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A member registered Feb 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Need to add some gamification and goals for a player to reach.

It was fun to play this puzzle game. Well done! Suggest to add the level's number along with its title on the screen.

I like the gameplay idea, tutorial implementation. What could be improved: UI - play around with fonts and colors, maybe to get rid of the black strokes. I'd make the pieces more bright, colorful and vibrant. More levels.

I like the attention training idea, simple but effective. Neat visuals and colors, calm music. I'd change a particular SFX on correct shape click to something more vibrant to feel the goal is reached and to add appropriate VFX to it.

I like gameplay, music and SFX. Visuals is OK, nice victory/gameover screens. What could be improved: UI, controls (the movement felt too twitchy and fast). I'd add a security guy patrolling the area, better animations, lightmaps over the floor with light spots and shadows.

I like visuals, a mix of the game genres. I don't really like the music. I suggest to make first levels less challenging and to replace "RESET" with "PLAY AGAIN" text at the gameover screen.

I was wondering is it a "3D cars over 2D map" projection or not, and it turned out it's a sprite-stacked car, such an old-school trick. Looks cool!

Great additions, thanks!

Actually it was really fun to play despite so simple idea and gameplay.

I like the idea, VFX, UI. Suggest to implement a "relax" game mode w/o timer and ability to cancel previous step (a figure or math operation).

I like how the game looks, simple but quite consistent. I like the avatar selection at the start (there is a minor glitch - you can change the avatar by arrow keys even if you're at the "how to play" screen right now), animation, UI, controls. I don't really like the music in the game. You also could divide the game loop to the levels with appropriate goal to complete.

Simple but pretty challenging gameplay. I like funny animations of the dudes. I'd also divide the infinite enemies spawning to the levels to let a player to feel the goals, maybe with some rewards or room change.

Quite a solid game, it was fun to play. I'd suggest to decrease the amount of laps from 12 to 6 or even less to make a game session shorter. Maybe make an option to let the player to choose. And to increase lifespan of the nitro boost, it wasn't enough to me to get considerable advantage.

Good gameplay, visuals, SFX and music. What could be improved - menu/in-game menu addition, UI, better animation (each unit on the map points to its opponent position).

It's Firefox. I've tried the game again. There is no music loop at the very beginning where the text "As you approach the entrance..." is shown. The music plays and stops. The in-game music is playing OK (actually there is no loop, but few music files changing each other).

Genre - educational, really? I like sy-fy visuals, 3D! It's not clear at the start that the cans are the fuel, looks like obstacles. I'd change its color or add some VFX, maybe force to move them in random directions assuming we're in space with low gravity.

I like the bright colors, 3D! and visuals. Gameplay is quite simple so far. No goal for a player. I built the house and that's it. Some animation how the avatar is entering inside the house or just a message that the level passed would be nice.

I like the gameplay and the seasonal theme with pumpkins. 3D! Also the zooming effect and UI stuff look neat. SFX, music stuff is quite OK, but it seems the music isn't looped, it stops playing after a while. I noticed that the progress bar at the bottom works a bit weird. The pines are too glossy to me. I'd divide the infinite waves to the levels (few waves within it, or with some progression) to make a player to feel the goals, maybe with some rewards.

Looks like a quite solid game. Good feeling on UI. I like animations, energetic music. I don't really like gray backgrounds/loading screen between the levels. As you have a theme with a little boat racing across the waves, I'd make a background to sky gradient, with different time of day. Also I'd set the ability to move a mouse cursor and to drop the ball all around the screen, not only at the thin line on the top.

I like the idea (the mix of a card game with 21). The gameplay, visuals, SFX, UI, everything looks consistent. Quite a solid game. My suggestion: make an ability not just to drag&drop a card, but make it possible to click a player's card to select it then click the opponent's card to place it over.

I like the physics based gameplay, SFX. You could improve UI (play around with fonts and colors). The guy on the platform who drops the bricks could fly left and right in random direction.

I like retro-style and atmosphere of the dungeons in the game. 1-bit game visuals has its vibe and looks consistent. Nevertheless, I'd add some colorful spots, maybe as VFX. The SFX and music stuff is OK, but it's not looped, it stops at the end and never repeats. A "bag of coins" that taking a slot and ability to discard it seems as controversial mechanics to me. My suggestion is to add a mouse support in menu and game (for a keyboard, I expected ESC key to exit sub-menus like control/credits, as well as for the CANCEL key in the game).

Three'n'itty 1.0.2 has been published.

Бодрый такой платформер. За крафт и наличие в игре даже некоторого сюжета - прям плюс.

Отличный визуал и мультяшная рисовка. Хороший тренажер памяти.) А если начинать игру со сцены с пациентами? Возможно, тогда будет еще более понятна мета игры.

Ведьмак 2d) Выглядит довольно проработанной игрой в плане контента и каких-то технических моментах. Порадовали пасхалки. 

p.s. А я думал это у меня в игре много текста.)

Хорошо обыграли тему джема. Стелс, атмосфера, анимации - отлично!

Веселая игра получилась.) Отличный стиль, рисовка, юмор.

Казуальный визуал) в хорошем смыле. Аркадный залипательный геймплей. На мобилки или веб - самое то.  За столь короткий срок - прям отлично!

Художественно-просветительская игра.) Интересный арт, интересная идея. Звездочки в некоторых местах слишком сложно заметить, им-бы добавить контур или сделать поярче, хотя, м.б. так и было задумано...

На старте джема у меня была схожая идея с прогрессией жизни игрока. Только не ввиде раннера, а в виде дерева выбора событий по типу reigns. Это здорово, что реализовал такую идею!

Понравилась анимация, звуки, смена дня-ночи. Хороший уровень общей проработки геймплея. Не хватает какой-нибудь меты или хотя-бы простеньких квестов.

Все составляющие игры (графика, vfx, звук, геймплей) на хорошем уровне. Очень сбалансированная и целостная игра получилась в этом смысле. 

Понравился общий визуальный стиль, управление, подсказки на стенах - прям плюс, чекпоинты в нужных местах. 

I like the game progression and different warrior types. The game looks quite solid and complete. Well done!

Ого!  Эта работа вполне потянет на дипломный проект.)

Хороший минималистичный визуал и анимации. Оличная фича "поорать" в направлении "загона", эдакий робо-пастух.)

Спасибо! Оставлять числа на пройденных ячейках? Надо подумать.

Это здорово, что прошел игру до конца! Несмотря на то, что всего 8 уровней игра получилась довольно сложной. На уровнях с минами у ГГ слева показывает кол-во мин вокруг него (как в игре Minesweeper).

There is a patch which fixes several issues found in v1.0.0. of the game. If you can't pass through a level or got an error, apply the patch and try again. Get it here: