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A member registered Mar 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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the voiceover's great,

I didn't quite understand why you need three cylinders and what to do, I was haphazardly traveling through the abyss with fish on my tail

really like it, nice puzzle and move with previous levels, well done

wtf why i slide with title guy  after first try ahahah;) good game i like artstyle and vibes, well don

I didn't understand anything, even though I honestly tried, but the art is awesome and control flow is good

Interesting mechanics with going to the second layer,

on one side there are a lot of buttons and a lot of combination options

on the other hand I won races just by spamming the shift:)

well done

can you add mac version?

!Thanks for the game. I liked it

I didn't realize right away that you have to hold down the button progressbar is pretty slow 

very interesting work, I think it would be more convenient if everything was only with the mouse? like if the fish is turned to the left, the mouse is entered vertically? like it's more intuitive

you are cool, i really liked, this concept with sun and moon kill me, very good work , my favorite.

I'm not quite sure what to do after I've collected the first three?
I don't quite understand why keyboard control and mouse click, I think it would be more coherent to click on some E,

I definitely need a tutorial here, it's also unclear if I should press the button and if it's successful? if there were some sounds for this, it would be much clearer,

style is definitely exactly what I myself aspire to, very cool!

it lacks some kind of impact when clicking, you could change the cursor or some kind of click sound, it doesn't quite read the click.

I'll finish your game later

I think the resolution of the spikes should have been the same as the regular tiles, it is quite difficult to immediately identify the spikes they blend in with the terrain
but in general art palette is cool, good sounds

this guy is literally me
like characters,cool art
  maybe i dont get it, but for example you can add puddles or something for a quick water intake

I liked it, it's like there aren't enough upgrades here for dragons or water,the animations and art are really cool, well done! 

(1 edit)

hahah, artstyle is the best, the tutorial was not enough, it took me about 5 minutes to figure out how to turn on the water and I didn't understand if it was possible to turn the mug? In the end, all attempts I poured water on the mug and brought the drops horizontally

anyway its so cool well done

artstyle is good minimalism, too bad there are no sounds(

love it, your fish clearly seem like kitties:) did not immediately understand what to do here, I thought there would be some change of location, but to stand and just get compliments - there is some vibe in it, interesting thing, well done,

animation is a delight, I sat with both hands beating my own crabs,

Wow, you are right! Thanks!!

Thanks for you comment, its really useful!

thanks you!!1

(2 edits)

Thanks everybody for comments, so i added quick tutorial

Thanks for large comment, about ui you are right for sure

Its strange, maybe you can try from another browser

You have button on the top, you can click on it, after selected all questions

Which browser are you use?

Are you on mac?

Визуал очень стильный, базара ноль. Некоторые момент неинтуитивны, не особо понятно тут диалог или скип. Плюс было бы неплохо оформить разными цветами текста повествования и диалогов

Очень приятное управление персонажем, забавная рисовка, в бою звуков не хватает, не особо понимаешь, когда тебя бьют, а когда ты

Расслабляющая игра, мешает только таймер... Вроде плаваешь спокойно, но торопиться надо

Офигенная графика. медитативный геймплей, еще бы показывалось хп городов вражеских

(1 edit)

На выделение не хватило времени, к сожалению, спасибо за отзыв

Сильнейшая анимация врезания ящиков, за такое сразу номинации давать надо неиронично

Очень не хватает паузы, еще какого-то бы обозначения на экране перков.
 Музыка крутая

Анимация цунами шик, побег жителей тоже шик. Единственное расстроило, что есть ситуации когда вообще без шансов проскочить, тк модельки сужаются

Немного не очевидные варианты ответов, кмк, отсылки забавные. Посмеялся, когда в первый день после подписи документов высветило окно "Ух и наработался на сегодня" или типа того

Арт прекрасный. Озвучка забавная. Жаль враги слабоваты и предсказуемы, бои из-за этого однообразны и скучны. Немного раздражало, что у мобов еще и регенерация, из-за чего бой затягивается. Было бы неплохо, будь сражения с несколькими мобами. 

Прикольный звук, но я не понял А что вообще делать, после того как попадает в локацию с рыбкой с водорослями на заднике

Крутой арт