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Your eldritch wife (game jam)View game page

Submitted by Zombiesl8yer38 — 1 day, 36 minutes before the deadline
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Your eldritch wife (game jam)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall fun and playability#1312.2042.429

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Theme incorporation
cosmic horror

possibly solitude as well?

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Yeah this game is to hard for me, cant do it. When timing is of importance the controls needs to be a more snappy and responsive to be able to keep up. I cant do that. It also seems random how the cooking is done, sometimes it places food on the oven and stove differently. Not sure how it is meant to be played. I tried placing food on one of the utilities and bring the other to wife and load up and then bring second, but this seems to be to slow. Was fun to feed though, maybe I should do that more often...


Best wife ever :D Very caring!

So there are few things I didn't quite get right, I guess. When I pick up stuff from the fridge and want to get it to the stove where one food item is already ready - all my raw food gets just replaced by one 'ready' one and I practically miss a chance to start cooking again. Probably should first try to put raw on empty space and only then pick up cooked food.

Those portals... maybe they need to be more obvious. Louder noise maybe? Counter of "portal active" in the top right corner as possibility too.

Movement slow, but I guess its to balance difficulty. Though having to turn (no ability to strafe into) stairs kind of painful! Since turning is slow too! It promotes really awkward way of moving to optimize it.

There is something strange with FOV. We 'face into' the wall, but apliances feel like 1 tile away, for example. And yet they are wide, so its strange first couple of times you try to interact with them.

All in all - great entry. Loved the general idea of feeding hungry wife to safe everyone!


I like the Saya no Uta-esque premise. Having a bit of Cooking Dash/Overcook is nice too. However, I got some issue as well with knowing what did the second bar meant. I thought I had to wait it was well cooked, like a sort of risk and reward, the more you wait, the more fed she is (it didnt work well).

Also be careful to check your texture filters on texture/materials in Godot, this is what gives this sort of square patterns. They bugged me for quite a while on my own games.


honestly i was still learning godot importing when it comes to textures, so its a learning curve for me to figure out how to do stuff like making a unique file so i can customise music, or make textures not look so blurry or broken lol


Well I never made it to the end, but I mostly enjoyed what I played. I saw on the game page that this is unfinished, which is unfortunate because its a nice idea!

The pseudo pixel/low poly art is nice, and the interactions mostly worked but I noticed a couple bugs. Like sometimes a cooking level bar would be left on the stove even after picking up the food.

I did find the game flow in its current state to be a bit too frantic honestly, because there are points where it feels like my character just can't physically move fast enough. I think this could be improved by having the player teleport up/down stairs by moving into them, rather than having to turn and interact.

I also think the audio cues for the black holes need to be more prominent, because I feel like I barely notice them over the sound of the cooking food and just the background ambience.

There's a solid concept in here, it's just buried under some clunk mechanics.

Good work on submitting though, not everyone can say that!


I think I got confused somewhere. 

Ovens and stoves eat the food, make a green bar move, and then....?

I wanted to like it.


that's fair I did forget to add certian context clues felt when food is ready, but only had time to have the food go back up to represent it being done, it going too long means it dissepear


I think I sort of won if I got past the 0 time mark?

I had fun playing the game. The loop works well and the difficulty is right on point, during the first half you get to collect just enough extra energy to spare during the second half where the killing teeth (tentacles?) will force you to play slower, it's a game which gets tenser as you play which is always cool. The silly premise is hilarious, I like it.

This was a cool, original entry, thanks for sharing.


Love the idea, and walking into a kitchen with what felt like giant tile-size appliances was awesome.

Also generally just an interesting idea of gameplay styles to combine. That said I did really struggle keeping ol’ wifey topped up on energy. Good chance I was just bad at it though, or was missing a trick, so can’t hold that against the game.

Nice job.


nah dont worry your not the only one everyone saying it's quite hard, luckily it is beatable someone was able to get the timer to zero,  BUT the ending cut scene doesnt work annoyingly

Also thanks.


The idea of making something like Overcooked in a dungeon crawler is very funny. And the story with the non human wife fits it perfectly. The graphic, sound and movement are all good, but the timer is not forgiving enough.  You can die so easily and closing the holes is difficult, as you have to see them during the hectic gameplay. So, the idea is very nice, but the execution need some more rounds in the oven. But anyways, very interesting entry.


honestly the base theme here is the lack of difficulty tweaking and a couple of bugs that are prominent

Seems I need to learn godot coding better



I like the premise and the story around the loop is pretty funny. But unfortunatly the loop is to hectic for me or at least to hectic with this dungeon crawler movements and first person view. :D So it was not so too much fun for me. But the style is really fun. Could probably become a nice full fledged game. Cool idea and good work there.


This is a fun premise with a solid time management gameplay loop. However, I wasn't able to actually trigger victory? I survived long enough on two playthroughs, but no ending triggered either time (and the game didn't completely reset after the first.)

Playthrough video here:


hmmmm thanks for that, IT should work but i guess i messed up somewhere, glad it is "completeable" then ALSO discovered another problem, there is no indicator if the food is ready... so i messed up on that as well damn

ALSO loved how for a split second u stopped when ya see the wife XD that made me chuckle


Oh, I suppose there's technically not a "proper" indicator, but the bar inverts so it was never hard for me to tell once I noticed that.


yea disnt get a proper indicator done in time that was meant to be a test one XD 


another problem as well is the spores open up way too quick, should slow it down...


I also didn't even really notice the upper-floor spore until I thought to check after a while.


Such a fun premise and an interesting time management concept!

I will say, however, that the food energy depletes a little too fast. Even with 3 food cooking at the same time and a rather quick route upstairs and back, I could never finish the game because the energy drains too fast and you also have to stop to close portals every so often.


RIGHT that is good to know honestly I didnt know what would be the sweet spot as my testing efforts was bug fixes then anything  so I dodnt know how hard it would be, my bad.