تم جربت وقيمت لعبتك 👍🏻
Abdullah homsi
Creator of
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جلست يمكن 5 دقايق اضحك لما جربتي لعبتي 😂😂😂😂
يمكن كان المفروض اشرح التحكم بطريقة تفصيليه اكثر، لانه اللعبة مهي صعبه ابدا بس لاحظت في بعض الاشخاص مافهمت التحكم مضبوط
Hold Left mouse: grab
Release left mouse: release
Right mouse: throw the seed
واللاعب ينط على جهة الماوس
مقطع جدا جميل وشكرا على التجربة 🤍
Thank you so much for trying the game, that was a really entertaining video to watch lol.
It's true, the game is very unbalanced unfortunately. I ran out of time and I couldn't test the game properly that's why + this is the first time I see this animation bug.
And the reason why you walk slower when you're in aiming mode, is because originally the camera mode was more like a defense mode, when you're using the camera you can see better and you move a lot faster , but the aiming mode is quite the opposite, so you have to know when it's the right time to switch to aim mode and start shooting because you will vulnerable
I'm definitely releasing a new version fixing the difficulty issue, adding more monsters, adding more power ups like increasing the player speed while aiming and fixing the weird bugs.
Your feedback back was incredibly helpful 🤍.
think you so much for this incredible feedback 🖤,
Before I implemented the lighting system (gets darker when you ring the bell) the game wasn't that scary , and my solution to that problem was adding the system, but I guess you're right.
The system doesn't work really well with the speed of the game.

Are you ready to put your skills to the test? Do you have what it takes to survive 5 rounds in the Village of Shadows? Or will you end up crying about how scary the monsters are? Don't worry, I won't judge you (much). But if you do manage to complete 5 rounds, I'll give you a prize! (Just kidding, there's no prize. But you'll get bragging rights, and isn't that worth more than any physical reward?) So come on, give it a try. We dare you. (Cue evil laughter)
no, but really try my game, its called Village of Shadows and it was made for the scream jam 2022 + 1, I wish you the best time 🖤