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A member registered 81 days ago · View creator page →

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Wow, incredible that you manage to make a small roleplaying game in that time window.
Cute frog hunt, and small quests.
I absolutely love the "lack" of UI and that all inventory items are shown on the character instead!
Great job!

No shame in not finishing. I'm glad that you even got to level three and that you liked it! 

Oh wow! Thank you for the praise =D 
I am thrilled that you liked it so much!

Cute style, and a game that fits the theme.
Unfortunately I was struck with a few seconds delay for every action that made especially level 7 really hard. But I guess it may be unity webbrowser thing. 
Nice work :)

Creative and satisfying to grow with a lot of objects, thanks for the game!

Very interesting style and well executed! Pretty game indeed :)

Was a good lot of fun!
very creative narrowting, making the experience enjoyable, a mix of Portal and The Stanley Parable. Good job!
Would have liked some kind of prompt in the end to show it was the end, I spend way to much time trying to figure out what to do with my big chunk of chees, not that that had any impact on my rating of your game, it was fun!

Cute style and the game fits the theme!
I felt a little out of control though, not being able to dodge the falling boxes in time.
As others have mentioned a little tweaking of movement speed(Up character) and camera distance(further away), would have been preferable for me. Cute little game though! 

Simple and enjoyable, thanks for bringing a platformer to life that fits the theme :

thanks =)

No shame in that, sometimes the puzzle just fits, and sometimes it misses :)
Thanks for playing! and yeah the frustrating blur [facepalm]

Thanks for playing and rating :)
Yeah I was thinking that a timed hint system could be nice to have. But, I prioritized making a level 3 instead X)

Aw thanks for playing and for the positive feedback!
And yes I do agree that the precision jumping platform like aspect likely would have been better without. I see now a few way to minimize the need for precise jumping. to keep the focus on what to scale and to what degree to move on

HA! It's super silly and very well executed. It is the only game I have tried in this jam that have made me laugh! Good job! XD

agreed, but after the jam in case anyone would come here after that XD

Aw, thanks man and good going :)! And yeah, you are definitely right. I was just so focused on other stuff, up until the last minute. - it's my first Game Jam submission :)

Cute litte game! i like it.
In the future i'd like for the arm to grow in size too, as the body is blocking my arms reach at stage 3 ^^

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Oh my.. I just now realized that I could turn the bloody Motion blur off, it's just a standard setting that I did not notice myself. As it was not as bad in the editor version, as it is in the package. Thanks for pointing it out. Thanks for trying the game :)

I will upload a fixed version when I can.

Now that's a neat little game that scratches an itch for upgrading and Strategizing. Great work in both idea and execution!

I definately also enjoy myself a puzzle game. and great effects when the buttons are pressed, and lovely sounds!
It appears that I had the same issue with the mouse. Moving around seems fine, and if you do not know of it, your computer does not have the same bug. The aim us jumping on the screen and 10x slower than regular movement. I got by with waling, to adjust my aim. not to let a silly bug stop the experience :)

ah very cool little game, with easy to understand quest, and simple yet engaging controls and great artwork! good job!

I will have to agree that the "motion blur" is by no means a wanted effect. It did not show in the editor mode, but for some yet unknown reason was in the packaged product.
Thanks for the  comment, and try of the game. again, also great job with your own, I am still impressed with mow much you managed to make!

Impressive scope for sure! I was only lacking a bit of direction/purpose

Very creative! Cutie idea, and great to go beyond standard gameplay :) Unfortunately I found the controlling the body, quite unintuitive, and more often than not bouncing the opposite direction than I intended. 

Good Models and fun sounds :)

Cute little Growing game. However I also did not Realy get the game rules, nor the gaol.

I like the style :)

Brilient game idea and exexution! and a ton of content too, impressive performance given the time frame for the jam!

Gorgeous art! and fun idea, but the controls are somewhat tedius making the progression slow.
Good game for the game jam!

(1 edit)

Great concept, nice with the simple controls, and yet a wide range of applications. Good game!