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A member registered Aug 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Really fun puzzle game. I liked the mechanic of turning on/off the blocks. I see a lot of potential in this game. Fun and relaxing 10/10

I'm not sure if everyone got the information, but there are some things (like the audio) that I didn't create. They were credited on the game page, but I realised that most people never went there. So to set the record straight, here are the credits for the wonderful people who made the music, sfx and slime sprite.

Credit to Pixelsnorf for the slime sprites. Link to the slime sprites:

Credits to XtremeFredd for the Brewery Music (Bit Beats 3) Credits to Lightyeartraxx for the Fight Music (Just a Dream (Wake Up!)

Credits to DASK for the SFX (RETRO SOUNDS)

Thank you for giving my game a second try. I'll try to expand the gameplay of the game (like adding a shop where you can spend the money you earn). I think I have an idea for the recipe book you mentioned. It would work in such a way that you could store potions that you have made and see what kind of ingredients are in them.  I would also like to make the potions work in the combat section as well, but I will have to look into the ballencing of it. I'm really grateful that even though the game was a bit buggy at first, you had the patience to wait until I uploaded a fixed version. 

It should be fixed now. There was a problem with the game searching for the files outside of the game and not locally, but now it should work

I like the way you used the fire sprite. The gameplay is a bit on the easy side, but I love the difficulty scaling with the slow introduction of new ways for the water elements to attack.

I like the atmosphere of the game. I love the spell system with the randomised spell list. It makes casting spells a bit of a puzzle.  A minimap wouldn't hurt, but it's not necessary.

Fun game and love the graphics. There is some lag when using the rain ability. Maybe you should make the player start with less clouds and make the collectable clouds a bit rarer and more scattered around the map. I love the little people collecting wood and living their lives, it makes you feel like you are really protecting something.

I really like this game, it's just fun and cute. The controls are a bit clunky but still easy to control.

Thank you all for reviewing my game. I checked the code and found out why the game was crashing. The problem was that the game was looking for the bottle sprite outside of the game again. It should be fixed now.  So for anyone reviewing the game after the patch, please note that I fixed this bug after the submission deadline.

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It should work now. The only thing that has changed is that it searches for the files inside the game, not outside, and one of the sprites has been replaced to make it work.

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Thanks for posting this, I'm working on a fix. It should be uploaded soon. (On the game page)

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Credit to Pixelsnorf for the slime sprites.
Link to the slime sprites:

Credits to XtremeFredd for the Brewery Music (Bit Beats 3)
Credits to Lightyeartraxx for the Fight Music (Just a Dream (Wake Up!)

Credits to DASK for the SFX (RETRO SOUNDS)

Credits to BLACKBOX for the new Brewery Music of the V2 version:

(3 edits)

Check out my other (more interesting) Games.

Thank you

Thanks (:

I tried to enter the code but nothing happened.

(4 edits)

Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to implement some kind of settings to change the controls of the game when I try to improve it. (Maybe I could add an alternative where the player character can collect the elements and then load them off in the middle).

This game has potential. It has a great theme and a simple but good combat system. Maybe try adding some complexity if you want to expand the game. One thing I didn't like was that enemies could detect and shoot you from off-screen, which felt unfair, but also made each level feel like a puzzle as you had to find the correct path to defeat all the enemies without getting overwelmed.

Eventhough i couldn't fully test it, I think it is truly infinit,
It had that original the Legend of Zelda dungeon vibe.

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Simple and to the point. Maybe try to add some variety. It fits the thme well because, it has the same vibe as the original Pong.

I like the Gameboy art style, but next time try to upload a game that doesn't require you to download a whole zip file. The shooting feels responsive, but the range of the gun is a little short.

(It was a bit lagy though)

I think you were trying to go in the direction of Doom or Quake, which is definitely retro. Maybe try starting the next level automatically after the player finishes the first one. Apart from that, it's a simple and nice game.

Things I like:

  1. The design is consistent
  2. There is difficulty scaling
  3. It's nice and simple
  4. The boing sound

Possible Improvements:

  1. Some music wouldn't hurt
  2. A bit more variation

It's a nice game and it was fun while it lastet, it was a bit easy but that's ok.

I like the task like design, but for the uh hi part I needed permission to access something. I have to say that it felt a bit sketchy at first.

The art style made me think of those old rpg games and definitely felt retro. Gameplay wise it was a bit lacking but the world generation is nice but it feels a bit empty (NPCs would be a good addition).

I was a bit confused as to whether I was barking, sliding or jumping, but once I figured that out it was a fun game. Especially the sprites are beautiful.

I did find one thing with the spinning poles, where the ball clipped through, but otherwise I didn't notice any bugs.

This is my favorit Game so far from this GameJam. I like the simplisety and the difficulty curve was perfect


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It's relaxing but I wish, there would be a bit more strategy with preparing baked goods in advance and not just pray and hope that someone whants a baget or muffin. maby by showing the orders of the next three orders that are comming up or by a trend system where you can see what is more likely to be ordered.

I like the artstyle with it's comfy vibe, the only problems I have is that the customers feel boring, so maybe you could give them more of a personalety. 

Overall it's a nice game and it was fun to play.

This game truly feels like a RetroGame but I wished that the main game music would be a bit longer or at least change up a bit. For the rest, it's a nice and good game.

The description of the Game is on the game page.

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It worked now, it only took long to load. I like the art style

The game didn't load for me.

It instantly froze when I tryed to play it.

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind if I ever want to talk about games.

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Thank you for the feedback. I'll try to improve the next version of the game according to your feedback and alsp keep your feedback in mind when I'm creating another game. You are deffenetly correct with the timer not fitting the context and I'll try to find a new way to incorperate difficulty into the game that make more sense. I also like the idea with making the person you're talking to feel more real by giving them a more tangible personalety and sense of self. Maybe I'll use some sort of profile picture for the person so that the person feals more like an induvidual. The idea of yours with making the conversation more interrelated and that bad/good answers have consequences down the line of the dialog would be a cool way to punish/reward the player.

Feedback would really help me improve.

Feedback would really help