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A member registered Dec 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! I have implemented a bit more air control for height in my current version. honestly it feels alot more clunky this way im not fully happy with it. a grappling hook is great idea but i need to figure out a way to add it so its not just an after thought and more of a full feature. something that it doesnt get lost to everything else.  this would also require oneway collision blocks which im not really for as they imply some sort of depth to the blocks that you would be able to get around. There is alot im going to have to think of moving forward with this game. as for the GDD.  It really should just be a tool to keep you on track and not scope creep. some people benefit from a well developed GDD and others do not. as it wasnt a grading criteria but a wicket to have done. 

Thank you for playing! I dabbled with keeping your momentum when I first started. I found immediately you lose the feel of scaling the golem. As for the wall jumping I have been working on tuning it. What about it feels janky so in the future I might be able to resolve it.

Thank you for playing it! i plan on in the future reducing the difficulty with the death squares and make more available paths. this feels like what id want the middle of the game to play like. So i want to eventually add more and more little climbable golems that lead into way more difficult ones.

Looks like the update fixed it! was able to go until i die

Yeah no problem. Typing games are great! A good way to hone skills well having fun!

I'll give it a go tomorrow I'm not in a place I can test it for 24 hours. I guess I somehow went to your gamejam game to test it?

It still happend i hit around 29 words and i couldnt do much after that

really enjoyed the atmosphere. I originally skipped the tutorial and that was a mistake. went back and played the game with the tutorial and everything made a lot of sense. Very well done is very replayable! 

This was very interesting to play. i got a little confused in the first area of how to complete the puzzle. My first game had movement just like this and i got a lot of feedback from people about it that is just alot of button presses. if you have more to continue on in this story you should see it to the end! the character concept is really cool and you will be able to do more with the game without the theme limitations. overall good work for your second game

Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed it. I thought the unique feature of this is the moving world while platforming but this has a bit of a learning curve to it. so, Id like to make more easier levels that get the player used to platforming before scaling huge creatures and have this level more of a midground.

Thank you! Can you elaborate on what is confusing? I would like to make things more explainable to the player if there is any confusion.

Thank you for playing! I tried to get a few alternate routes going up the leg and would like to further explore getting more routes that don't require waiting for the body and the lower arm. creating multiple paths has been a challenge and a lot of refining but I feel it can be done!

Thank you for playing. To tell the trajectory use the clouds in front of the golem.  I really do like the idea of holding on the golem to stop player movement.  as for the red blocks I might add a new block that isn't an instant kill and have that do damage and replacing a lot of the interior with them. right now, the HP bar really gives you a second chance at doing the platform over again and would like to explore more mechanics that don't involve enemies you have to fight so it feels more of you and the golem.

It's completely understandable. I hope you guys bring this to completion the idea is there just needs more time!

Art was good. had a few issues with attacking the enemies and jumping was a bit to floating.

this was really cool. The potion combination was a really fun mechanic and trying to figure out what made them happy was unique. well done!

Thank you for playing and the feedback. I think in the future I'm going to make more giants to climb and this is for sure a great option for adding more variance to the game.

Game was really fun. simple mechanics put together very well. everything meshed great and was an overall enjoyable experience! keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for playing. Honestly, the criticism has been the best part of making this game. I've learned so much from the process and between friends and everyone before posting I got a lot this is great. I've made 1 other game for the previous jam and have been developing a passion project for the past 8 months. Getting feedback has been great and I fully would love to see this game go further. It was a huge scope for the deadline and I'm glad I got it done. As for the teleport so you don't have to wait I'll for sure think about it as a decent way to save yourself from your death count going up.

The game plays really well. I enjoyed the grappling hook and the dash being well polished. I did get pushed through a door by the shadow creatures and wasn't able to continue but, overall I had fun playing and hope to see more!

The game is great. i enjoyed using the shadow to determine the overall positioning of the cloud!

This is a great take on minesweeper! i love the shadowy.

This game is hard. im a huge fan of the art and hex'd based movement! the animations were smooth but there was a lot of y sort issues that made combat hard. overall well done!! 

This game is hard. im a huge fan of the art and hex'd based movement! the animations were smooth but there was a lot of y sort issues that made combat hard. overall well done!! 

Thank you for playing! This would be a great idea! I think would be to manipulate the golems movement. The movement was built on duct tape and dreams but i do believe I can work something in to adjust its movement in the future. 

Thank you for playing it. I hope you enjoyed even though it can be frustrating. yes the boss being on a cycle was  a hard designing aspect i tried to have multiple paths without trivializing the experience and it was rough.  I tried to leave 1 particular jump from the upper leg to the body but everything else that required cycle was mainly difficulty with level design. it was as fun experience to make and well worth it.

Thank you for playing the game and im glad you enjoyed it!. Shadow of the colossus was a huge part of my childhood. the feeling of being a small fragile person undertaking a massive overshadowing boss was just so impactful. id love to come back rework some art and add more bosses!

Thank you for playing it! my goal was to have a single person enjoy the game as this is my third game I've made including my main project!

Thank you for playing and the feed back. I have a few  uses of  the word shadows from the oxford  dictionary: to reference  to proximity(being close to the golem at all times), Ominous oppressiveness (threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments.), or sadness and gloom(i added as much sadness and gloom to the environment and the music. The Golem is a creation of alchemy. Golems are created from multiple element and used to serve there creators. i tried to go with different variations of the theme then the straight forward this is a shadow this is a potion.

Great Game Kid loved watching the marbles drop

Thank you for playing, the clouds that pass over are designed to indicate the golems movement. In the future I'll keep in mind that the waiting time new level or redesign of this level 

Thank you for the feedback! The yellow platform allow for a wall jump to happen. Fall damage is present because there are multiple mechanics that wouldn't hold no challenge if it wasn't present. I would like to know what platform you had an issue with. I've ran every path every multiple times.

Thank you for play the game and the feedback. The yellow walls are not climbable. They are only wall jumpable.

This is fantastic. Expert use of space. the time didnt overstay its welcome and left me wanting more. it was challenging in a rewarding way.  you have alot of talent.

This is really cool! i like the art and had alot of fun playing it. everything feels smooth. struggled with the potion jump at first but i got the hang of i

hey so just a heads up updated my game and somehow dropped to the bottom of the list here. be careful if your updating.

i really enjoy the music. the feeling of the character feels really ghoulish! very unique and fun.

Will  do! I cant believe i missed playing it and reviewing it. fun fact i just got back from polishing a bit of the game broke so much more and now had to revert back. i think this was a lesson on it works well dont fix till after the jams done. i have the code now inplace to get the positions and everything for aligning the character to the wall just breaks on the arm because of the rotation. physics are hard.

Good game! this seems to be a great groundwork for an RPG! keep it up!

enjoyed playing the game! it took a bit to figure out what each drink but was rewarding afterwards!