that's fast for a snail!
Vandervas Generator
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we all had dreams once. Beautiful beautiful dreams. Naive, innocent children with hopes of a steam release, story modes, updated content pathing. Voice acting. Large beaver whirlpool bosses. But something broke along the way. The machine of capitalism grinds on, and grinds us to dust under its relentless treads.
Glad I managed to complete this - I had a crisis briefly where I thought I was too old and slow to use the mechanic haha. I like the setting and the little lore we know so far, but I think the music loop is a little... relaxed maybe? But you've done some good work so far, hope to see you in Round 3!
Cool concept, hopping around the different notes, digging deeper and deeper! A quality polish you could do is maybe fade the volume of the different note audios to a lower level after a few seconds, some are quite intense to keep listening to while reading the notes. I like that you could come across the notes with hidden meanings in any order, it's only when you follow them the right way that you can be sure you've solved it :)
Had to give up playing after a while but it was what I managed to get through was fun - the little girl character has some great lines! I wish there was journal or list of phrases you've discovered that could be referred back to, to save repeating through the conversation trees over and over. But the core mechanic is great and has a lot of room for interesting developments! Good job <3