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The creativity is insane! I love the idea of turning the dream theme into a nightmare horror game. The PS1 aesthetic gives me the vibe of like a chillas art or puppet combo game. The music itself is really well crafted and I love the general feeling of emptiness it conveys, really immersive! My only critique is that I feel like maybe there's not enough tension. While I really love all the nicer tracks, there are more of them than there are scary feeling ones. Other than that, this is amazing! Out of the submissions I've seen so far this would be the coolest one to see realized as an actual game.

This is lovely, really good use of ambient sounds. 

Really good, I love the detuned, lo-fi sounding piano. The back and forth between the more FM sounding piano and the traditional piano sounds makes a really cool effect as well. Great job!

The production on this is great, you did such a good job with the blending of each instrument. Your use of repetition throughout the soundtrack is very effective, and I like the way each song built in intensity, especially the eerie feeling in Unearthed Secret. I especially liked Within the Library, the warm feeling and chord progression really stood out to me!

This is beautifully composed. I love the ambient feels and the soft, comforting piano. The instrumentation used really compliments the feeling you were going for. I especially love Suspicious Forest

Very cool! I could hear the Toby Fox influence in song like Hellen's Hello and Sheepville, the very simple melodies and chord progressions along with good use of sfx made for a great listening experience! I could definitely see this being the OST of a real indie game

This is great, I love sea frog and also abyss eyes is perfect. The bubbling sfx fit so well and I love how it builds

The use of percussive sounds and the silly, out of tune instruments are perfect, its like I can see the image in my head while im listening. I love this

Love this! Instrumentation is perfect. Listening makes me feel like I'm about to explore an open world

I like this a lot! Though the main melodic idea gets pretty repetitive after a while, I do like the direction the piece ended up going in. I only wish there were more songs for me to listen to!