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A member registered Jul 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for playing.

The Key Down vs Up is already on my list for the post jam version. Also a rail system for fast travel / selling inside the tunnels. Better / More meaningful Upgrades.

Really glad you liked it!

Another great review. Thanks so much for the time to give me feedback!

All your points are completly valid. As I answered to all of them already in a lot of posts.

I will definitly improve this game after the jam. Thanks again for the feedback!


thanks for the in dept review! Always appriciate that!

It was not my intend for now to have some clicker experience where you get super impactful updates, but I understand that to some there are to unimpactfull. For most the chilling casual experience seemed to work quite well though. But yeah nevertheless some more meaningfull updates would be nicer. Even if they only add a visual / cosmetic change. I would have liked to add a visual pickaxe and the upgrades, would be waaay cooler. But I will add it.

It seems to be the same with the mining game. It is not so much on the flashy skillfull side. More on the flow side. Sit Back hit some buttons and listen to the sound of your pickaxe. :D But I see the potential for improvement too. :)

Yeah the movement. :((( Such an easy fix for such a better experience. Thats life.

Thanks for playing and hopefully enyoing it!


yes the ore deposits get richer in ore. You basically get the amount that shows on the wall with a perfect mining.

Hmm it should be accurate and I did not had the effect you discribed once. So hart to tell. :/ But I think Ill overhaul it a litte, after the jam, so Ill look into it, thanks! That includes your remark on the fail (you are not the first, that would had liked for it to go on. :) )

Thanks for the cool review.

Yeah the movement is my biggest regret. :D Already fixed it and it plays WAAAAAY smoother now.

Yes the upgrades are a little flat. But I did not want to introduce to much extra Stuff in the end thats not polished and potential buggy. They worked and I could polish the game out for the jam. :D

But as I like the game and obviously the core seems to work quite well, based on the reviews I plan to update it. Including better and meaningful upgrades.

Thanks again. :-)


thank you very much for this nice review. I am happy you enjoyed the game that much! I am also quite happy the atmosphere and sound seemed too catched you enough, so you felt the small cosmic horror sense, I was aiming for. :)


thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed it. :)


nice game you made there. The movement was nice and snappy. I liked that you could setup your controls. The music is also very neat - liked the credits. Sound and art is fitting. But it broke the immersion very much that the interaction points were only different ground tiles. And now the combat. I see you put probably the most effort in the combat and its well fleshed out. Also adding this tutorial was great. But to me the combat itself was way to bland with no real strategic choices. Especially in the end it was just a really boring click grind to get the fights done. But setting up a grid and round based strategic combat in the course of this short jam is still a cool feat. The game itself is also well polished.

Thanks for the entry!


thanks for playing!

Yes the movement is quite slow compared to many other entries. To me it feels or felt normal / fitting during development. But I should had opted for continious movement while pressing down, instead of the queue.

The speed of the mining challenge actually increases with each update. The needed presses go down and the speed goes up. originally I had the idea to speed the game up with each success, but it felt to pressury and against the design. But just stopping it after a fail, is a good idea. But I probably will opt for letting the player do all tries and give extra ore for every success and less stamina consumption on a perfect game - or something like that.

In general everything is a bit slower per design. But I understand, it is not everyones cup of tea.

I will add movement speed increases with upgrades and something like a rail system for easier backtracking after the jam. Also it is true that the UI is lacking feedback on low stamina and high load. I am actually not quite sure how I missed that. 😂

It was during all movement, if I remember correctly. So also while pressing forward down.


great little game. I really like the style with pixels on high resolution, so everything is crisp and not flickering. Also that style it super coherent throughout the game. Its really well polished. Nice fitting sound effects and music. The movement feels also really smooth. Yes it is missing “combat” or something similiar, but I feel the dialog system is enough in that regard. The only negativ thing to say here for me is, that it feels rather short and low on content. But is still or maybe because of that a well rounded experience.

Great Job.


a solid entry and I had fun playing it. It felt a bit long at the end, as no new equipment popped up and the leveling got quite slow. I liked the intro and ending with the nice voiceover, the sounds were also quite funny and nice. The UI was, I dont want to say terrible, but it was. Needed to put the screen 5 cm from my face to read the possible party members. :D The walls and environment was to bland for the repetivness of the dungeon. There were nice elements with the portals and the mouth, but for the most part it were the same not so good looking walls. The movement was fluid, but something was off and I cant really put my finger on it. Maybe it always stopped for a frame or so between steps? The leveling felt cool and the choices had impact. The same with the equipment. The auto battling is a good choice too, but the presentation was not for me. I would have liked some small hit animation and numbers flyling of the encounter and party members. That way you can put the encouter large in the middle and also increase the size of the partymembers, get rid of the text and its super clear whats going on. Maybe some small shake or zoom animation on the party members, so you know who was attacking.

But as I said super solid entry. And also gameplaywise very polsihed. Did not had any bug and it played smooth.


thank you very much for your review! I am glad you liked it. Yes the movement needs a bit of finetuning. I was probably to attuned to it after playing it all the time during development. :D

Yes. I would like to polish it up and add more content to it after the jam. The reviews indicate its quite enjoyable and with more meaningful content could be really good.

So thanks again for your input and for playing. :D


really nice and well polished game you got there. The Art and Style are very coherent and fitting. The idea was pretty neat incl the ideas for the changes and it took me a little to beat, but meanly because of the fight at the end (I am not shure if it was necessary to beat it, but I did not wanted to take any chances. :D) There is also my only critic. The fight was not so cool with all the running and this also showed some flaws in the movement with the queueing and snappiness. You would not always stop, when releasing the button but move one more tile, which was annoying during the fight. The length was on the edge for me. As I was killed the first time at the end. And I needed to do it all over after solving it. (Also there was a bug for me, after I got killed I could not leave the room. I needed to restart the game.)

Great entry. Very good work!


thank you very much. 🙃

Yeah the controls seem to be off for some people, it is probably the rather slow movement, the non linear animation and that you move on release and not press. But the queue is only one entry, so stacking it up is not possible. But I think in conjuction with the other parts it might be off. I think I will change the movement to start on press and keep moving while pressed and stopping as soon as its released after the jam. Should make it way smoother.


cool game you made there. I really liked the combat with the strategic component esp. in conjuction with the upgrades. The visuals where fitting. I really liked the signs. The sound and music was a bit on the low end here. And for me at least it was a tit too long - the last part wasnt to much fun anymore for me. And was there something supposed to happen after the portal. The Game just stopped with the congrats and the portal filling the screen. Was a bit anticlimatic. :D A bit more story sourrounding the game would have been nice. But for this the time you put together a well polished game with a really nice amount of content!


I like the style and theme, it felt well rounded. The movement was also very smooth. And the sound pretty nice. But I did not really had much fun playing. I thought about why, and I think, it is mostly because I had the feeling there is no real or maybe well present goal. I did not had the feeling of “Ah ok I need to do this to gain / accomplish that”. I stumbled more through the game than really knowing what I was doing. I hope you get what I mean. There was this initial moment where I thought “Oh cool I am to seek rings” but after that mothing really presented itself to me. I get the mysterious wipe, but it was to mysterious for me. :D Nevertheless well crafted little game. :)


cool game. I like how polished it is with a nice amount of content for three days work. Level Ups, Power Ups, Combat, Cats, Treasure Chests. Nice. Movement is smooth and esp the sounds are quite nice, as you got feedback on everything happening. The idea for the style is really cool, but I do not like the execution with the flickering very much. I think I would have liked a higher rendering resolution more, so that it looks lowres but doesnt have the pixel jumps. Normally the current style works also ok, but with the monochromatic green, its to wild for me. :D



neat little game. It is rather short but well polished and looks quite nice. I liked the easing on the turning and the shader for the phsycedelic effect. Eating the 3 Mushrooms at the beginning were a real fun touch. My only critic would be, that it is rather short with very little content and I dont like walking around mazes that look the same everywhere. Maybe some indication when you are near a collectable would have been nice. Esp. when you looking for fuel or heal.


cool entry. I can see you had fun creating the game. The ideas are really cool with the spaceship moving to the planets grid based and the different themed planets. But I am on the edge here, the first planet was rather cool with some neat interactions. The last two and esp. the last felt just a little bland - nothing to do except move and fetch. Maybe just two planets would have been better for the time frame. Movement esp. in combination with the combat felt not smooth, I think because of the camera turning when you shoot and maybe also because I found the combat too arcade like duck hunting. I also got a bug where the boss fight did not end and I was trapped forever in the star vortex. Which was kinda funny. :D Even if it was not completely my cup of tea, I can see the appeal it could have too many. Esp. if you polish it up and make the combat more engaging.

So, even if it sounded hopefully not to negativ, nice job on that one. :)


thanks for playing the game and hopefully enjoying it a little. The remark on the controls (button press vs release) is rather interesting as you are the second one, who mentioned it and there are other who dont see this as a inconvinience. I also tried both and the implemented way, felt right to me.

Yeah, I will work on the game a bit more as I like it and the feedback is also quite positive. As this was my first online game jam and also the first attempt in this genre it took me a little to get the basics done. Which would be the seemles tunnels you can build as you like and to have it run rather smooth on non gaming hardware even if you build some larger structures.

But the jam is really a great experience esp. because of the great feedback you get. Also playing so many different short games in one genre is really interesting. And I am happy I did it. :)


thank you very much for the review. Yeah the movement is a bit on the slow side. I was thinking about making it faster, but it should feel a little heavy fitting the theme. But I should had probably added movement speed increase to some of the updates. Yeah more content would have been nice for shure. But my focus was first on the polish of the integrated parts and second on additional content. The second felt short. 😂 But to see you would have liked more content is great! As you seemed to have enjoyed it and would have liked to enjoy it more with more content.

Thanks again!

Thank you for trying it out. :)

Yeah, it is a specific loop you like or not. But I found the idea of it in the first person stripped down to the core quite intruiging to create and also too play. It benefits also from the dungeon crawler movement, as it slows the pace.

I also thought about some additional pressure light fading light. But I wanted to keep it simple and let the core game loop live. But as I plan to develop it a little further I might add something on the pressure side to it. :)


I like the premise and the story around the loop is pretty funny. But unfortunatly the loop is to hectic for me or at least to hectic with this dungeon crawler movements and first person view. :D So it was not so too much fun for me. But the style is really fun. Could probably become a nice full fledged game. Cool idea and good work there.


quite nice entry you got there. I liked the strategic touch very much. Avoiding the enemies. Deciding weither to go down or look for more loot. But it is just to much randomness. I came till 7 but the WillEater just eat me up without a chance. No Flowers anywhere. :( And I was really nicely equipped. Also sound for more feedback on the interactions would have improved the experience by a lot for me.

But nevertheless it is just one week and I liked playing it. Would be a game I would play more given more balance. Nice Timekiller. Good Job.


nice Crawler. I liked the fat snappy movement and fast combat, plenty hidden rooms with red orbs. The Style was not so much my cup of tea. The Lighting was also a bit off. And I did not like the turning trap, it killed me. :D (Hope it was a trap and not a bug. ) Or rather the fireball did. But I liked the “Gladiator” Suprise Room.

Nice Entry. :)


that was a really cool experience even if it was rather short lived. But I enjoyed the ride very much. The art was cool, great job there. The story was pretty neat. Lots of text, but well written. Loved the Credits. :D But the End not so much. :P

Even so it s not finished, I tried it as it looked intruiging and liked the old school feel of it. The sound was also quite nice. Even saw the void.


thanks for the thourough review and playthrough. 🙃

I played around with the press vs release on the mining game and to me it felt better that way. But I generally like button releases more for interactions. So I can see your point. I also though about mining by moving, but I did not want to have accidential minings. As they also eat up a bunch of stamina.

Yeah the movement by holding down is totally valid. I probably did not mind because I liked the soothing rythm of hitting that key probably also a couple thousand times during dev. 😂

Movement speed upgrades with the mining cloth and esp. exoskeletton was on my list, but did not make it. The same goes for lighting power, but I felt it could be a little to much. The core should really be about the mining. The first will probably make it in the additional content.

I feel the same with the minimap, as I also think navigating through your own self build tunnels is easier than through someone elses Dungeon. But I understand, that someone would like it and having it as an Upgrade you could buy, would be a good compromise I thinks.

So thanks again for your input! And I am happy you enjoyed it.


cool game. The Enemies with there sound and lighting were my favorite. Also liked the pure keyboard controls. The Gameplay is not fully my cup of tea, but I appreciate the work and it is nicely polished. Well done.


great game. Consistent old school art style and cool sound. The blue room stood out for me. Great design and use of sound. The different classes were fun to. It is very well polished. Only encountered one bug.

Great entry and good job guys. :)


cool consistent art style. But it was way to shaky for me. Still got to the wasps, but there everyone dies. :D Combat is nice too. With a less shaky style I would probably tried a few times. It was well polished and bug free. Good job and cool entry.

Unfortunatly the game was very buggy and seemed to be a debug build. The idea was promising, but the controls were clunky and the movement did not stay in the grid. I got stuck at the 4th or 5th encounter and could not move anymore. And only the first fight really was a little bit strategic.


the aesthetics are quite nice really dig the style and music choice, but the game is unfortunately rather buggy and the combat is also to clunky for me. But I got the skull, so it hold me on the line till the end. :)


neat game. I liked the puzzle room, except that there was a shelf, which I missed the first time. The maze was too straight forward, I think. And the movement could have used one key in a queue so you would walk a little smoother.

But everything is well implemented with neat mechanics.

Cool entry!

Great entry!

The atmosphere was really good. I had like these Half Life wipes. Cool interactions. The Lockpicking is really cool, but felt a tiny bit clunky. I cant really pin it down. Maybe that I had to let go of space to turn the pick. And the Movement felt a little like skating. I think easing would add some weight.

But all in all the controls were really smooth and the interface was great. Never had a problem to understand what to do. Also the sequences were neat, like the barrier touch and the ending.

For you first game, its really awesome.

The mouse thing is only for me personally, I think - As I played it on a laptop on the couch. So dont take it to seriously.

I enjoyed playing it - no wasted time. :)


thanks for the review!

Yeah the “Auto” Moving was in my mind. But I liked the soothing repitivness of clicking the key. And one of the nice to have features in my head was / is a rail system you can build (buy at the shop) to fast travel/open the shop deep in the mine.

I am really glad you enjoyed it. :) I enjoyed building it.

As I thought about it. Maybe some popping numbers for the gained ore and maybe stamina loss would help. And some fading vision with a warning for to low stamina.

But I plan to add visual pickaxes, saving and maybe some type of railsystem (to place shopstations deeper in the mine or fast travel) so you do not need to manually go back again, if you are super deep inside the astroid. And a map to be bought at the shop, that adds a minimap. I think with this it will be a well rounded small game.


thanks for the review! Yeah an indictor or at least a clearer warning, that you die without stamina, would have been good. It only is written in the helptext I think. :) Regarding the Mining. You get always ore. If you are perfect you get the full amount. If not just half, but always at least one. If you venture deeper the ore in one spot ramps up really fast, and with a faster pickaxe your limitation is really only the load and you want the backpack and stuff.

But thanks for all the hints nevertheless. Glad you enjoyed it!