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Dream of Mine (OST)View project page

Submitted by MiceOrMouses — 16 minutes, 39 seconds before the deadline
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Dream of Mine (OST)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2133.6673.667

Ranked from 33 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.


I'm not so sure what genre it would be tbh, I suppose a mixture of ambience, orchestra, and electronic because those were what I used to help make the tracks.



The game I based the tracks off tells the story of a young boy who doesn't want to grow up yet. He enters a place called "Dream Land", a part of his subconscious that he escapes to when he feels scared. With the help of his friends he makes a long the way, he must learn that he can't stay a child forever and leave dream land with a new sense of inner peace.


The game I envisioned would be a simple 2D top-down RPG sort of like Pokemon in a sense. The player may also be rewarded for exploring by finding different weapons and items that can aid them in their adventure as well as befriending different people in Dream Land. (Also, all the weapons would be comedically acquired firearms because why not lol.)


Occasional turn-based combat would also be present when adventuring in places outside of "safe zones." When in combat, you are given four choices: either attack the enemy, flee the battle, use an ability, or use an item.

The other three are self-explanatory, but the fight option would enter you into a short aiming mini-game where you are tasked to fire at all available target points in a limited time to damage the enemy. The more targets you hit, the more damage you deal.


What each track represents can be seen in their respective Youtube videos. All except for a few tracks (i.e. the tension tracks, the first song, the elevator music, and the last song) are meant to be looped.


I mostly composed each track by just putting random melodies in my piano and see if it sounds decent. That's literally what I did for most of the songs lol.

DAW used: FL Studio 21

-Total Runtime: 33 minutes, 52 seconds

-Average Length of Tracks: 1 minute, 26 seconds

-No. of Tracks: 23


Message from the artist
Sheepie 4 life! 🐑🐑🐑

On a serious note, I hope you enjoyed this! I didn't have much time when I joined since only three days remained so some of the tracks might sound repetitive lol, but I'm still very happy with that I was able to do. I'm also impressed by how amazing everyone else's tracks are, some of the tracks I've seen are simply amazing and I congratulate everyone who participated in this Jam!


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
Although most of the songs don't sound "dream-like," the main game that the songs are based on are.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services
(I recommend you use the Youtube link if you want the descriptions of each track.)

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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WOW what a number of songs!

I listened to them all whilst reading manga. Ones that stuck out to me were Elevator Bop, Feeling watched for some reason, and fight yourself.

The elevator bop was my favorite of course. it was very catchy!


A lot of interesting composition techniques, but it doesn't separate itself with unique orchestration. I think that you might have bit off more than you could chew. Still, great job for putting out 22 tracks!


Honestly impressive how much of a cohesive soundtrack you managed to create through here, its full of a writing style that all feels part of the same game! I think as people mentioned you probably could have gotten a across the board stronger product if you focused on fewer songs, as the overall song quality wasn't entirely on the same level, def some highlights tho! (nightmare fight and cave of dreams stand out). Super impressive though overall!


Lovely story, lovely soundtrack!!

Nice break at Nightmare fight
Your Unfathomably Flurry And Friendly Sheep Friend, Sheepie, that was cute and you know!

A very unique concept you have here, well done!!!


I really like the contrast between the fight scenes and the normal ones. Mixing could be a bit better, but overall really nice submission. Also really impressive the number of tracks.


Hey I like it very much! It have some PS1 JRPG feel to me which I like it. It makes me imagine the scenario in the game in my head, the village, the forest in Suikoden 2 style which I don't know why but probably because it's my most favorite JRPG. Really really good tunes!


Very tranquil and soothing, it can create such a variety of melodies and musical emotions, it's truly wonderful.


Thanks for checking out my submission! I'm glad you found my track nice to listen to. I'll definitely be checking out your track in a bit! Again, thanks for checking out my submission and have a nice day!

Submitted (1 edit)

yo! this ost has toby fox inspiration written all over it! and from a toby fanboy myself i can appreciate it LMAO. i can definitely hear inspiration from ut/dr songs like fallen down, a town called hometown, enemy approaching, unnecessary tension, stronger monsters, etc (sorry let me nerd out for a sec LOL) anyways, super fun ost! cool melodies and instrumentation. my only critique is that i wished some songs were more fleshed out! you created an immense number of songs for the time you had, but i wished that some ideas could’ve been given a bit more time. not gonna beat a dead horse tho, i see some ppl have already mentioned this. you got some cool ideas here! good stuff!!


Thanks for checking out my submission! I'll be sure to keep in mind the advice you and others have mentioned and perhaps not go so overboard on the quantity of tracks next time LOL. I've also reviewed and commented on your submission and I think you did an amazing job on yours! Again, thanks for checking out my submission and I wish you an amazing day :D


Insane tracklist. I loved some of the Undertale influence I heard in some of these, especially on Hellen's Hello as that track sounds like Fallen Down. My favorite is Cave of Dreams. Overall, very solid submission. Keep it up!


Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the OST, I enjoyed my time making it so seeing others enjoy it is nice too. Have a great day!

Submitted (2 edits)

First of all - WOW! You made so much content in such a short amount of time, and it's all good! Incredibly impressive!

This submission (and I bet you got this a lot) seems to be heavily inspired by Undertale (and Toby Fox in general), and I love it! Great music, with some really solid uses of themes and leitmotifs, which is always fun to hear! The production also sounds very Toby Fox-y, with the types of instruments and effects you use.

I'd like to add that my personal favorite track is Cave of Dreams, 'cause I'm such a sucker for good ambient tracks. I also really enjoyed how A Place Mysteriously Located In A Far Side Of The Cave is similar yet still different from Cave of Dreams (that name is also very Undertale-y haha)! There are a ton of details I liked about this OST, and I could really go on forever, but we'd be here all day.

Great work! Can't wait to hear what you'll do next!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed my OST as much as you did and I'm glad you found the Undertale influence nice. I spent a lot of time and effort into this so I'm glad that from what I can see, everyone seems to find it alright. Again, thank you so much for the kind words and have a great day!


It’s incredible how you managed to write so much music!!! The tracks aren’t even poorly written, so that’s impressive. What I’m curious about is why you chose to write so much music rather than focusing on fewer tracks and refining them in detail. I’m interested in understanding more about the influence you might have drawn from the story. It’s an ambitious project that definitely deserves a hat tip for the time you’ve dedicated to it!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the nice words! In hindsight, it might have been better to go with a more "Quality over Quantity" approach, but I really wanted this to feel like a complete game from start to finish with vastly different areas to explore and themes, so i decided to go with what I did (then again, it's probably still possible to make an OST feel complete with fewer tracks, but I digress ig). Again, thank you for checking out my submission and have a great day!


Of course, I respect your opinion and find it reasonable! Best of luck in the contest.


The scale of this soundtrack is hugely impressive! Lots of ideas going on and a range of stylistic approaches (especially liking the atmosphere created in Cave of Dreams). Think a bit about piano velocities to avoid spikes in the audio, and maybe look into libraries like Spitfire Labs (their free) as such sample libraries would really help bring out the sense of atmosphere you creating even further. Really good work overall :)


Thank you so much for the feedback! I'll keep in mind your library recommendation. I only really focused on the default plugins in FL Studio as a sort of challenge to myself I suppose (and because I'm too lazy to find one lol), but finding an actual sample library would probably help out a lot. Again, thank you so much for the feedback and have a great day!


God... 23 tracks... well... I love long projects)

The Past Is The Best Cherished - A sweet beginning)
Helen's Hello! - Heh... A more realistic Undertale atmosphere. Cool! (Damn nostalgia for a happy childhood)

Home Away From Home - HOME!!! THE HOUSE!!!!11!

Welcome Home is another cute track) Love it!

Nightmare Fight - Oh... A cool contrast... You've got a very dynamic soundtrack! (A bit like old shooters/fighting games. Lol)

Helen's Goodbye - This song is so sad... Goodbye, Helen!

Out Of Town - Heh... For some reason, it sounded like Stardew Valley to me...

Unnecessary Tension - Another cool track? (I like these explosive claps that inflate the atmosphere)

Your Unfathomably Furry And Friendly Sheep Friend, Sheepie - What the f... This is a great contrast to the previous track... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Sheepville! - Heh... A great Undertale motif, but on the sheep theme? I respect you!

Cave of Dreams is a cool ambient track! (Somehow reminded me of a nicer version of the dark ambient Black Mesa, lol)

Feeling Watched - Sounds... Is someone following me? I should start without... Oh no... I HEARD FOOTSTEPS!!!1! WE NEED TO RUN!!!11!

Yourself - It seems I didn't run fast enough...


The Place Mysteriously Located In A Far Side Of The Cave Is Mesmerizing... It feels like I'm in crystal caves with lots of beautiful minerals)

More Unnecessary Tension - EPIC!

Your Incredibly Furious And Fierce Sheep Enemy, Is Sheepy  My SHEEP Enemy?!? (Track - fire. I danced a folk dance to it. Heh...)

Best Of Friends is My SHEEP friend?!?... now it's even scarier for me...

Dream Factory - Heh... Industrial ambient... I LOVE INDUSTRIAL AMBIENT!!!

Elevator Bop - Realistic elevator sound... And sweet waiting music... I feel that something harsh awaits me next

Echoes From A Hopeful - Oh My God... It's such a beautiful track... (HOW DO YOU MAKE A GOOD VIOLIN SOUND!?!?!)

Fight Yourself - I don't want to fight with myself... It's sad... This is the most epic track. Good climax! (I've listened to this track three times. Heh)

One Last Goodbye - Goodbye!

In general, you have done a tremendous job in creating a unified atmosphere and a unified story. Your soundtrack and its style are perfect for a full-fledged game. Cool! Great job! A good adventure. Thanks!

P.S. DID YOU DO IT IN 3 DAYS!?! Ek makarek...


Thank you so much for the kind words, in depth comment, and for listening to all the tracks! I spent a lot of time on them so I'm really happy to hear that and I'm glad you enjoyed your time. I'll also definitely check out your project when I have the time to as it's also another pretty long one and I've heard good things from it (although it might take me some time to fully listen to it lol). Again, thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it! Have a great day :D


Well done! There is variations through the tracks. I'd be curious to hear it with real instruments playing!


Thank you for checking my submission out! I'll be sure to check out your submission as well when I have the time to. Again, thank you for listening to my OST and Have a great day! :D


You're welcome, have a nice day too!


Hellen's Hello, I feel like i've fallen down (wink). Also one of the sheeps should defenetly called Temmy. Big collection of some very sweet sounding songs that really catch that childish naivity. I'am a bit baffled by the shere number of tracks and that they are still very much there own thing that could stand on there own. The roster of sounds and emotions you have captured is stunning. HOW ON EARTH have you managed that much in 3 days than not with shere skill. Bravo!


Thank you so much for the kind words! It seems you've also noticed the original works I based the tracks off of lol. I'll be sure to check out your submission as well once I have the time to do so! Again, thank you for the nice words and for checking out my submission, have a great day!



So let me get this clear...

You come to my submission, saying you wish you could do what I've done on mine...

And then you just present a TWENTY-THREE track OST and slap me on the face with it? You absolute mad man xD

This was so nice to listen too. So many pretty things all around, and a full complete OST from beginning to finish. What's not to like! The variety is also pretty incredible, from Feeling Watched oppressive with all that low rumbling, RUN! super dynamic and the notes chosen are awesome, Hellen's Goodbye beautiful and poetic moment.

You blew this out of the water! 


Thank you so much for the nice words! I'm so happy you found my submission interesting. While I still think your submission in terms of mixing and composition was a lot more organized and clean than mine, I still appreciate this comment so much! Everyone in this Jam has been so friendly and it's really pushing me to want to learn and improve my music production as a whole, so I'd like to thank you and really everyone who participated in this Jam for being so amazing :D

Again, thank you so much for your kind words and I apologize for unintentionally and metaphorically slapping you in the face xD

Have a great day! :D


yeah absolutely keep going! it was really nice to see the breadth music your capable of going for. Great job definitely!


Ooh this OST is just real good! 23 whole tracks, with each one being very good to listen too!!

The piano definetly suits the idea of the game, so props on that! 

The tracks themselves are also really good. Cave Of Dreams felt truly dreamy, with the pads and slow melodies.  Out Of Town really sounds like a track you'd listen to in an RPG, which I also love  :)

my only nitpick? the orchestra hit. In certain tracks (parcticularly Fight Yourself due to it repeating frequentlyit often sounds a bit loud at times (but its not detrimental to the tracks, just a slight nitpick)

*You are filled, with dreams*


Thanks for the feedback! I've gotten a few other comments regarding the volume of certain instruments already, so I'll be sure to adjust the mixing and volume properly for any of my future tracks (or at least try my best to lol). Again, thank you for the kind words and feedback. Have a great day!


Really good work with the textures here,


Thanks for the comment! I'm not so sure if you streamed your review since I hadn't woken up yet at the start of it but I'm glad you're here either way. I'll be sure to check out your submission as well!


I really liked out of town and the nightmare fight! Felt like I was playing an old RPG or something!


Thank you for commenting! I forgot to reply to this and just went directly to your submission lol. I appreciate you checking my project out and I'm glad you enjoyed some of the songs!


This is an interesting soundtrack. Overall, I think I can hear a lot (if not allof the references you used for it. I'd love to mention some stuff that stood out to me the most, though. Out of Town, for example, has moments where the strings sound really loud, and should be toned down, same with Sheepville! and its flute, and More Unnecessary Tension and the impact hits, and the mixing overall on Fight Yourself. At points in the OST it really sounds like you tried to keep the main essence of the original songs you were referencing but took a bit too much of the original - stuff like Hellen's Hello! sounds structurally the same, like background notes and chord movements, as Fallen Down, from Undertale, and Sheepville! and Best Of Friends having the same issue with Temmie Village, from the same game. It's neat to be inspired by other artists, but it's flying a bit too close to the sun for comfort. Fav. track: Elevator Bop


Thank you for the feedback! I'll be sure to keep in mind the stuff you mentioned such as the mixing and volume of certain instruments and tracks. As for taking too much of the original, I'll try to be more creative and unique with my tracks in the future! I really enjoyed the music of Undertale and wanted to have more or less the same feeling, but looking back at the tracks now it definitely is too close to the originals and I'll be sure to be more original next time. Again, thanks for the feedback and have a good day :D

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