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A member registered Apr 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is quite fun the UI has some issues it looks like the environment other than that it is quite polished the sounds are pretty good as well. Great Job 

Pretty enjoyable game would love to see a full version

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Thank you for the feedback! I’m glad to hear you think I have the building blocks. I hope to develop a few more levels before considering another release. I appreciate you playing and sharing your thoughts, I’ll definitely take your feedback into account. (also fix a couple bugs ill remove the crafting for a while so i can focus on other things)

Thanks a bunch glad the music was good it was the thing i had the most trouble with

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A quite unique game i had some fun with the game thought the game had some small issues mainly add a simple tutorial thats pretty much it! id like for an understanding of the more complex mechanics such as the items leaving

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A well polished fun game with some odd things mainly why did somethings send me back to the checkpoint but others dont the controls also fell of arrow keys z x and c are fine but they just felt off however the movement is fun the potion is great to use and the animation is awesome. overall the game is fun just some small tweaks and the game would be fantastic

Thanks for the feedback! ill keep that in mind for the "polished" version after the jam ends. 

Thanks for the feed back in response to "when I died it went back to the main menu instead of letting me load from the save point" i had a bug where reloading the level would just kill the player movement. I wish i had found a fix in time.

Pretty fun game needs more levels and a few small tweeks like making the flowers grow over time

So sorry i have to change the release date but it will be out soon i hope


Yeah its a bit laggy sorry about poor web optimization by the way

Thank you

Fun i got 7 points it was hard!

Fun and hard!

Alright that fixed has been released as well as some minor bug fixes.

That will be part of the next fix thanks for the info!

Alright i just fixed it.

Thanks for the feedback! ill make the bullets a bit bigger and make the walls another color as well.

Really fun!

I was fun until i (think i) won, maybe add in a YOU WON and YOU LOST other than that well polished and fun!

Sad thats all i need to say

Not to bad for a prototype. kinda fun maybe a few change like make the player move a bit faster. And more levels.

Wholesome! great to see a game like this!

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Here you go a link to the server

I'm seeking clarification on the process for receiving the prize money. Will it be donated directly to the game's page, or will it be transferred to a PayPal or Cash App account? I'm hopeful that the donation will be made to the game page, allowing us to access it through This method would be preferable to me since it enables us to receive funds via Stripe or paypal. I'm simply asking for clarification as I would like to have a better understanding of the process. thank you for reading

Super fun was not expecting the amount of optimization. The character felt good it ran well and had more content than expected for a game made in a year. Cant wait to play more of it.

here's mine enter between \

here's mine

Thanks for the feedback, I 100% agree with the sounds being annoying, but it is better than no sound(to me)

Thanks for the feedback, as soon as the jam ends ill most likely, put out the working version, also your game, was super fun.

this is pretty fun it plays well. it fells like a well made game. hard to tell it was made in 48 hours..