still hits the right vibe and feels great to play!
First of all, I absolutely love the art style, and the sfx are really nicely done too! I would only say that the game feels quite slow paced, and thats not necessarily a bad thing, its just that it lacks a proper incentive bar the requirement for completing each level. Maybe a timer to see how fast you can complete the levels? Its an awesome concept that needs fleshing out more, though I will say the quality is stellar